1 Comment

This! By far, THIS is exactly what I have been seeking out for many years. I was always taught to learn from those who are smarter than me. That does not mean to shy away from those who mean to do harm, the opposite is what I was taught, in fact. It means getting to the root of thought and strategy with which such thought is being deployed. “Know thy enemy” sums it up.

The Delphi technique, and how it too is deployed on an unsuspecting audience especially in community meetings, where consensus on a forgone conclusion is sought by those who stand to benefit at the expense of others, is such an example worth familiarizing ourselves with. Its perfection over countless years is nothing short of being akin, if not the basis of, the queerification described in this post.

It is THIS kind of knowledge, exemplified in this post, that we all should be seeking, understanding, and actively executing. Opportunities abound.

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