Muslims Want their Cake & Eat It Too
Hijab is fard and sex is real except when the woman haters say its not
Note: The A Bad Hijabi and A Jihadi Jew Walked into a Room podcast resumes in September and will pause for October Jewish Holidays and then resume in November. In the meantime, whilst you wait for us to resume, please do avail yourself of the free resources Lee so generously offers everyone. His wise teaching and compassion and gentle nature have made a big difference to my life and continue to shape my thinking. These are good tools to help you be a better hooman.
Hijab is a cult, said Dina Torkio several years ago after the Muslim community lost its collective sh1t when she decided to stop wearing her headscarf. If we had any doubt that Dina spoke factually, we need look no further than the reaction of the Muslim community to the Olympic Boxing controversy. A human who undergoes male puberty has an advantage over those who do not. For high contact sport this matters very very much. Otherwise we have male people physically abusing female people for an audience, in order to win accolades and awards—incentivising male violence. Such as in the recent Olympic games. A male with a disorder of sex development does not qualify as a female. A person who has undergone male puberty is a male.
Yet we have the Muslim community insisting that a male with a DSD is a woman and that we are racist westerners1 for challenging their assertion, which genetic testing has disproved anyway. The events of the past ten months have clarified some things about the Muslim world and the values it espouses. More than ever I believe in the hijab ban of Quebec’s Bill 21.
The rational behind Bill 21 centres on the fear that hijab consolidates or encourages radicalism. Hijab wearing women have a higher rate of radicalisation. It stands to reason, when you look at the mental aerobics western women have to do in order to justify endorsing forced hijab, considering the way it brings hardship and misery to women in the Islamic world. The human mind becomes distorted + sick when forced to justify the unjustifiable in defense of a social identity. Radicalisation becomes an ego defense mechanism. Hijab represents a social subversion gang sign and not a religious modesty practise. In order to continue practising religious modesty as a woman I had to remove my Islamic style headscarf and stop practising Islam and begin learning about Judaism in earnest.2
Perhaps the Quran (4:34) does indeed endorse abusing women who misbehave? I was convinced to believe otherwise and perhaps that was a hasty excusing without fully grasping the deep and abiding hatred for women, who occupy a subhuman position in the Islamic world. Look, I don’t see the Muslim community rising up to defend the very universal human concept of sex and reproductive class. The community has remained notably silent except for the part where they thought their kids had to learn about rainbow rhetoric in school — Muslims are homophobic, if nothing else. It strikes me as humorous and unsurprising, precisely the level of hypocrisy I have come to expect from this community, who talk a big talk about caring for women’s rights and modesty and dignity and have the worst conditions for women of any religion in the world. I remember asking Muslim women why they didn’t care about the impact of gender self ID on women’s rights. I got the same silence I would get when I ask about Iranian women and hijab. Iranian women are Islamophobic for burning their headscarves, a hijabi one said.
If you take a gander through some Muslim and Arab media treatment of the boxing issue, you will read about the “western racist white supremacist ideology” that has caused us all to deliberately gang up on and be mean to this pauvre enfant boxing person from Algeria. Women are so mean to men. Recall that the federal government of Canada categorises female people fighting for sex based rights as belonging to a far right hate group, they have funded the Canadian Anti Hate Network3 to target and harass and libel/slander ordinary Canadians who are fighting government policy and therefore castigated as dissident, aka haters. Does this sound like Islamic regimes, where feminism is considered a Zionist plot to destroy society or a form of sedition or terrorism against the kingdom?
Remember when Canadian women became persons under the law? Now we can’t have anything to ourselves, not rape shelters, not sports, not scholarships, not a status of women department, not a flipping bathroom, nope … all of that is gone because it’s bigoted and exclusionary to exclude men who feel like a woman. When I still called myself a Muslim, I wondered why Muslims in Canada remained quiet about this issue facing women, whilst at the same time whinging about Bill 21 and anti hijab sentiments, I wondered about the apathy of western Muslim women toward women living in the hell of the Islamic Regime in Iran. The blatant selfish and entitlement and hypocrisy of living in the west where they are free and preventing that freedom from reaching Islamic regimes never ceases to amaze me.
