Please Serve Me My Tomato Soup in a Bowl
welcome to the new feminism :: #TryToKillDisobedientWomenWhoRefuseToObey

Trans Women are Women tweets the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Justin Trudeau on International Women’s Day (IWD). Because female people in Troonistan cannot have one fcuking thing to ourselves, not even a goddamned day established in our fcuking honour. Does it surprise anyone that the meminist-testeria-drama-club-leader-with-a-very-questionable-history-of respect-for-women-who-is-pretending-to-be-a-statesman would choose IWD to spit at all female people everywhere by saying men who say they are women are women and then pretending he is doing that for anyone but his d1ck-brain?
This is a sh1tbag who made a photo-op of and created a dramatic mass genocide narrative about ground penetrating radar results. He has no moral compass. He would trash his country for his demagoguery. He is the Canadian progressive answer to Donald Trump.
We have IWD to remember the movement of female people that has risen up across time + space to gain a voice and gather so we could fight for our freedom. Instead of spewing his rape cult mantra Ayatollah Skippy could have told us about the tragedy that galvanised an International Women’s Day — The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, where 146 girls and women, mostly Jewish and Italian immigrants, died in a fire because they were locked inside the burning building by their employers, Max Blanck1 and Isaac Harris, who engaged a common practise of locking workers in the factory work area to prevent them from taking unauthorized breaks and to prevent union organisers from soliciting workers. The horror of that day so grieved the city that citizens gathered and organised for women’s and worker’s rights.
Rose Schneiderman, an activist had this to say to New York City —
I would be a traitor to these poor burned bodies if I came here to talk good fellowship. We have tried you good people of the public and we have found you wanting… We have tried you citizens; we are trying you now, and you have a couple of dollars for the sorrowing mothers, brothers, and sisters by way of a charity gift. But every time the workers come out in the only way they know to protest against conditions which are unbearable, the strong hand of the law is allowed to press down heavily upon us.
Public officials have only words of warning to us-warning that we must be intensely peaceable, and they have the workhouse just back of all their warnings. The strong hand of the law beats us back, when we rise, into the conditions that make life unbearable.
I can't talk fellowship to you who are gathered here. Too much blood has been spilled. I know from my experience it is up to the working people to save themselves. The only way they can save themselves is by a strong working-class movement.
These words of Rose Schneiderman resonate clearly today, where we live under the neo-colonial rule of a demented empire of rapists and war criminals and thugs who tell us they are raping and bombing and killing and torturing to spread freedom and democracy - grab em by the pussy … I know it wasn't rape-rape … in prison, your sexual identity is defined by what you say, not what the prison says.2 In Canada the political landscape has turned itself on its head — with the NDP now taking up the mantle of elitist colonialism such as gender affirmation eugenics + anti-racism racial essentialism + revising colonial Canadian history + with the CPC taking up the mantle of the working class people + the Liberals being the ruling class regime of corrupt authoritarians whose strategy now has become dodging accountability for the many corrupt things they have done.
No one remembers women, not one politician or Canadian celebrity has had the moral courage to stand up for basic human rights of female people. Margaret Atwood once tried on Twitter to support sex based rights and push back the gender affirmation authoritarianism and a trans terrorist tweeted a photo of himself wearing a balaclava and pointing a semiautomatic rifle at the camera. Others doxxed her Toronto home address. This took place not long after she had become widowed. This is Troonistan. If you have celebrity clout in Canada and you aren’t following the example of JK Rowling, then you lack integrity and you have no courage and you certain have no emotional intelligence.
You are super comfortable whilst the government puts the purveyors of society — that’s female people by the way — at grave risk as a matter of policy. Do enjoy your $6 coffee and your DEI/SEL fantasy world. I hope it’s worth it — someone is buying that comfort you enjoy and it isn’t a bloke in a uniform anymore. It’s a uterus haver — yeah you assholes can’t even humanise us. But we are responsible for every single fcuking thing that upsets you though, right? Pullleeeese.
