Raising Narcissists
what if gender affirming care is a form of parentification, and as such, is abusive?
How do we raise narcissists?
We teach them they can have anything they want + we never say no to them + we never set limits + we give them participation trophies for everything they do + teach them about entitlement + we never teach them about responsibility + discipline or devotion or disappointments — we reverse roles and let them lead + we call it progressive + modern-day parenting to affirming them without question + require them to establish structure (this is called parentification, see below)
We teach them disagreement + disappointment is hateful or bad
We teach them discomfort is bad + a thing they need to fix with external remedies
We teach them to look for offense + live in it + wear it like a badge
We teach them what to think not how to think
We teach them they are victims + everyone hates them + wants to kill them
We teach them that their victimhood entitles them to abuse those around them + that their parents are oppressors out to get them
We teach them that aggression, abuse + violence are acceptable strategies for engaging conflict resolution + also certain people we designate as unworthy
We teach them to see the world of humans through the lens of saint/sinner or oppressed/oppressors — labels and concepts such as racist, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, terf, whiteness, toxic masculinity are a few highlights of the dehumanization nomenclature of the Social Justice Warrior Cult. The Gender Affirmation Cult has its own language + culture + politick meriting a separate essay
We teach them to engage the world around them through judgement + fear + shame, we affix a rigid + manichaean + cartesian lens to their eyes — spiritually1 lobotomising them
Woke Culture :: are we raising narcissists?
🚨Wokeness + Social Justice + CRT Anti-Racism cultivate a hive mind of Woke Borgs who exhibit narcissistic + anti-social behaviour. 🚨
In the English language the suffix -ification refers to the process of becoming. Parentification describes the process of role reversal between a parent and a child—this forces children to accept adult responsibility before they have the developmental capacity to engage + execute + carry it. It’s a form of emotional deprivation to place the child in an adult role + to require them to make parental decisions + define their own limits.
Parentification = abdication of parental duty.
Gender Affirming Care = demanding that parents abdicate their parental duty to set limits and teach their children about the confines of the physical world they live in.
🌺Kids will be whatever they think their parents need them to be in order to win the love + attention they need to feel stable + secure in the family. For a child, safety comes from the attachment with his or her parent. When the kid realises that taking on a decision-making or responsibility role will make their parents love them more or better, they will take on that role, with no thought to their developmental capacity. A kid will set herself on fire if she thinks it’s the only way to keep her parents warm — she needs the attachment to survive + will do anything to keep it going.🌺
What if we could see Gender Affirming Care as form of parentification rather than a parental practise promoting child well-being?
What if the cardiac surgeon + her OR team gave you the surgical tools and told you to give yourself the bypass grafting surgery you needed to receive in order to stay alive? Would you feel affirmed by that? Would you see this as primary care that you can trust to keep you safe and alive? Gender Affirming Care is like this.
Who on earth thinks this is compassionate + child-centred to demand that child lead + to rupture their most important relationship? Can I check the hard drive of those who think this is a good policy and approach to child education? Because this is really the education profession + the system it created driving this bus of distortion and death worship toward crimes of humanity.

“Gender identity is a personal feeling, and a child or young person will be the best person to know what matches how they feel. Children and young people can also question or feel unsure about their gender identity, or find that their gender identity changes over time.”2
According to the UK National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, children know best what their gender identity is and they also might be unsure about it because it maybe might change so then it could be fluid but remember it might be fixed + anyway children change how they express their gender identity over time, ie as they grow + develop, but parents should always take their word about their identity for gospel truth + never question it + always affirm it, even when the child is unsure, always affirm, never set limits or challenge them.
Wow, that all sounds entirely ridiculous! That sh1t would make me want to take my school aged kids into hiding and not let them anywhere near the child care or education industry. Thank goodness my kids are grown up + can fend for themselves against Woko Haram Psyops or are impervious to its reach.
Basically Gender Identity gives complete control to the child over how the entire world perceives that child, to the extent of changing the child’s name + sex marker + forcing even parents + siblings + grandparents + family to capitulate to these demands, which can change over time. Oh + it’s Conversion Therapy3 to even question the child, ie challenge their grasp of physical material reality in their self perception — a parent telling their son “you are boy not a girl and that’s okay” or telling their daughter “you are a girl not a boy and that’s okay” has committed abuse, the sin of Conversion Therapy according to the Gender Affirmation Gestapo and the law in Canada now too.
