Trudeau Regime Funds An Elaborate Smear Campaign Against the Provinces
"A Guide to Build Queer Momentum" :: Fae Johnstone | Egale | LeBlanc & Co
NB: Queer Momentum is a non profit operated by the very visible and radical influencer Fae Johnstone, who also operates Wisdom2Action. Kathryn LeBlanc is Principal Consultant of LeBlanc & co Communications and a former Parliament Hill staffer, she is also a part of the Wisdom2Action Speaker’s Bureau. Queer Momentum received WAGE grand funding for capacity building for 2SLGBTQA+ organisations. Wisdson2Action is a recipient of contracts and does much consulting work for rainbow organisations. Egale is a heavily federally funded organisation. The Centre for Gender + Sexual Diversity also receives WAGE funding for a Digital Contribution Program.
Okay, just tell me, what this means, you sigh.
Okay okay. It means that the Trudeau Regime is lavishly funding an opposition to the provinces who are proposing to bring in legislation to enforce policy changes related to safeguarding for young people’s education and medical care and parental involvement therein. It means the Trudeau Regime has begun the election campaign already, has begun to fund its War Room.
I found a strategy guide for transactivists and campaigners, it has Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) vibes, it contains strategies for rapport building and persuasion that I encountered in coach training. The guide, entitled We Will Win, contains comms advice on crafting evocative and provocative messages and it contains advice on narrative crafting and on exploiting the gender issue by deploying coercive tactics such as emotional exploitation and manipulation. I have embedded a PDF copy at the end of this article, below I provide the highlights for my readers. Read through and observe word choices and use of language. Perhaps look up NLP to see what techniques NLP curricula teach.
This messaging framework comes from the Race Class Gender Narrative1, which has been extensively tested with focus groups in order to determine what persuades moveable audiences. While far-right groups seek to engage racialized and faith-based parents, it’s crucial to use language that helps bring us all together, no matter what our background is, to advocate for marginalized communities.
NB: The Race Class Gender Narrative is funded through a series of 501(c)(3) organisations, major funding of whom ultimately tracks to Tides Foundation as well as Open Society Policy Network.
Overall Key Messaging
Youth deserve the freedom to be their authentic selves, and to learn and grow in a safe environment. And all youth deserve to be respected at school, including queer and trans students.
But some Conservative politicians have been rolling back protections for queer and trans youth instead of working to address the many important issues affecting our youth.
It can be tough to feel like you’re different while you’re growing up; whether you are gay, trans, an immigrant, someone struggling financially, or anyone who’s faced challenges for being who they are.
Now, we need to come together across our diverse communities and advocate for youth. We must call on our governments to give youth the freedom to be their true and authentic selves.
Formula for Creating Persuasive Arguments
Open with tapping into shared values in order to build an emotional connection and make people feel something.*
Introduce the problem.
Introduce the solution.
End with a call to action.
🚨Important :: Do not fall into the common mistake of skipping the first step🚨
When you skip the emotional appeal grounded in shared values and start by talking about the problem, your messaging will still resonate with the activist base, but will be less effective at persuading people outside of your base to support your cause.
Formula of a Pivot
As advocates, we need to be repeating our own messaging and controlling the narrative. That means not playing into our opposition’s hands by repeating their messaging. When we are asked questions rooted in the opposition’s frame, we need to pivot back to our own messaging.
When you are doing media and they ask you questions that buy into the opposition’s frame, this is the formula to respond to the question and pivot back to your key messages.
This pivot formula also works in day-to-day conversation with people who are asking you questions about the issue.
Emotion: Engage the audience by starting with your key messaging rooted in emotion and shared values.
Fly by: Make a brief, max one sentence point of reference to the conversation.
Share your key messaging: Pivot back to your key messaging.
Avoid Getting too “in the Weeds”
One common mistake made is getting too in the weeds when campaigning on a policy issue, and using overly specific language that lacks an emotive connection.
In this case, we encourage you to emphasize the message that:
“The government is rolling back the rights of queer and trans students.”
Instead of:
“The government changed Policy 713.”
1 | Repeat our own clear, simple, and consistent key messages over and over.
Message repetition is one of the most important ingredients to making a campaign ‘stick’ and building momentum for a cause.
2 | Start your message with a commonly held intrinsic value, like respect, in order to build an emotional connection between your audience and your cause.
Making people feel something is a major priority, because emotion helps with both persuasion and message retention.
3 | After making an emotional appeal grounded and shared values, clearly name the problem.
1 | Do not repeat the opposition’s messaging or their frame, even in order to refute it.
Instead of repeating the opposition’s messaging to refute it, you should centre your own messaging. We should say “all people, including queer and trans people, deserve our respect” rather than“trans people are
not groomers.”
For Canada’s campaigns on trans youth, we should avoid repeating the term “parental rights” (and hateful frames like “grooming”). You can talk about parents, but avoid opposition terms.
2 | Whenever something bad happens, lead with your own key messaging instead of focusing on condemning the bad thing.
Making people feel something is a major priority, because emotion helps with both persuasion and message retention.
You are building your own messaging highway, and driving down it — instead driving down your opponent’s highway.
3 | Do not get bogged down in the background policy context.
For example, explaining the details of revisions to a policy or all of the context around what teachers can and can’t do. Keep everything at a birds eye view focussed on key messages and building an emotional connection to the issue.
Referring to the “rollback of inclusive education guidelines” is much easier for your audience to understand than “the revision to policy 713”.

Template Messaging Relevant for any Level of Government (ie. Municipal, Provincial, or Territorial)
Youth deserve the freedom to be their authentic selves, and to learn and grow in a safe environment. And all youth deserve to be respected at school, including queer and trans students
It can be tough to feel like you’re different while you’re growing up; whether you are gay, trans, an immigrant, someone struggling financially, or anyone who’s faced challenges for being who they are. But some politicians have been rolling back protections for queer and trans youth instead of working to address the many important issues affecting our youth.
That’s why our message to [name the type of government] is clear: we must give youth the respect they deserve, and allow them the freedom to be themselves.
I have embedded the full PDF document below for my readers’ reference.
An initiative of the We Make The Future Action, which is affiliated with a larger organisation called People’s Action, an organisation with 501(c)(3) status. Who is a major funder of People’s Action, you ask? Open Society Policy Center. Another organisation involved in the WMFA comms is Action Network, an American non profit organisation with a 501(c)(4) tax exemption status, which operates in tandem with a sister organisation American Action Network Fund, which has a 501(c)(3) tax exemption status. Who is the major funder of the Action Network, you ask? Tides Foundation.
This looks like a transfer of non monetary property (intellectual property is the non monetary property in this case) in order to influence Canadian politics against the Conservative provinces in bringing in gender policy changes, and in favour of the Federal government, which opposes the provincial jurisdiction changes.