Would you like some tomato soup? How would you like that? In a bowl? Cup? Thrown at you in a mob of people trying to kill you? Posie Parker had some tomato soup3 on your behalf in New Zealand — yes, this is for all human beings, even the ones who tried to kill her yesterday. If you are kind enough to serve me soup, do please put it in a bowl and warm it first. I like my soup hot enough to burn my tongue and I like it made with milk, like my mama used to do. Oh yeah, motherhood is female you can COPE if that offends you.

“In prison, your sexual identity is defined by what you say, not what the prison says,” states Joe Biden. So, here is the leader of the free world promoting violation of the Geneva Convention by stating that it’s okay to house male and female prisoners together because muh identity. Two possibilities exist to explain why Joe Biden and his little demented woke brudder from anudder mudder north of 49 embrace a policy of rapists in female prison —
1. because they are naive and believe only altruistic men will want to identify to stay in female prison
2. because they are rapey pr1cks who don’t grasp boundaries and have zero fcuks to give because NDAs and high priced lawyers are our friend.
You can choose your favourite option to fit the situation — The Creator gave you a brain and you are free to use it to make the choice between 1 + 2 for yourself. I know the choice I make. Anyhoo. Let’s talk about Jody Wilson-Raybauld’s claim that Gender Self-ID will celebrate inclusion and diversity, and [enable] all Canadians [to] feel safe to be themselves. Won’t someone think of the rapists? We really need the rapists to feel safe and included amongst their prey. Because this is the only people who benefit from this law.. Trans people do not benefit from being told they aren’t trans, which is what you are saying when you say TWAW or TMAM.
I have seen in my personal life the way the TMAM lie harms people with irreversible sequelae such as metabolic syndrome, stroke and diabetes, amongst other effects. But this is affirming and empowering shut up you bigot. So we focus on validating deluded narcissists and we ignored the real clinical issues arising from the new field of medicine we created to appease activism. This is a really bad collective experiment in people pleasing gone wrong.
Can we all agree that passing a law which says any male human who decides he wants to ID as a woman and anyone who disagrees is committing a human rights violation does not serve the rights of transgender people?
Can we agree that a policy which encourages predacious and violent males to seek an audience amongst their female prey by legally sanctioned over-identification with their prey does not serve any member or segment of society?
Can we call this what it is now — state sanctioned rape, cruel and unusual punishment, a crime against humanity?
Can we all agree that validating the fixed distortions of autogynephilic4 males is not trans rights?
Can we agree that housing female people in close quarters with male people who predaciously over-identify with them is cruelty and torture?
Heather Mason, advocate for the rights of incarcerated female people, describes the situation inside women’s correctional facilities as follows in her parliamentary brief —
That women have reported such an extreme increase in the abuses they have suffered by transferred transgender individuals suggests that the issue of transfers to women's prisons is not an issue of transgender rights and is instead an issue around the entitlement criteria for transgender transfer to women's prisons.
An entitlement standard of self-identification removes any scrutiny from the transfer process. Without any scrutiny, verification, question or safeguards, this policy operates as an honour system and blindly accepts that any transgender entitlement claim by a male prisoner must be a truthful one. A transfer request in the context of self-identification by male prisoners then accepts the following as truth in all cases:
1. The individual is transgender until a time when the individual states that the individual is not;
2. As a transgender individual, the individual definitively faces a situation of discrimination and/or harm; and
3. Approval of a transfer request to a women's prison will provide adequate protection from the (assumed) situation of discrimination or harm (entitlement).
4. No alternative motive exists around the individual's self-identification and transfer request.
So, why does our esteemed Supreme Leader of Lies and Gaslighting feel the need to reiterate the mantra trans women are women? Why does he need to keep issuing these fatwas that say men who feel like it are entitled to enter women’s spaces and can have women’s services canceled when they exclude the Priestly Order of Incels?
