Elbit is an Israeli defence electronics company based in Haifa and employing nearly 18 thousand people worldwide. Elbit manufactures digital weapons technology for defence departments around the world, has a branch in Canada, and has worked to improve the tactical technology for Canadian Forces. Canada recently awarded Elbit a contract for remotely piloted drones. The Arabist Judenrein Club aka Palestinian activist coalition aka BDS Vancouver apparently wants 17 thousand people to lose their jobs because the BDS movement does not want Elbit to exist. Somehow the destruction of a business and the livelihood of thousands will free the Palestinian people, according to the Shut Elbit Down Gestapo. Scotiabank gets dragged into the terrorist grievance because it apparently has $500 million shares in Elbit, dwarfing TD and RBC’s considerably smaller shares. Terrorist Twitter had announcements about storming Scotiabank Branches and terrorising the staff and customers by chanting genocidal slogans and reading names from a fake list of casualties that Hamas produced for the western media. Terrorist Telegram posted a lengthy list of rallies and protests planned for across North America — media, ports-docks, key city locations, university campuses, banks, art galleries, all targeted. Among the groups promoting the terrorist rallies in Vancouver on Twitter were Samidoun, BDS Vancouver, and Canada Palestine Association.
This morning whilst doing my Telegram sweep I came across a massive list, complete with links to local instagram sites that have organised the pro Hamas rallies across North America and who regularly pump out pro Hamas propaganda to IG. Each organisation has a cluster of operatives behind it — this investigation will take time and patience. For this missive, I will tell you what I have learned so far about the Canada Palestine Association, which belongs to the Canada BDS Coalition.

Who is behind these protests? Who operates the proxy non profit groups shilling for Hamas and Islamic Jihad and other Judenrein terrorist groups? I began with Canada Palestine Association because it turned up first in my Twitter search. Canada Palestine Association (CPA) belongs to the Canadian BDS Coalition.1 The Canadian BDS Coalition does not belong to the global centralised BDS led by the Palestinian BDS National Coalition (BNC). The BNC lists 5 campaigns in Canada: BDS Québéc, Tadomon, JVP Canada, CJPME, Toronto BDS, Independent Jewish Voices.
Hanna Kawas chairs the CPA and has a radio show called Voices for Palestine, where he interviewed Mohammed Khatib in 2016. You may recall a bloke named Khatib speaking at a rally for the March of the Great Return, in which he said that in order to destroy Israel they will need to destroy the United States and Canada. This is that Khatib — a member of the PFLP, a designated terror group in Canada and many other countries. A few months after that conversation with Kawas, the United States denied Khatib entry, citing his terror ties. Kawas also interviewed Samah Idriss, founder of the precursor to the BDS Movement and close friend to terrorist leaders, in 2014.
Who is Hanna Kawas? A retired store owner, born in Bethlehem, he immigrated to Canada from the Middle East in 1974 after meeting his Canadian wife in Beirut. He works now as a broadcaster and pro Palestinian activist. Co-op Radio in Vancouver provides a space for his show.
In 2002 Kawas wrote a letter to the then Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien to express his outrage at the designation of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Islamic Jihad as terror organisations. The Canadian government’s announcement to ban the Palestinian groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and the Lebanese group Hizbollah, as “terrorist groups” is ill advised, biased and outrageous, wrote Kawas.
Kawas complained about the CBC decision to apologize for saying Palestine instead of Palestinian Territories — you can read the Ombudsman response here. Kawas appeared on a Laith Marouf anti-Israel panel in 2022. In 2022 when Vancouver City Council adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism, Kawas lamented this tells the Palestinians that our voices are not valued. Kawas organised a rally to celebrate the Hamas attacks as resistance fighting, and he expressed no apology for celebrating Palestinian activism (which looks and sounds like Judenrein) in the immediate aftermath of the worst pogrom of Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust, committed by a group Kawas himself did not agree should receive a terrorist designation. Here’s a excerpt from The Maple:
The crowd cheered at statements by organizer Hanna Kawas, who said that the demonstration celebrated not death, but life and freedom. Kawas, chairperson of the Canada Palestine Association, told The Maple the turnout came despite fear mongering that pushed a narrative to the contrary.
“[This is] an answer to all those who tried to shut down our voices, from Olivia Chow to all the others,” said Kawas. “Even the police got into it; they tried to shut our voice.”
He said that political leaders have pushed narratives that conflate anti-Zionism — opposition to Israel’s founding ideology — with antisemitism, which he said itself fuels antisemitism.
“If all the evils of Israel and Zionism are attributed to the Jewish people, you’re going to increase antisemitism,” Kawas explained.
“They’re trying to show that we are the aggressors, [when] we’ve been the victims for 75 years. I was born with the Nakba; I’m still waiting to go back,” he added, referring to Israel’s ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948. “Canada for the last 10 years votes against me going back to Palestine.”
Kawas said major news outlets covering the current escalation of the conflict have served to reinforce the status quo, noting that CBC’s official guidelines prohibit the use of the word “Palestine.”
“I’m Palestinian,” said Kawas. “I’m from Palestine.” (The Maple, 11/10/2023)
The fact of the matter for Kawas and his Judenrein fraternity remains the following — that Arab leaders have caused the mass exodus of their own people — back in 1948 and now in 2023. The other fact of the matter that Kawas and other anti semitic activists never tell the west is that Arabs ethnically cleansed 900,000 Jews from their countries — many found refuge in Canada and the United States and Israel. No Jews expelled from their homes in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s seeks to return to the home they lost. There are no multiple generation refugees in the Jewish world, because the Jews take care of their people.
