The Lupron Protocol for Autistic Kids
rebranding Autism to Gender Dysphoria makes Lupron ok for kids
Pediatric Gender Affirming Care is chemical castration for children to disrupt the natural pubertal process and stunt their growth and development.
Are there any medically accepted uses of Lupron in children? Yes, but only one: [Central] Precocious Puberty … children should not be treated with Lupron unless they meet the following criteria:
Onset of secondary sexual characteristics before age 8 in females and age 9 in males
The clinical diagnosis must be confirmed by pubertal response to GnRH (adequate secretion of LH in response to a challenge with injected GnRH) and bone age advanced at least one year beyond chronological age
Baseline evaluation has to include: Height and weight measurements; sex steroid levels; adrenal steroid levels to rule out congenital adrenal hyperplasia; beta-chorionic gonadotropin (beta-HCG) to rule out beta-HCG-secreting tumour; pelvic and adrenal ultrasound to rule out a steroid-secreting tumour; and a CT of the head to rule out an intracranial tumour.
Also precocious puberty is rare. Autism is not … if you’re going to give a potent drug like Lupron to children, a drug that can almost completely shut down the synthesis of both male and female steroid hormones, you’d better have damned good evidence that it’s likely to help make it worth the risk. — Dr. David Gorski, MD in Science-Based Medicine, 25.5.2009
It is essential to point out that puberty blockers, which are widely used to treat precocious puberty, seem only to be considered “experimental” and “dangerous” when used as part of GA treatment for pubescent trans youth. Some equate the use of off-label medications to experimental use of said medications. Off-label drug use is the common practice of prescribing an available medication for an indication that the FDA has not approved. Once medications are on the market, the FDA does not control or limit how health care providers prescribe them.
Off-label use of gender-affirming treatment, such as puberty blockers in youth, does not make the treatment “experimental”. Again, GnRH analogs have been the gold-standard treatment in children with central precocious puberty since the 1980s and used in trans youth since the late 1980s. When used in cis children, puberty blockers “have an enviable track record of safety and efficacy“. Puberty blockers are used similarly in trans youth once they hit puberty to halt permanent changes. It should be emphasized that the effects of blockers are both temporary and reversible. — Dr. David Gorski, MD, PhD + Dr. AJ Ekert, MD, in Science-Based Medicine, 25.5.2022
Remember 2009, when the medical profession was not insane and sounding unhinged like a futuristic Goebbels in its fiery prosyletisation of pubertal suppression as a pediatric suicide prophylaxis? Yeah, weren’t those the good ole days, when parents did not fear the state, backed by Goebbelsian medical professionals, apprehending their kids to inject them with GnRHa poison as part of a junk science protocol that kicks in as soon as the teachers brainwashed them into thinking they are the opposite sex trapped inside the wrong body and need radical chemical and surgical body modification or they will die?
What the heck happened to Gorski in 13 years? Is he okay?
Because, reader, how did he go from Lupron is not for kids except to treat CPP because the evidence is thin to Lupron is NBD we’ve been using it off-label on kids for nearly 40 years and RCT are redundant? Know what’s the interesting thing about the Science-Based Medicine website that hosts this article? It indicates that it’s operated by the New England Skeptical Society (NESS), and Guidestar tells me that NESS had it’s exempt status revoked for failing to report financials to the IRS. That’s a red flag in my mind, it goes to character, which matters when I consider whether I should trust the professional evidence you provide. Links to several SBM articles appear on the Anchor Health Centre website, which has many programs for the LGBTQ community including one it calls GLAM, Gender & Life-Affirming Medicine.
GLAM sounds super edgy and affirming, doesn’t it, if you are a kid living in the chaotic deluge of American culture? In my obsessive hope for GenderWang to be over, I wished for GLAM to be some kind of make over thing to help the non conforming to live their best lives being different feeling glamourous about that. Maybe one day, but not today—at Anchor Health Centre GLAM means you need synthetic sex hormones and their suppressant to live.
Live your best synthetic punk life, kids. AFFIRM. AFFIRM. AFFIRM.
Welcome to GLAM, Gender & Life-Affirming Medicine, the love child of AJ Ekert, Connecticut’s first out non binary trans doctor, and a member of WPATH. You sign up, get your informed consent all lined up, and you can be on your way to your fabulous new synthetic sex hormone life. The State of CT seems pretty captured, I’m thinking it would not be difficult for a kid to get that even when their parents oppose it in the present socio-political climate. A quick search leads me to CT Voice, where Jane Latus writes about puberty blockers, insisting that we only need know 3 things about puberty blockers: they save lives and improve mental health, they make transitioning markedly easier later, they are reversible. These is a lie, of course.
Though the common word is plural, puberty “blockers” are actually just one drug, Leuprolide. It is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, which works by suppressing the release of sex hormones including estrogen and testosterone. If taken early enough in puberty, it prevents breast and genitalia development, stops facial and body hair growth, stops menstruation, and prevents voice deepening. To transgender or gender nonconforming children, the development of sex characteristics that are opposite of their identity is intensely distressing.
Hormone blockers don’t “turn” kids into the opposite gender they were assigned at birth; they put a pause on puberty, giving youths and their families time to decide whether to pursue any other steps. If blockers are stopped, natal puberty resumes.
But it’s not so much the physical result of puberty blockers that stands out to those who care for trans kids—it’s the emotional impact that’s most impressive. “I see happier kids,” says Britta Shute, APRN, family nurse practitioner at Middlesex Health.
The entire write up, patently false, lures its readers into a false sense of security about GnRH analogue. The FAQ tells kids they need a parent or guardian to sign the consent form with them — how difficult would it be for a kid to become an emancipated minor in this pro-gender affirming care social + anti-parent policy era in a pro-GAC state? Do they simply resort to emotional blackmail in coercing parents to consent, as we currently hear from parents and detransitioners going public?
How does anyone who supports pubertal suppression manage their cognitive dissonance? How do they hold two conflicting beliefs simultaneously? How does the ACLU simultaneously support challenging mandatory chemical castration for sex offenders and also support pubertal suppression (which is chemical castration) for young people with pubertal angst? Why do so many American progressives insist on suppressing puberty? Does America really hate the human body that much? Does America really hate human sexuality that much? What’s up with this recurring human theme of sexuality is the root of evil, of the flesh is the source of suffering? Why do we insist on destroying the integrity of the exquisite body in order to meet the childish and horrifying demands of the brutal + ugly mind?
"It should be emphasized that the effects of blockers are both temporary and reversible. — Dr. David Gorski, MD, PhD + Dr. AJ Ekert, MD, in Science-Based Medicine, 25.5.2022"
"Science-Based Medicine" seems seriously misnamed. You probably remember their publication and retraction of a review of Shrier's book some 2 years ago:
But you may not have seen Emma Hilton's "pithy" response:
EH: "Advocating the prioritization of social justice over scientific investigation."
Though you may not have realized that the author of that review, Harriet Hall, was no great shakes on biology herself, even if this was some 10 years ago. But it is still largely "conventional wisdom" there at SBM:
HH: "Sex is a spectrum on several axes
Science has not been able to categorically distinguish a male from a female. There’s no one simple test to determine whether an individual is a woman or a man. It’s not an either/or dichotomy, but a multidimensional spectrum on several axes, from the biological to the social to the psychological. And science has not conclusively shown which characteristics are biologically determined. Nature and nurture interact and influence each other; it’s difficult to tease out the contributions of each. Each axis has its own continuum, with degrees of strength. A person can fall at the male end of the spectrum on some axes and at the female end of the spectrum on others."