Can someone explain how this serves trans rights in Canada?
Can someone explain why we cannot build another facility to house rapists + killers + other dangerous offenders who believe they are women, you know, away from women?
Otherwise, why do we have prisons if we are letting the violent men we lock away simply fill out a form and claim a human rights oppression so they can dodge accountability for their crime?
That’s what’s happening. Why are the whims of rapists more important to the state than the human rights of female people and children?
The following is a list of 26 male humans with a history of sexual violence against women and children who decided they were women after Jody-Wilson Raybauld’s pro-rape (ie Self-ID) bill received royal ascent. So, this is what Ayatollah Skippy is telling women to include in our spaces — men who want to kill us + our children. But of course nobody has to prove gender anymore. As Rosie DiManno wrote in the Toronto Star in 2018, It’s sufficient to designate the gender to which a person identifies, if a gender is chosen at all. Which is proper in an enlightened era. But problematic when the individual may just be trying to game the legal and penal system. However, this is the mindset female people face in this country, embedded in the legal system policy making machinery.

Mark/Madilyn Harks :: Serial Pedophile - Sexually assualted 60 young girls under the age of 8, kept underwear as a souvenir, deemed high risk to reoffend, victims include neighbours + a member of the church congregation, on a Long Term Supervision Order Halfway House in B.C.
Adam Laboucan/Tara DeSousa :: Child Killer + Baby Rapists + Dangerous Offender - received an indeterminate sentence for raping a 3 month old baby at age 17, unable to manager anger, flung another inmate by her hair, then kicked her in the face, prostituted himself to other male prisoners, developed a drug addiction in prison. Threatened to kill a female guard, found with a homemade knife. Mutilated his own genitalia. Meets criteria for psychopathy and severe borderline personality disorder.
Patrick/Tara Pearesall :: Sex Offender - serial sex offender, including a 5 year old boy and a teenaged girl. Federal prisoner-Transfer denied for federal. Was in Vanier for women for provincial, a pathological liar, a repeat sexual offender, an internet predator of underage girls, and diagnosed with factitious disorder, he’d in the past admitted to various individuals and cellmates that he preferred being incarcerated as a female because that meant doing easier time and he feared being raped in a men’s institution.
Michael Williams/Michelle Autumn Colasimone/Michelle Williams-LaVey :: 1st Degree Murder + Child Rape - strangled, stabbed and then bludgeoned to death with a hammer + tried to set on fire Nina Courtepatte. Claims credit for the success of Bill C-16. Federal Prisoner - Kent to Fraser Valley – elected to return to Kent. Fought another trans women at Kent and got shipped to Sask pen. Reported to have been giving groups of men lessons on how to self-identify as transgender and request transfer to a women's prison.
Randy West/Cara-Ann Lindley :: Violent Assault - beat his ex with a tire iron, striking her 20 times, and tried to strangle her. The victim’s cheekbone and teeth were smashed, and she had major reconstruction surgery, requiring 66 staples, 49 stitches and a face plate. Federal prisoner was at Fraser Valley for women and is out.
Steve/Samantha Mehlenbacher :: Armed Robbery + Bank Robbery + 3rd time Fed Offender - Mehlenbacher said he has spent nearly 17 years of his life in jail because of crimes he committed to support a drug habit. Charged with 27 bank robberies over the years and was convicted on 16 of them. Federal prisoner - Grand Valley and Edmonton. Spent 2 decades in male prisons. Sells hormones, has heterosexual sex with the women, was put in segregation over a HIV scare on compound, sexual assault charge. Told my friend not to call him a woman on the street. Currently on release at a halfway house. Warrant expires Feb 2021. Tried for rape in fall 2021, charges dismissed for lack of evidence.
