Jake Pyne + Nick Mulé (of the Canadian Association of Social Work) have decided sex-based rights, which they refer to as restrictive1, are sexist, racist, cisnormative + heteronormative, and harmful to all people. Jake + Nick wrote a Joint Statement, in which they promote the racist idea that definitive + distinct sex roles originated from European culture, implying that non European cultures did not have any concept of reproductive roles prior to encountering European explorers. As a woman of South Asian origin who is a Muslim, I find this deeply insulting and culturally chauvinistic. Ancient Sanskrit texts indicate that Hindu society had a knowledge of reproduction — this is widely accepted by historians. In Arabic culture, the Quran itself, dated 7th century, refers to male and female. Around the world, overwhelming evidence exists that humans accept (and have done for a long time) that they are sexually dimorphic and anisogamic creatures without the capacity for sequential hermaphroditism.

Only now America has decided sex isn’t real.
Yes, the same America who still uses imperial measurement, the same America who does not have maternity leave, the same America who does not have universal healthcare, the same America who thinks burlesque male dancers are a greater danger to kids than guns—which are the leader killer of kids in America, the same American who thought Gitmo was a great way to preserve American freedom and which cannot seem to part with that human rights disaster. Yes, America is just not that bright. Meet Uncle Sam, the big dumb goon, loud + obnoxious, who does not know his own strength, who has no clue about anything and feels prophetically certain about his utterly misinformed takes on the world and on humanity and on human nature.
Naturally Canada, the annoying little brother, needs to do everything America does, including hate women and children. You obviously hate women when you engage of sex denialism. And yes, you clearly hate children if you want to lock them into childhood physiology for life. That is what puberty suppression does—it locks children into their present physiologic state, it stunts their physical growth and cognitive development. Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Susan Bradley, leading pioneer in pediatric gender medicine and chair of the DSM-IV Subcommittee on Gender Disorders, regrets ever using puberty suppression as a treatment and believes the vast majority of children she treatment were high functioning autistic kids. You can listen to Gender: A Wider Lens interview Susan Bradley about her clinical experience in pediatric gender medicine.
So, let’s get back to Jake + Nick and their Statement on the Affirmation of Gender Diverse Children + Youth. The Profession of Social Work in Canada endorses and promotes puberty suppression in gender-diverse kids. Page 8 of the CASW code of ethics states that social workers demonstrate due care for client's interests and safety by limiting professional practice to areas of demonstrated competence.
Did I miss the part where Social Workers have become experts in pediatric endocrinology + reproductive + sexual health? Because puberty suppression of children seems waaaay beyond the scope of practise of a social worker. Does this annoying detail about professional scope of practise matter anymore, in the Age of Woke? When you consider that Wokeism means subversion of traditional normative boundaries and attachment roles, them it makes sense to witness this repressive tolerance. Said Viner, principal investigator in the 2011 GIDS study on early intervention puberty suppression, in an interview, if you suppress puberty for three years the bones do not get any stronger at a time when they should be, and we really don't know what suppressing puberty does to your brain development. We are dealing with unknowns.2
The evidence has begun to provide pediatric gender clinicians with the long term impact of puberty suppression in kids — it does not provide relief, and in fact has harmful irreversible side effects. Puberty suppression does not affirm children, and normal sexual development does not irreversibly harm children. Finland, the UK, and Sweden have reviewed the evidence regarding puberty suppression for treatment of gender confused children and as a result have restricted their pediatric medicine programs and the administration of GnRH agonists.
Puberty is a human right and no profession should be advocating for its suppression and furthermore, we should stop presenting puberty suppression as a viable and reversible option for children or their parents. Lupron is not authorised for suppression of puberty in children with gender dysphoria in Canada or anywhere in the world, it never has been and it never will be — the evidence does not exist to support it’s use. Puberty suppression is an experimental treatment with serious irreversible side effects, the full extent of which remain unknown.
Below is my Lupron Primer—a history of it’s discovery and treatment use, and what it does to the brain and endocrine system. Lupron mimics an endogenous hormone and is 20 times than that hormone. Patients receive a monthly IM injection of this hormone analogue and the effect is that the pituitary gland stops signaling the sex organs to produce sex hormone. The problem with this for an adolescent experiencing puberty is that puberty is an important developmental time for brain growth and functional restructuring. The amygdala experiences a temporally sensitive growth period which includes synaptic pruning. Puberty suppression denies a child this important brain growth and development. How could this possibly affirm any child?