I have noticed this especially lately. Strawmanning, followed by mind reading has become the order of the day

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Talking points matter; it's the replacement of critical thinking with thought-bite propaganda, so to speak.

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Thank you for this. This begins to answer a question I’ve had, which is: given that the Jewish and the Christian religious mid-wit intellectual traditions both openly goal-set for their believers to discard incoming observations and recognitions of discord between such as: a belief and the world, one belief and another belief, a belief and a value, and so on, what about Islamism? Does it do that as well, or, being last did it manage to recognize that and find a path out of the thickets?

Here’s an indication that it’s the latter and that none of the three major religions of “the book” have managed to discard the self regard.

To see this in action, look up the discussions of having faith in the face of biblical stories about the Midianites. https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/422202?lang=bi and https://maranathamedia.com/article/view/moses-and-the-slaughter-of-the-midianites are great examples of the method of willful blindness and extreme selectivity, with apologists mixing levels of abstraction and reference to construct a tissue of excuses for their particular religion.

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