Christopher/Chris Webster :: Sex Offender - sentenced to a year in jail in 2011 for two counts of criminal harassment and one count of possession of child pornography after a bizarre campaign on an area woman in which he left sex toys in her back yard and a videotape of himself performing sex acts, along with a stash of child porn on a computer. The court heard at that time Webster has a limited intellectual ability and was escalating his criminal activities.
Jatin Patel :: Murder/ Sexual assault, Dangerous Offender - killed a prostitute in anger in 2003 after discover s/he was a transsexual, declared a dangerous offender after recently being convicted of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in 2018. Applying as a woman to have the dangerous offender designation removed from his file.
Thomas Straub :: Robbery, Assault with a weapon, Forcible confinement, Dangerous Offender, sexual predator - from the Peterborough Examiner - "He has a consistent criminal history extending, with no meaningful gaps, from Youth Court in 2006 until he was detained in custody on the index offence," Beninger wrote in his 40-page decision. Early last year, assistant crown attorney Lisa Wannamaker sought out the dangerous offender designation after Straub pleaded guilty to two counts of robbery, assault with a weapon, forcible confinement and breach of probation. Straub attacked a woman waiting for a bus on George Street in November 2016. Straub dragged the woman into a nearby building before two men intervened, city police reported at the time. Straub lunged at one of the men with an eight-inch butcher knife, police said.
In his dangerous offender ruling, Beninger wrote that Straub is unable to abstain from violent conduct."His criminal record sets out repeated violent offences. I find that the respondent is a risk for sexual offending in the future. He has numerous convictions for offences targeting women." Straub has set a fire in his jail cell and also wrote concerning letters with threats of violence and rape. In a letter written to a fellow criminal associate, Straub spoke of shooting police when he was released. Straub also wrote a letter to his former counsel, telling her that when he got out that he would break into her house, stab her, and rape her.
Ira/ Norah Badger :: First Degree Murder + Rape - from the Globe + Mail - Their 20-year-old daughter was murdered after she took Ira Badger, who was 14 at the time, for a walk along the grassy riverbank of a local park on Nov. 16, 2002. Mr. Badger, who beat her several times on the head with a log the size of a baseball bat before undressing and raping her, had been living at the Lethbridge group home for teens with fetal alcohol syndrome where Ms. Collier worked. "I decided to take my pain out on her," the teen said in a taped confession to police the day of the murder. "She didn't even see it coming."Calling it a "despicable and brutal act," Mr. Justice Vaughn Hembroff accepted the prosecution's argument that Mr. Badger serve the maximum allowable time -- seven years -- before being considered for parole because he "remains a high risk to reoffend."
LaverneTravis/Lauren Waskahat :: Repeat Child Pornography Offender, High Risk to Re-offend - reference here - pleaded guilty to three charges: violating a prohibition on using the internet unsupervised, possessing a computer and cellphones when under an order not to and possessing images of children when under conditions to not do so. significant harm to the community and will commit another sexual offence against a child under the age of 16. Identifies as a woman online.
Father who now identifies as a woman :: Sexually Assaulted his 3 year old daughter - The 33-year-old — the victim’s biological father — had pleaded guilty to crimes that took place in 2013 when the girl was just three. The accused was separated from the girl’s mother at the time, and in the months following the assaults, she underwent a sex change. The crimes came to light three years later, when the girl’s mother was reading a sexual education book with her and the girl said she enjoyed oral sex.
Josiah Jerome/Lucy Blackplume :: Rape, Sexual Assaults, Robbery, Uttering threats - Cannot control sexual urges however Locking up this sex offender with serious mental health issues indefinitely would amount to cruel and unusual punishment, a Calgary judge decided, since the rapists now identifies as a woman. Blackplume admitted to attempting to rape a woman at knifepoint and stabbing her in the arm before assaulting a man who came to the victim’s rescue. Apparently inter-generational trauma stemming from residential school abuse such as that suffered by Blackplume’s mother and grandparents led to her upbringing being “dysfunctional, neglectful and abusive.” so we are just going to let Blackplume get away with rape and violence because he decided he was a woman and because he is indigenous. Who cares if he cannot control his violent sexual urges. Won’t someone think of the violent rapists with no capacity for self control?