Charlotte Kates, the terrorist who heads Samidoun, does not wear hijab in Canada and she wears it in Iran to receive the Islamic Human Rights and Dignity Award from the Islamic Regime. Police arrested her for glorifying the October 7th attack in Israel and released her on condition she not attend any “protests, rallies or assemblies,” until a court date on Oct. 8. So, does going to the terrorist state of Iran to receive an award for glorifying terrorism qualify as breaking the conditions of Kates’ release? Kates has a legal background, surely must know exactly what she’s doing.
I sit here and feel like westerners who tried to accomodate and understand Islam and Muslims in the post 9/11 era are the butt of a sick joke. I think we got had, I think the Muslim world is laughing at the Judeo-Christian world, I think Anti-Jew hatred and Anti-British hatred motivates and unites the Islamic world more than anything else that’s positive and healthy and normal. Jews have resilience and self examination from surviving exile and enduring suffering and Christians have turn the other cheek and the golden rule and mercy is mighty and Muslims have the effervescence of hate + anger, and they have victimhood and antagonism. The deep and abiding intergenerational trauma4 in each of the faith communities manifests itself in different ways.
I feel sorry for the many Muslims who grew up in a hateful and harsh hardline religious environment with PTSD-addled elders. I have older siblings who had religious upbringing pre-1964 changes and they did describe the orthodoxy as abusive and it turned them funny about G-d and religion. However at some point we all must take responsibility for ourselves and the things we learned as children. It is a human responsibility to take stock of ourselves and the values we live and things we believe and to assess the healthiness of all that. Not wanting to stand up for the rights of female people because your perception is that this is a white woman’s tears thing — that’s bigotry. The Balfour Declaration happened over a century ago and Muslims need to get over it. Move on because the rest of us have! If you want a new this is occupied territory hobby, the Hejaz is technically occupied territory and the King of Jordan, as the Hashemite King and 42nd direct descendant of The Prophet, actually has entitlement to Mecca/Medina over MBS.
The Muslim world sadly did get a significant amount of Nazi and Soviet propaganda. The head of the Palestinian Authority did his thesis on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a made up conspiracy theory that Jews are taking over the world published by Tsarist Russian in late 1800s or early 1900s. The Protocols created a propaganda stir and instigated pogroms. The Muslim world seems to have embraced this obvious Protocols lie with zeal. Westerners know the lie is a lie, so much so that its a trope in dramatic literature and film. Adults take responsibility for themselves, they resist the urge to blame others. Problems cannot get fixed until we fully acknowledge and define them.
I respectfully submit the following possibilities: the Muslim over-concern with the British Monarchy and with Christian Imperialism = collective ego defense mechanism and the Muslim hate-obsession with Israel = collective mental illness.
Do you have brain worms? Brain worms feast on empty brains. Brains filled with stuff other people taught you that you decided to endorse without thinking for yourself have the same vulnerability to brain worms as do empty brains. Indoctrinated brains = empty brain, you didn’t form many new pathways to make that information your own, you simply sucked it up. Brains filled with valid and reliable and broad ranging knowledge have most resistant to brain worms. Inoculate yourself by learning and thinking for yourself.
Fact: The Torah is thousands of years old, predates British and western Empires and acknowledges clearly a binary sex with male and female. Fact: Ancient South Asian texts also prove that human have known about reproduction before the rise of the west etc etc.
Learning about the Torah in its source language, Hebrew, inoculates me from religious muppetry, keeps my thinking sharp and clear and rigourous.
It’s too bad that despite all the anti-hate obsession in Canada, none of the millions of taxpayers dollars thrown at fake hate programmes caught the ISIS plot that an international ally noticed before CSIS or the RCMP or any law enforcement in Canada.
Intergenerational trauma is socially and attachment transmitted there is no valid or reliable scientific basis for genetic transmission of intergenerational trauma as progressive rhetoric implies. I am aware that Gabor Maté espouses this theory and I believe he is wrong to do so. Per Razib Khan, Geneticist.