Wrestling Over Pride While Gay Men Die
banning gay conservatives from their movement doesn’t serve gay rights
In addition, on 1 February a court in Ibb in southern Yemen handed down death sentences against 13 students and flogging sentences to three others on charges of “spreading homosexuality.” — February 9, 2024 Amnesty International Press Release

“It's really quite simple: if you are a political party or politician, and want to come to our Pride parades, don't push homophobic and transphobic policies.
It's a low bar.” — Fae Johnstone
Apparently women’s and children’s constitutional rights are transphobic and homophobic, according to, the Queer Elitists. Apparently it’s not good enough that gay people have equality, we must deny women reproductive autonomy in order to accommodate men who want to be treated like women, the other male sexual minority. Women oppress men who identify as women because we are female, seems to be the reasoning. How does this have anything to do with decriminalising same sex attraction, or legalising gay marriage? Gay men are in danger in parts of the world, however, apparently that’s unimportant to the Queer Momentum in Canada, which has targeted conservatives and wants to create an apartheid society where Sex Denialism dominates, and only cares about visible minorities to attack and undermine Eurocentric people and subvert western social order.
Ottawa-based Fae Johnstone thinks it’s reasonable to ban from Alberta Pride anyone who supports the reasonable measures proposed by Danielle Smith and backed by the Cass Review, including gay and trans people who were consulted by Smith and who support her proposals. In a move that’s tantamount to bullying, a consortium of Gender Affirmationist organizations, including a group calling themselves Queer in Alberta Safety Net (QASN), decided to employ the strategy of imposing social isolation on gay conservatives to force the premier to reverse a policy that over three-quarters of Canadians support, and for which Albertans voted in a free and fair election. The policy entails:
No body modification surgery or hormones for minors.
Restricting female sport to female people, i.e. banning males from female sport.
Requiring parental notification and involvement for social transitioning, a therapeutic intervention that’s beyond a teacher’s professional scope.
Making sex education opt in, not mandatory.
Anyone who endorses these policy changes, supported by UK’s The Cass Report, cannot attend Alberta Pride this season because the radicals at QASM are mad about reasonable evidence-based safeguards for women and children and families. Led by a bloke named Will Conner, QASM takes up the mantle for males denied entry by private business to female areas. “Until trans folk can move throughout the province with the same expectation of safety and dignity as any other citizen, we’ll continue to champion their cause,” says Conner, in response to a La Senza decision to deny a male identifying as a woman entry to changing rooms. This radical Sex Denialism group has banned reasonable people from Pride. Why can’t Will Connor’s group lobby for dressing rooms for the mixed sex crowd instead of for destroying women’s rights?
Why should women and children and families have to sacrifice their constitutional rights to give Will Conner’s Queer gang free reign over all? Sex Denialism creates an unsafe and violent society for female people, because it demands that everyone pretend men who feel feminine don’t have the biological advantage of having achieved male sexual maturity and that predators won’t exploit the loophole to gain access to women and children.
Did I mention that, whilst Will Conner and Janis Irwin and Fae Johnstone wage a public war over Pride and kick out gay people with different political views from their own very radical outdated views, gay men in the Islamic Middle East are being trapped and tortured and raped by morality police and imprisoned and sometimes executed by the state? The president of Burundi wants to stone gay people to death. Currently same sex acts carry a criminal penalty of up to two years. In March 24 people were criminally charged for homosexual practises in Burundi.
Gay men are in REAL danger physical. The radicals at QASN have conflated queer entitlement with gay rights. Gay rights isn’t an entitlement that says my identity demands I be allowed to violate women’s reproductive freedom to have intimate spaces free from men. It’s not the entitlement that says girls and women are validation tokens for men. Gay rights is gay men can make dates on Grindr without morality police trapping them, they can be obviously gay (as in the effeminate gay man trope) in public without being arrested. Gay rights is a gay man doesn’t have to go to jail or die. Gay rights is not I can influence other people’s children because I want to act out my own origin story. It’s not any of this Gender Affirmation stuff.
Please restore sanity to the Pride Movement.
Thanks for the piece, it can’t be said enough: gay freedom is the right to live free from harassment, imprisonment, or death for associating with people you wish to in ways you mutually enjoy; the freedom to enjoy all rights and privileges that all free people have.
It has nothing to do with anything else, not removing the rights and privileges of others, not imposing authoritarian limitations on speech, not redefining biology, sex, or grammar.
I, a male lived as a woman for over forty years. During that time I thought myself very passable.
I was working for a company in Dubai (yes, as a woman) and was sent to Tehran to help close a deal there.
About two weeks into my stay, a man rushed into our office and ushered us out into the street.
A group of people , about fifty in number all stood at the building next door that was under construction.
I assumed it was some ceremony to celebrate the new building being completed.
But instead, it was to watch a gay man being thrown off the roof of that building.
Once his body hit the pavement with a loud splat, some in the crowd started throwing pieces of concrete at him.
You know, to show him their displeasure with his gayness.
I spent the remaining three days of my stay there, sleepless and fearing I was next.
And it wasn't just the Persians that hate queers. It was the Pakistanis, the Lebanese and every Saudi I ever met.
Because unlike Christianity, who now believe their Bible is a series of short stories written by unknown people, the Muslims ,mostly all believe their Quran is actually the word of God. This not so subtitle difference is why they will throw queers off roofs, and Christians turn the other cheek.
So kids, if you want to Cosplay global Islamic domination, go ahead.
The reality of Middle East politics and religion is much much different than just putting on a cheap scarf and chanting kill the jews.
But this kind of alliance to one side of this Cosplay game you have joined will get you killed.
Rene Jax