Khaled/Zahra Farhan :: Second Degree Murder - Butcher of Gatineau - out of prison living as a woman - dubbed The Butcher of Gatineau by the press in 1999 after killing and then dismembering his lover days later, won parole with the hopes of starting a new, quiet life as a transgender woman at an undisclosed halfway house. Karina Janveau, 24, had a life of hardship before meeting Khaled - her parents divorced when she was nine, her mother killed herself at Christmas, she had a partially paralyzed leg, a crippled arm and a drug habit.
The victim’s sister was a police officer who appeared on the scene and later killed herself as a result of the trauma. But good for Khaled, the Butcher of Gatineau for getting to live his life quietly as a woman. Too bad Karina never got that chance, huh? But Justin Trudeau is a feminist and Khaled is the woman Justin Trudeau wants to empower. Aren’t we lucky, Canada?
Christopher/Jessica Hambrook :: Pedophila & rape Dangerous Offender - from the Toronto Sun - A convicted sexual predator who falsely claimed to be transgender and preyed on women at two Toronto shelters, attacked four vulnerable females between the ages of five and 53 in Montreal and Toronto over a 12 year period, a former stripper and escort from Quebec whom the prosecution said simply cannot control his deviant sexual urges, pleaded guilty in February 2013 to two counts of sexual assault and one count of criminal harassment involving two women — a deaf and homeless Quebec woman and a Toronto survivor of domestic violence — while he was living at a Dundas St. W. shelter and the Fred Victor women’s shelter in January and February 2012, Psychiatric and court records portrayed Hambrook as “hypersexual” and a sexual predator …
one victim, a deaf and homeless woman from Quebec, checked into the Fred Victor shelter on Jan. 8, 2012. Hambrook had been staying there as “Jessica” since Dec. 23, 2011. She was soon terrorized by Hambrook’s unwanted advances,
Shortly after his mother died in Montreal in February 2002, Hambrook committed the first of his sex crimes by sexually assaulted a family friend’s five-year-old daughter. While on bail waiting for courts to deal with charges laid for that crime, he targeted a 27-year-old mentally challenged woman, by sexually assaulting her in his home and forcing her to smoke a joint. Hambrook received two years in jail for each of those crimes, for a total of four years. “He had no empathy, no remorse or understanding of his victims of his offences,” Toronto psychiatrist Dr. Treena Wilkie said in her assessment.
Sean O'Toole/ Jacquelyn Laronde :: Sexual assault & sexual interference - is a well known community activist and is the co-chair for Kingston Pride, and is listed online as the acting program development coordinator at the Canadian Mental Health Association's Kingston branch, 12 to 14 years ago he and another bloke allegedly made arrangements with a parent online to sexually abuse a child — I♥️Radio.
From The Whig - Daryl Fraser, former chair of Kingston Pride Inc. who stepped down on Friday, left a message with the Whig-Standard Thursday evening stating he did not wish to comment. "I have absolutely no comment because I will not jump on bandwagons to find people already guilty when we're in Canada and they have just cause to get justice properly," Fraser said. Fraser on Friday announced his resignation in a post on the Kingston Pride Facebook page.
On Linkedin, Laronde wrote the following personal summary: "My passion is homelessness and LGBTQ youth, as I remember the lack of resources when I fell into these categories when I was younger."
Laronde's Linkedin page also shows an aptitude with computers. The page shows that at around the time police allege the offence occurred, Laronde owned Netherworld Cafe and Computers in Sudbury, Deseronto and Kingston. The business was a cafe and computer repair shop. The business's description indicates working with Packard Bell and IBM to become an authorized service representative.
