True Statements Cannot Be Hate
YWCA Teaches Civil Illiteracy + Fragility Instead of Knowledge + Triumph
“Our feminism is trans inclusive. We stand with trans people and work to fight anti-trans hate, discrimination and gender-based violence.”—YWCA Canada
Feminism: the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. (Oxford Definition)
Block Hate, a report on online hate by YWCA Canada quotes a focus group participant as stating simply existing online as a woman, trans or gender diverse person is seen as an invitation to hate.” Others revealed that their gender, gender expression, gender identity or perceived gender … make them a focus of hate online.
Let’s back up a bit and focus on how the YWCA Block Hate Youth Focus Group defined hate. In focus groups conducted by YWCA Canada, youth participants defined online hate speech as “the use of information and communications technology (ICT)” to spread “any sort of rhetoric or comment that targets and vilifies specific identities and individuals”, as a means “to embarrass, to exclude, to threaten, to shame, [and] to humiliate”.
Okay, I could define hate as the use of information and communication technology to spread any sort rhetoric or comment that targets and vilifies Muslims. Or I could say it’s the use of information and communication technology to spread any sort rhetoric or comment that targets and vilifies Covid restrictions.1 Or I could define hate as the use of information and communication technology to spread any sort rhetoric or comment that targets and vilifies the residential school genocide narrative. None of these definitions meets the rigour of the Criminal Code definition of Hate Crime. To qualify as a Hate Crime the expression must be made in bad faith willfully with an intent to promote death or physical destruction of a protected group. Embarrassment, exclusion, humiliation do not meet the threshold for hatred as a crime.
So, what the heck does the YWCA hope to accomplish by promoting a subjective and authoritarian definition and conception of hate? How does YWCA Canada hope to promote the safety and mental wellness of youth by teaching the concepts that promote the idea of hatred as contradiction, as assholery, and trolling? How can YWCA Canada teach and promote inclusion and safety when they do not teach civil literacy, and when they actively promote programming that distorts human rights, that creates a false sense of insularity and then defines that contrived insularity as a human right and defines attempts to question or challenge or reject that insularity as hateful? What hope do youth have for stable mental wellness and a life build around resilience and capacity building and thriving when everyone around them puts them in a bubble and tells them the whole world hates them wants to destroy them when they step outside that identity bubble?
Humans grow stronger by learning to overcome resistance. Eliminating friction slows momentum. Living is an act of resistance, how can we learn if no one will ever teach us how to overcome resistance in life? This ridiculous word transphobia has come to mean simply a way to gaslight people, mainly women and parents, about the limits of their physical reality. Women wanting sports teams is transphobic, women wanting rape shelters that exclude males is transphobic, women taking about their reproductive cycles and health is transphobic, motherhood is transphobic, human reproductive is transphobic, parents wanting to teach their kids how to live in and love their bodies without modification are transphobic.
Trans seems to mean erosion of boundaries that others have set which you feel bad about. Trans seems to mean I want what you have you make me feel bad about myself. Trans seems to mean I hate women I want to silence them and exclude them from public life. Trans seems to mean I will steal your children from you watch me. Trans seems to mean the end of all convention and attachment relationships we value. Trans seems sexist. Trans seems homophobic. Trans seems misanthropic. Gender necessarily means Sex Denialism.
The statement trans women are women denies the reality of sex, i.e. reproductive class. It states that men who identify as women are women. It states that men are women when they say they are. It says men get to restrict women’s rights when they feel like it. There is no possibility of gender justice or a feminist future without upholding the rights of trans and gender diverse people, including the right to lifesaving gender-affirming care, states YWCA Canada. Through that statement the YWCA tells women that they cannot have any future or feminist justice as long as they exclude men. Without including men and letting them overrun our spaces and objectify our bodies and become us, men cannot live, this statement says.
We unequivocally condemn transphobic hate and bigotry, the bold YWCA statement ends. The YWCA tells women it unequivocally condemns the exclusion of men from womanhood as an act of bigotry. Transphobic in this context means disagreeing that men with a feminine gender expression are women. Well, if I am transphobic for refusing to accept a man with a feminine gender expression as a woman, the then than man with a feminine gender expression who wants me to accept him as a women is islamophobic for forcing me to accept something that violates my religious belief. He is also sexist for forcing a violating of my sex-based rights — to be forced to call a man a woman on pain of punishment as a bigot violates my sex based rights.
So, the YWCA says I am transphobic or anti trans. I say the YWCA sexist or anti-woman. I could also say the YWCA is anti-Muslim.
Our feminism is trans inclusive. We stand with trans people and work to fight anti-trans hate, discrimination and gender-based violence, announces the YWCA in a tweet. The YWCA announced to Canada that their feminism includes men, that they stand with all men trying to erode women’s rights, that they work to fight women’s sex based rights activism, that they prioritise the right of men to be safe from other men over the right of women to be safe from men.
At risk of sounding cliché, women will not debate this any longer. We do not have to debate a right we already have. The argument that trans women are women exists as a serious one only in the minds of the deluded and self loathing men who hate women because of a paraphilia. The law does not say women have to give up our rights. That’s simply a lie that misogynists chant repeatedly, to prey on the high level of civil illiteracy in Canadian society, to intimidate and silence women, to coerce us to concede our rights as Persons Under the Law. Trans women already have human rights, they do not need women’s rights too. Anyway, human rights are not like poker chips we can cash in and trade for sport and political manoeuvring.
YWCA Canada misspoke. YWCA Canada misstepped. YWCA Canada is wrong. Woman is adult human female. Men are not women. Human do not change sex. Feminism is the advocacy of equality between the sexes. A true statement cannot be considered hatred. Justice for women can only happen in a society where sex based rights and boundaries for women have the highest standing.
Covid restrictions exist to protect racialised Canadians therefore refusing them means willfully promoting the destruction of racialised people — that’s the argument Nili Kaplan=Myrth promotes.