The selfish and psychotic and narcissistic leadership style of IslamoNazi Judenrein Palestinian leaders has cost the Palestinian people much suffering and hardship. Hamas has chosen to use water pipes to make rockets. Hamas has chosen to build elaborate tunnels for its operators and leaders to skulk around underneath Gaza. Hamas has chosen to store munitions underground. Hamas has chosen to violate the Geneva Convention by using hospitals as centres of war.
Moving on.
In 2021 Kawas taught a course on Asian Labour Solidarity for the SFU Labour Studies Department. Here’s the course description:
Given the COVID-19 pandemic, rise in white supremacy, and the current political climate we are in, there is an immediate need for Asian workers to come together in a multi-racial struggle towards liberatory justice. What are Asian workers doing to organize their workplaces and the broader labour movement? How does class, race, and gender affect Asian workers organizing in settler-colonial states, and not just Canada? How do we build an intra-Asian coalition locally and globally as we fight for justice in the landscape we’re currently in? Join us in conversation as we explore these questions, featuring leaders advancing justice in BC’s labour movement and beyond.
Did anyone tell Reah Arora, Harinder Mahil, Julie Diesta, and Hanna Kawas that Israel is an Asian country and therefore Israelis count as Asian? How does Israel being a Asian country figure into settler-colonial narrative? It’s interesting how Kawas et al conveniently ignore the fact that Arabs colonised the entire Middle East and some of Europe, and that they ethnically cleansed the Yazidis, the Kurds, the Zoroastrians, the Armenians and the Jews from the lands they conquered.
In 2014 Kawas commented this in response to a story about Sana Hassainia: Ms. Hassainia stands for principles, humanity and on the side of justice; regrettably the NDP leadership and all those supporting them, either actively or with their silence, will vanish into the dustbin of history. Apparently Kawas agreed with Ms Hassainia who said that she didn’t think that Israel should have the right to defend itself against Hamas. The NDP removed her from Caucus because of her refusal to accept the existence of Israel. In 2017 Kawas’s wife wrote a propaganda hit piece about the “pro Israeli lobby” and the move by Canada to denounce BDS.
In 2022 Kawas spoke at the Vancouver March For Return and Liberation. The Immigrant to Canada, by his own definition a settler on stolen land, delivered a powerful speech on the long-term role of Canadian imperialism in supporting Zionism, noting that many of the same Canadian right-wing forces who denied entry to Canada for Jewish refugees fleeing Nazism were dedicated advocates of Zionist colonization. He linked the struggle for indigenous liberation on this land to the struggle for Palestinian liberation, emphasizing the urgent need to hold Canadian officials accountable for their hostile position toward Palestine. Interestingly for the Palestinian nationalist fascists, the father of Palestinian nationalism, Hajj Amin Al-Husayni, also asked the international community to refuse entry to Jews fleeing Nazi Europe. Al-Husayni contributed to the extermination of Jews through his instigation of pogroms like the Arab Riots of the 1920s, the Hebron massacre, and the Farhud in Iraq. The Nazi Mufti wrote to heads of state asking them to refuse Jews, he convinced the Brits to block Jewish immigration to Palestine.
I could go on and I don’t need to, I think you get the point, reader. The point being that deep and abiding hatred of Jews, not concern for the Palestinian people, drives Palestinian activism in Canada. Pro Palestinian means Judenrein and Judenfrie. From the River to the Sea Palestine Will Be Free calls for the slaughter of all Jews and designated foreigners — free means literally free from non Muslims.
Hamas imagines this conquest of cleansing Jews from the land as happening in the tradition of Muhammad himself. The supposed most perfect human brutally attacked and genocided the Jewish tribes in Arabia because they refused to let him control their society and they refused to submit to his new cult. Muhammad ruled it acceptable to kill the men and kidnap the women and children and rape the women and make them part of the haram. Saffiyah Huyyah became one of Muhammad’s wives like this — he tortured and killed her father and husband just after her wedding and he raped her and forced her to convert from Judaism and then he forced her to marry him. He forbade her to marry even after his death and she remained lonely and childless and isolated and had a terrible sad life because the narcissistic psychopath who had visions and voices in his head telling him whack stuff believed that g-d gave him a mission to kill and torture and behead and rape entire societies for peace and goodness.
So, in short, Canada Palestine Association and Hanna Kawas support armed resistance to Israel, they support the goal of Hamas — to eliminate Israel, and ultimately, to eliminate western imperialism. That means they support the destruction of Canada and the United States and Europe.
The conversation we need to have about dangerous imperialism involves Arab imperialism and Islamic imperialism. Western Christian societies have had our reckoning and our growing up period, we have dismantled the religious tyrants, we have dismantled the empire and made it into a commonwealth. The late Queen (QEII) brought peace to Northern Ireland whilst the King of Arabia promoted war and extremism. The Vatican, ie the Catholic Church operates schools through its local dioceses that many western Muslims have sent their children to for education purposes.
AntiSemitic Muslims seek refuge from the west and yet they say they want to destroy the west that has welcomed and nourished them. That can only be narcissism, not godcentrism. The two worlds are not equivalent, cultures are not relative, multiculturalism meets its limit at Islamic culture — the violent and narcissistic culture of Islam simply cannot be welcomed or accommodated anymore than The Borg could be in the United Federation world of Star Trek. Islam is like The Borg. If you don’t know how the Federation handled The Borg, you ought to go watch and find out. Freedom costs in human terms and that cost is always ugly —giving birth is bloody and difficult and unglamorous. And it fcuking hurts to give birth. We are giving birth.
Samidoun, which I wrote about here, also belongs to the Canadian BDS Coalition.