Charles Ronald David/Sherry Dawn Barrett :: Sexual Assault - sexually assaulted his a female home-care assistant - from Women are Human - At sentencing, defense lawyer Giancarla Francis argued as mitigating factors that Mr Barrett suffers from gender dysphoria, an assortment of mental health issues – including post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and panic attacks – sleep apnea, and spinal and stomach problems, and should be given a suspended sentence and probation. Chief Judge Williams denied the request.
In addition, he must provide a DNA sample for a national databank and register as a sex offender for 10 years, undergo counseling to include sexual offender assessment and treatment, and comply with a prohibition against possessing firearms, communicating with the victim or being within 25 meters (82 feet) of the victim’s residence or place of employment.
“I can’t stand for this,” Mr Barrett declared to reporters outside of the courtroom. “I’m not going to be put against the wall and be treated as a sex offender when I didn’t do anything to her.” He continued, “Nobody’s going to track me. When I get this surgery done, I’m going to be undetectable and unrecognizable from now on, because I’m going to have a whole change from head to foot.” Mr Barrett’s final gender-affirming surgery is scheduled to take place in Montreal.
Jody Matthew/Amber Burke :: sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon, sexual assault causing bodily harm, assault and uttering threats - from Women are Human - A Canadian mixed martial arts fighter convicted of multiple sexual assaults has begun identifying as a woman and is now blaming his sexist past on “gender dysphoria.” Jody Matthew Burke, 46, who has been classified as a “dangerous offender,” has now adopted the name Amber and has asked to be referred to by female pronouns in court, something the Crown and Defense have respected since last Wednesday. He is also requesting an alteration to his sex offender status which would grant him a more lenient sentence for his most recent conviction.
Burke was convicted of sexual assault on three separate occasions and was placed on Canada’s federal sex offender registry for violent sex crimes committed in 2005 and 2014 in Ontario and British Columbia, respectively. He met his most recent victim in a halfway house in Montreal, Quebec, while serving a three-year sentence he was handed in 2014 for the sexual assault of a woman in British Columbia.
See comments from MLI study below.
Joseph Alan/Jessica or Brandy Leanne Goddard :: Child Sex Offender - from Women are Human - Goddard has tried to pass as a woman, wearing wigs and using typically female names like Jessica or Brandy Leanne. One of Goddard’s intricate schemes was to pose as a TV producer and tell young longboarders that he wanted to film them in a TV commercial. In December 2010, Goddard pleaded guilty to five of the 19 counts he was charged with, accepting guilt for invitation to sexual touching, luring a child under 16 using a computer, impersonating a police officer and two breaches of his bail conditions. He was sentenced to 20 months minus time served, but was credited for the eight months he spent in custody while awaiting trial. He also received three years’ probation.
After his release in November 2012, Goddard admitted to breaching his probation conditions and was sentenced on January 24, 2013 to six months in prison. Credited for time served, he spent only 12 days in custody. Authorities issued a public warning for the high-risk offender when he was released in February 2013, and another a month later when he relocated to Surrey. In October 4, 2014, while in pretrial custody at Surrey Pretrial Services Centre for fraud and breach of bail conditions, Goddard used threats to force a 19-year-old male inmate to perform a sex act on him. The inmate, T.D., complied, because he was afraid Goddard would act upon his threats.
Jonathan Yaniv/Jessica Simpson :: pleaded guilty to one count of uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm - threatened to kill Chris Elston, amongst other things, this individual’s reputation proceeds itself and you can use google to find out more. Begin here - Rebel News.
Jeffrey Allan/Angela Dawson :: Charged with 2nd Degree Murder, Plead Guilty to Manslaughter- sentenced to 10 years in male prison, beat to death a 64 year old man named Viano HYVONEN over some money, reports I find indicate he was beaten over a three hour period, now identifies as Angela Dawson and is known to many in Vancouver as the manic roller blading self-appointed traffic director dressed in pink. Claims to be the victim of transphobia.
