Religion Can Be Such a Drag
in which I muse about the Paris Olympic Games 2024 opening ceremony
Oh hai. Once again we find ourselves in a Summer Olympic year. Yawn. Oh, really?
The Summer Olympic Games, huh? In Paris, France, no less.
Apparently, the opening ceremony went as sh1tty as you would imagine it could do in present day France, which has recently shat the bed socio-politically on a bunch of issues. Anyway, the Drag performance mocking the Last Supper as a means to promote an inclusivity narrative apparently didn’t mock the Last Supper, it celebrated the Greek God Dionysus1 and denounced bloody aggression between humans. The Olympic Committee wants you to know they didn’t mock the Christian faith intentionally, they celebrated Bacchus, so keep up because it’s not always all about you and your religious identity okay, boomerz? And anyway, even if they mock the Christian faith, it’s all good right, in the name in Fanon. C’mon, its Drag so shhhhhh, this is all to make you feel more welcome in the human world. Wow.
Okay, I guess—wait … nah.
Look, I feel touched that the Olympic Committee thought of my ongoing abandonment trauma baggage and sought to remedy that through bacchantic inclusivity cosplay, however, that’s not really what I would watch an Olympic opening ceremony for. Let’s be honest about the reason why the Wokerati invoke inclusivity—it’s their unresolved and projected trauma response. Also, a bunch of attention-seeking misogynistic men cosplaying woman on a global stage DO NOT make me feel more included, just saying. Muppets, I hate to be the debbie downer on your 21st Century Bacchanalia festivities, however, that’s my honest take on modern day Drag, and western progressive socialism in general, which have been hijacked by the Bacchantic queer movement.
The IOC has scrubbed the video from the web, so, I can only watch clips posted on X and read the descriptions and analysis from multiple varied sources and then piece the thing together myself.
I saw a giant table LARPing da Vinci’s Last Supper mural of the Passover Seder that the revolutionary Jewish man and inspiration for the Christian Religion Jesus had as a last meal with his 12 male friends, before his execution, during the era of Roman occupied Israel and the time of the Second Temple.
I saw the Last Supper Table double as a runway for Drag performers in a Drag Race parody.
I saw a nearly nude blue skinned male posing as Bacchus appear as the main course of the feast on the Drag Race Cat Walk | Passover Seder | Last Supper Table.
For context, you can read a literature analysis of Roman/Greek versus Rabbinical feasting + banquet rituals here, the consistencies observed in linguistic comparison might interest or surprise you. You can read about the Catholic theological position of The Last Supper as a Passover Seder here. Tertullian inspired a large western canon of Christian Apologia that widen the chasm between the new Christian sect and Judaic and Rabbinical thought. Tertullian lived just before Constantine, whose conversion to Christianity catapulted the religion to imperial status and set it up for global domination.
At the exegetical core of Jewish-Christian disputation … certain attitudes are already embryonic: the Jewish objection to the concept of the Trinity as being inherently idolatrous, and to incarnation as insulting to the divine nature of God; the insistence on the Jewish side that understanding of Scripture should be based on a comprehensive knowledge of the original language without depriving the words of their literal meaning or isolating them from their context. There also emerge the mystic-fideistic standpoint of the Christian side, the criticorationalistic approach of the Jewish side; the universalist-individualistic claims of Church spokesmen against the Jewish concept of Israel as a national "natural-historical cell," the "kingdom of priests and holy nation" entrusted in this social pattern to carry the Divine call to the world. (Neil Tow, "Adult Talmud study of Pesachim Chapter 10" Sefaria)
The Catholic faithful believe that the Romans executed Jesus via crucifixion for the crime of sedition at the behest of the Sanhedrin. The Catholic faithful practise a liturgical ritual that’s based on the Jewish Passover Seder. The Catholics call their liturgical ritual mass, it involves transubstantation, and they celebrate the revolutionary Jesus as G-d incarnate by partaking in an eating and drinking ritual derived from the Passover Seder, a re-enactment the Last Supper. The Last Supper belongs to a larger Roman narrative called The Passion of Christ that exploited a Jewish religious ritual practise and used it in a bloody horror story that’s dogged the Jewish diaspora for two millennia, since the Romans exiled B'nei Yisrael from and erased their linguistic and geopolitical ties to their ancestral land.
It appears that the Paris Olympic Games 2024 organising committee miscalculated when it embraced The Games as a lever for equality and inclusion, promoting competitive sport as a place where you can learn as much from a defeat as a victory.2
Okay, that’s lovely. It’s lovely and it’s also fcuking horsesh1t. Athletes come to the Olympic Games to win gold, b1tch! Straight up, when it comes to the Olympics, athletes Go for the Gold.
Athletes attend elite competition to win their way out of marginalisation with the fruit of their discipline, devotion, dedication—years of hard work and sacrifice mastering their skill and building their strength. Their parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, coaches, their entire community pulled together to raise them up to the level of elite athletic performance to even compete for a chance at Gold Silver Bronze. This is a lifetime of work, it is parental sacrifice and a bunch of stuff childless + faithless malignant narcissists cannot even imagine.
Did the Fanon groupies who think their twisted post colonial horsesh1t will save the world ever stop to consider the reality? Franz Fanon Brain Worms have infested western culture and have been eating it alive from the inside. The social progressive cult of anti-religious bacchantic inclusivity clips the wings of the marginalised and disadvantaged. It’s an inclusivity that kills opportunity because it starves excellence, gives birth to a sick culture dominated by unwise humility. Such a culture produces a weak (lacking resilience) people. How many of these elite Drag performers who strutted on that Paris stage could qualify for any the 100 m, for triathlon, for archery, for any gritty Olympic sport? How many could endure the mental spiritual physical grind it takes to get to stand on that podium?
I will end this missive with two rhetorical questions for my readers.
Has the Wokerati decided Religion is a Drag, or has it decided Drag is a Religion?
Will the organisers of the Paris Olympic Games 2024 lead by example, and take the opportunity to learn from their defeat, d’ya think?
Dionysus and Bacchus are two names for the same G-d. The former is Greek and the latter is Roman. I use them interchangeably in my writing, and I choose to refer to the blue skinned character in the cornucopia as Bacchus because of the obvious subversive attempts to invoke Bacchanalia in the continued alienation of mainstream society.
Off topic and smart-assed question that entered my head as I wrote that sentence. Could Sinwar and the Hamassholes learn from their defeats as much as from their victories, or is this only a retarded platitude crafted for naïve honest rule abiding hoomans?