Can you not see the distortion + problematic nature of a child care approach that places all the control + responsibility + burden of leadership onto that child?
Conversion Therapy is when we torture same sex-attracted people to traumatize them out of their same sex attraction, not when we tell a child their reproductive class is immutable + won’t change no matter what the teacher said about red + blue crayons + no matter what pronoun or new identity the teacher groomed them into to feel better about who they are.
The Newly Planted Do Not Bear Fruit
The world child describes a novice human — a child is a neophyte human, from the Greek meaning newly planted. The newly planted do not bear fruit. The newly planted do not possess the vegetation to bear fruit. The newly planted have only just germinated! How can a newly germinated Roma Tomato seedling bear Beefsteak tomatoes? Or any tomatoes?? No matter what fertilisers you feed that Roma Tomato plant, it will never give you Beefsteak Tomatoes, bae. It won’t give you any tomatoes till it’s ready + they will be Roma. Roma gives you Roma not Beefsteak + you can cope, huny if it don’t please you! Meaning—accept physical reality you cannot change.
How much of a role does projection play in gender affirmation parenting + education? How many teachers have baggage about their childhood + parents they are carrying into their professional lives? How many teachers are looking for children to become currency in their identity war, which is an accumulation of projected trauma + stress responses that got weaponised? Yes it is a perpetual war when your entire self-belief and self-worth as a human being hinges on having others perceive you in a certain narrow way that contradicts material reality + hardwired knowing. What drives Gender Affirming Care in the world of educating the educators? Why are we handing our kids over to people with lots of baggage onboard who are unable to carry that baggage + need to make our kids carry it for them + are calling this SOGI?
Do you know that none of this Gender Affirming-Gender Identity LGBTQ++ stuff would make kids more tolerant towards or understanding of or loving or merciful toward my late gay brother who had died of end-stage HIV and also a fcuking truckload of trauma onboard and was likely an Aspergian with ADHD?
How many parents of trans kids have found a way to vicariously live out their secret desire to have their child be the opposite sex? How many parents of trans kids have, in the decision to trans their kid, implemented a latent and secret innate disgust4 they have that their kid might be gay? How many parents of trans kids have led their children onto this path by inviting them to a self image in which they get to choose their reproductive class, as Rose did? Only this misleads kids, because humans are not sequential hermaphrodites, we cannot choose our reproductive class, we cannot change it + we cannot change our sexual orientation.
What if parents just said no you cannot be the opposite sex? What if parents promoted body positivity, and helped their kid love the body s/he lives in? Why doesn’t society want kids to feel at home in their own bodies? Why are we creating an identity around a perpetual innate feeling of disconnect from one’s own body + sexuality? Why are we teaching children their healthy body parts are a menace they need to remove or they will die? Inflicting this extreme form of dualism onto kids on a mass industrial scale serves what child development purpose, exactly? Oh right, it doesn’t.
What if the fear-based rhetoric that evokes the morally loaded word genocide in the coercive control of shunting children toward a sex reassignment treatment modality is actually a projection? As in a projected confession? Sometimes accusations are confessions — in particular when malignant narcissists make them.
🚨{{Gender Affirming Care of kids serves the adults not the kids}}🚨
Kids need their parents to set limits in order to feel + be safe + secure!
‘Trans kid’ is a seemingly harmless euphemism which refers to a child who has undergone sex reassignment and therefore has signed onto a life long medical treatment that includes stunted brain + skeletal + metabolic growth, truncated sexual function, and no reproductive capacity, in addition to experimental genital mutilation surgical procedures.
Myths of Gender Identity Theory
Myth One :: A girl trapped inside a boy’s body or boy trapped inside a girl’s body — what the fcuk does this even mean? How do we measure this phenomenon in children? We can measure the ejection fraction of a human heart, we have that level of precision technology in clinical science. So, this notion that a human being is an entity stuck inside another entity and that these two entities oppose one another + yet co-exist in one physiologic space + that we have no concrete means to measure this event — that’s a huge stinky load of horsesh1t and you can get your wheelbarrow + come + get your horsesh1t back please, cuz I don’t want it.
Myth Two :: There are more than two genders — there’s boy, girl, + not-boy-or-girl apparently. Okay, that’s still two categories. What does it mean to be neither a boy nor girl? That doesn’t make sense. Everyone is either or — feelings aren’t facts. A feeling does not define a state of existence, a feeling defines the individual’s reaction to their state of existence in the moment. We do not require awareness of our feelings or existence in order to exist. People in a persistent vegetative state exist despite their inability to perceive it and communicate that perception to the wider world.
Myth Three :: We are harming the child when we refuse to affirm their gender identity — okay, how does harm come to the child when the parent or other responsible adults decide against affirming an identity of the opposite sex? How does refusing to affirm a cognitive distortion that leads to harm + how does refusing to affirm a fixed delusion cause harm to the child? How is the child harmed by a limit of reality being set upon them? How is the child harmed by learning that s/he cannot control how others perceive her/him? How is teaching a child that his/her entire existence hinges upon others’ perception of him/her promoting resilience and wellness and capacity building? How is a child harmed by being shown that people will misunderstand him or her and that s/he will be okay when this happens? Why is resilience such a threat to the Cult of Gender Affirming Care?
Myth Four :: being gay is the same as being queer and it’s an identity — this is Ayatollah horsesh1t. This is deeply homophobic to suggest that gender bending is the same as being same sex-attracted. Queer is the nomenclature of straight people who felt uncomfortable around the same-sex attracted. It is a word created to dehumanise and other. It is a loaded word that implies boundary + safeguard violations. Many gay men have been beaten to within inches of their lives for being Queer. Straight people who wish to break free from the chains of gender ought not to do so at the expense of gay people who have worked hard to stay alive in the face of hatred. Uganda has just criminalised homosexuality and straight people in North American + UK who hate their reproductive class are feeling threatened because we won’t let them violate sex-based rights? Phfffffft. How about nah?
Remember why Alan Turing died and then ask yourself why on earth you consider the thing that drove him to his death to be a life saving prophylaxis that guards against suicidal ideation? The burden of proof is on the Gender Affirming Cult to prove their baseless claims. What if we stopped reacting to horsesh1t claims and asked intelligent questions to draw out the inherent contradictions in this body of work Gender Identity Cultists promote? So far the cultists seem unable to make their case and have had to resort to the assistance of Twitter + internet censorship, violent lynch mobs + death threats such as Posie Parker faced down under, physical abuse + rape + domestic violence + homicidal ideation + McCarthyism, kidnapping5 + extortion + violent abuse such as Riley Gaines faced recently at SFSU.
Substack Notes has gone live and it is most delightful! Please get the Substack app and join me there for intellectually stimulating connection that is free from mantrums, disturbing post-operative photographs of minors none of us wants to see, and just the general deliberate amygdala-dominant ugliness ego-driven people try to inject into our eyes for their dopamine hits and ego masturbation.
I would like to connect with you, you who are reading this + who have been reading all along. I would like to connect with those whom I read. I would like to return to prefrontal cortex driven engagement + move away from amygdala driven interaction. I would like to respond to genuine + thoughtful ideas and not react to mindless insincere stupidity. Substack Notes feels like the library study group room and Twitter feels like the resource class where the low achievers cluster and share notes about what to do during recess and who to exclude during lunch break.
When I use the word spiritual I ALWAYS mean relationship with oneself, that is my framework’s conceptualisation or defining of “Spiritual” and it has nothing to do with any religious dogma, only connection with + relationship to self because in my estimation the relationship + connection with the self is the portal + lens + vehicle through which we experience the world around us, including other humans, and including God form those who believe.
This is patently false and violates every known fact about human development and child growth and learning and social development — it is as scientifically sound as Lysenkosim was in the Stalinist regime — not at all!
Um, no. Conversion Therapy is when we torture same sex-attracted people to traumatize them out of their same sex attraction, not when we tell a child their reproductive class is immutable and won’t change no matter what the teacher said or what pronoun or new identity they choose.
Disgust used here in the evolutionary psychology contextual sense
Riley Gaines being held against her will + asked for money to secure her release meets the definition of kidnapping + extortion in my reality
Beautifully written, 100% accurate, thank you!
One additional:
11. By example.
Have you read the forums for parents with trans kids? Whole lotta narcos there. And I'm talking about the ones for the parents who are resisting the trans mafia as well.
It makes me want to ask Blanchard what he thinks about it, since some of those parents seem like perfect prototypical AGP-moms, but I have to read more of his stuff first so's not to ask a stupid question.