Manfred/Amanda Sperling :: Repeat Sex Offender, Dangerous Offender - from TVA - According to the magistrate, Mr. Sperling is simply unable to control himself in the presence of women. The man of German origin has assaulted several women since 1998 to satisfy his impulses. His assaults were often committed in bus shelters on the South Shore.
“Il faut dire que le cas Sperling a de quoi inquiéter. Même les psychiatres le décrivent comme un individu qui souffre de paraphilie de type sadique, incapable de contrôler ses pulsions, réfractaire à tout traitement, et présentant un haut risque de récidive” — La Presse 2001
Soliciting pen pals online in 2016
Michael Arthur Weil :: Child Sexual Abuse, Repeat Sex Offender - began transitioning after guilty verdict - from Women are Human - Michael Arthur Weil, aged 45, was found to have abused a position of trust or authority to sexually molest and take showers with a child, dress up the child in sexualized clothing, and watch pornography with the child. The sex of the child and the child’s relationship to the abuser are being withheld from the public to protect the privacy of the survivor. The abuse took place from 2007 to 2008, when the child was ages four to six. Mr Weil was arrested after the survivor revealed the traumatic abuse history to a trusted high school teacher. During the time of the sexual abuse, Mr Weil was still on probation for a 2006 guilty plea to sexually assaulting and making pornography with a seven-year-old. Mr Weil had been released after serving seven months of a 13-month sentence.
Douglas Edward/Zoey Gerbrandt :: Possession & making child pornography available - from The Defence Toolkit - found to have thousands of images and videos of child pornography on his computer, some quite disturbing, investigated as part of an international child porn investigation, diagnosed as having significant cognitive impairment, yet his self-ID as a woman is taken as fact and despite the gravity of the findings, the minimum sentence was deemed unconstitutional and he was granted a non custodial sentence because of his circumstances, ahem transition.
Vance Egglestone/Shauna Taylor :: Rape, assault, malicious damage, trespassing, theft, possession of narcotics and marijuana, breaking and entering, and assault causing bodily harm - Entered the psychiatric system in the late 70s/early 80s, has criminal history of choking and raping women in bars, opted for SRS to avoid maximum security facilities, was at the notorious Oak Ridge Psychiatric Facility.
J K E D, formerly known as R E D :: Sexually assaulted daughter over a period of time, kidnapped daughter - transitioned after the crime, appealed the conviction and was denied.
Ryan Glen/Elizabeth Ziegler :: Dangerous Offender several sex offensives - more than 80 convictions, including several sexual assaults. Madam Justice Kathryn Neilson says in her ruling. “The evidence as to Mr. Ziegler’s inability to control his sexual impulses in the past, as well as the likelihood he will be unable to control them in future, remains overwhelming.” Has identified as a woman and is seeking to be housed in women’s prison. See Women are Human.

In February 2023 the McDonald Laurier Institute released a study of the effects of Gender Self-ID on the incarcerated female population. Prior to 2017 Corrections Canada housed inmates according to anatomical sex. After JWR bill received ascent, CSC adopted an interim policy in which gender diverse offenders were given the choice to state where they would like to be incarcerated – in women’s prisons or in men’s prisons, in accordance with their gender identity and expression. This interim policy eventually formed the basis of Commissioner’s Directive 100: Gender Diverse Offenders (CD100), which was implemented in 2022.
It is unclear whether female offenders were consulted in the development of this policy, or what consideration was given to the tensions that might occur – and in fact have occurred – with housing potentially violent male prisoners who identify as women alongside vulnerable women. It appears as though CD100 was a unilateral decision to prioritize gender identity and expression over sex in the organization of prisons and, with that, to unilaterally redefine women’s prisons as places that incarcerate by gender identity and not sex. — MLI
The MLI report concludes the following — there is no substantial evidence to support a prison placement policy that permits transgender prisoners to choose the prison in which they will serve their time. I cannot reason how policy makers thought this would be a great idea that would serve human rights. It baffles me, quite frankly that rational people think when a dangerous and violent sex offender decides he is a woman that suddenly he is no longer a risk. Would Justin Trudeau and his morons have these violent male convicts who became women around their wives, mothers, daughters? Why is he asking Canadian loved ones of incarcerated women to take that risk? Patricia Craven, prison governor at HM Prison Service, England and Wales, writes in her forward the following about the impact of male presence in the female prison facilities —
In my experience, the dynamic of a female-only environment changes dramatically even when only one male is present. Some women vie for male attention but many more shun it. Their behaviour changes. They exclude themselves from the very activities that make the dull daily prison routine bearable and are intended to aid their mental and physical health: showers, exercise, work or education, association. They retreat to their cells. I have known women who have experienced a lifetime of male violence and sexual abuse, those who have endured coercive control, to be rendered mute by the presence of just one man.
Why is the known + potential risk of placing males who identify as women in women’s prisons acceptable to Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Government?
“Jody/Amber was most recently convicted for raping his wife at knifepoint, strangling her until she lost consciousness, and breaking several of her ribs. Further, at the time of the sentencing hearing, Jody/Amber, who was a former mixed martial arts fighter, was incarcerated in a man’s prison, was taking testosterone, and claimed to have only just discovered that they were transgender. Jody/Amber also stated their wish to delay cross-sex hormone treatment until removed from the men’s prison and placed in a hospital. In this context, it is not surprising that there were questions raised about whether Jody Matthew Burke was or was not genuinely transgender, or was merely trying to find their way into a women’s prison or trying to negotiate a less harsh sentence in a less harsh environment.” — Jo Phoenix, MLI
“Steven Mehlenbacher’s request to transfer to a women’s prison on the basis that Steven identified as a woman. Once transferred, “Samantha” committed a variety of offences against female inmates which Samantha’s victims had reported and made known to the appropriate authorities. By 2020, the Parole Board noted that “Samantha” had “created a trail of victims, many of whom were terrorized” (Péloquin 2022b). CSC’s approach was consistent with its policies and, argu- ably, consistent with equalities law.” — Jo Phoenix, MLI
What is the impact of Gender Self-ID on the female incarcerated population?
50% of transfers from men’s to women’s prison are from sex offenders
only 1 or 2 specifically site safety concerns
many transfers using self-ID to get out of maximum security and into women’s prison
20% of male and 2% female prison population are sex offenders
women’s prisons have mother + child units, increasing the risk to children

“So, if pedophiles on the street are not even allowed to walk by a playground, it is astonishing that they should be incarcerated in a facility where they will have access to children.” — April Kitzul, MLI
This is a 6000 word document and it took me a few days to write this. If it was easy everyone would be doing it, they area not. So, I would appreciate it if you would:
1. Give a fcuk about this issue, and stop your pathetic d1ckpandering
2. Give a fcuk about female people in general and male violence towards us
3. $upport my work + the work of other DIY researchers who are writing about this stuff because I don’t see the MSM falling over themselves to write about this stuff
4. Stop gaslighting me about being angry, you are the problem if you are not angry, seriously grow up women are not all your mummy we will get mad about sh1t — COPE
5. Stop treating female people and rape like a currency for your pretend social justice which looks to me like some rape revenge fantasy you’ve projected onto women for some weird regressive woke delusional morality myth.
This Piece of Sh1t apparently was not moved by the murder of 146 girls and women, he was caught locking his employees in again, in 1913. He paid a $20 fine.
To be honest, of these three comments the first one seems the least offensive to me, and that means I would take Trump over the Hollywood rape apologist who used to be funny and the demented vegetable in the White House who thinks he leads the free world.
In some reports it’s juice, I am going with the soup version of the story for this article
Autogynephilia is a paraphilia characterised by male propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is a paraphilia that underlies some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism.