“A good definition of lawfare is the abuse of international law and legal processes to accomplish military objectives that can’t be accomplished on the battlefield.”
―Jay Sekulow
Canada is at war. A silent war. It involves no guns or firearms of any kind. In fact it involves no incendiary devices. Canada’s war does not create any physical casualties—it’s a bloodless war.
What am I talking about? I’ll explain in a moment.
First, some Canadian backstory. Hamas leader Ghazi Hamad thanks Canada for backing the anti-Israel UN Ceasefire Resolution in the video clip below. Ghazi Hamad once said “Israel should be wiped from the face of the Earth. It is an animal state that recognises no human worth. It is a cancer that should be eradicated”. He also said “Israel is not a country of humans, but of animals.” Hamad said these things about Israel and Israelis in 2006/7. Maya Angelou once said that we should believe people when they tell us who they are—why did we refuse to believe Ghazi Hamad when he called for the mass extermination of Israelis?
Note the timestamp, in 2006/7 Hamas seized power from the Palestinian Authority and took complete control of Gaza. Al Jazeera lauded Hamas: Unlike the Fatah, Hamas is seen to be corruption free and not riven with disagreements. AJ also noted something the world now knows in full brutality since October 7th, 2023: Hamas first came to prominence due to its opposition of the Oslo peace accords in 1994.1 It is not clear how many members are there in its political and military wings but undoubtedly it has many supporters.
Why does Canada’s dynamic duo of doofus, Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly + Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, think Hamas wants to do what it takes to establish peace in the Middle East Region?
Let’s review some facts about Hamas, shall we:
Hamas is a Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organisation.
Hamas, a proxy terror organisation for the Iranian Regime, has an ongoing objective of unending conflict + the total destruction of peace.
Despite the message in the video below, Hamas reportedly rejects the UN Resolution, saying it does not go far enough.
Hamas refuses to give back hostages—not even the ones it has killed.
Hamas seeks to inflict maximum torment for maximum impact of psychological suffering.
Hamas refuses to end the fighting and it demands more aid, which it steals from civilians.
Hamas demands that Israel release all the terrorists it has in its custody.
Hamas has widespread support of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.
Palestinians massacred the Israelis most dedicated to helping them achieve peaceful statehood. Palestinians killed Israeli activists who volunteered to drive them to medical appointments.
The video below tells the story of Batya Holin, who made friends with a Gazan who turned out to be a Hamas supporter.
One Palestinian who called himself Mahmoud, and who lived in Shuja'iyya, Gaza was collaborating with an Israeli named Batya Holin, who lived in Kibbutz Kfar Azza, to create a photo exhibition. They planned to travel to San Diego with their photo exhibition, which featured life in images from both sides of the fence and proved that an Israeli and a Gaza could live side by side in peace and with love. On October 7th, Batya discovered that her artistic and poetic friend had collaborated with murderers and rapists.
The original feature is in Hebrew from Channel 13 in Israel and the English translation is courtesy of Imshin.
Fun Fact: Hamas does not want a two-state solution, Hamas was formed to oppose the two-state solution and Netanyahu allowed it because he also opposes the two-state solution. Only those living in the west seem fixated on a two state solution.
Canadians have a ruling regime with a very fragile grasp of reality. We have a ruling regime that would rather wage war against their people and hold them down whilst foreign operatives and an assorted motley crew of elite narcissists enter and help empty the lovely living room above the meth lab. It seems deliberate that a man who chooses to rule by thwarting democracy and undermining national identity would also systematically over time weaken the military which serves to define and enforce the national identity. The Trudeau Regime of Woko Haram hates Canadians and wants to punish them, in particular conservatives from western Canada. The Laurentian Elites hate the Western Conservatives, they always have, this is nothing new if you are old enough to remember things. Anyway, moving on.
I opened with Hamas because I intended to write about that now and I will get to the topic of international lawfare waging war in Canada in a future article because, as I write this, I think that domestic lawfare needs its own essay. Today I will just focus on domestic lawfare and how it has slowly eaten away at Canada as a nation of people working from a common set of values toward a common good for all.
Let’s talk about lawfare — the misuse and abuse of the law for political or military ends. Lawfare activists employ tactical manipulation of a false cause to delegitimise their political enemy and damage their reputation. Lawfare activists aim to intimidate + silence, to curtail freedom by limiting options, to consolidate negative public opinion. Lawfare instigates retaliation that hampers mechanisms for + of defense against its own damaging tactical manipulations.
Lawfare activism seeks to divide + destroy Canada.
What do I mean by lawfare? Let me tell you the story of lawfare in Canada.
lawfare is the misuse and abuse of the law for political ends
Domestically, the lengthy + painful battle to destroy sex based rights and specifically to erase women from public life and destroy the parent-child attachment has happened via lawfare. gender + trans rights.
The lengthy + painful battle to scapegoat catholics + their religious orders as well as every living person who is not of indigenous descent for indigenous trauma has happened via lawfare. truth + reconciliation.
The hellish battle of black supremacists waging war against Asians + Eurocentrics in retaliation for the African slave trade has played out via lawfare. anti-racism + DEI.
The narcissistic strategy of the Muslim community to DARVO everyone vis à vis its historical role as global colonizer simply because the British Empire defeated the Ottoman Empire and backed the Balfour Declaration has played out via lawfare. islamophobia.
Lawfare activists employ tactical manipulation of a false cause:
“our existence is resistance” | “the future is inclusive” | “creating a world without homophobia and transphobia” | “gender equity” | “trans women are women”
Questions to ask lawfare activists about their false cause:
Your existence is resistance to what, exactly, material reality? What are you resisting, safeguards that protect women from sexual predators? | The future is inclusive of what, corrective rape and psychological torment as a political strategy? | How can you eliminate homophobia with an inherently homophobic ideology such as transgenderism, which says that to be gay and lesbian is an identity you a can choose and that is fluid throughout life? | How can women achieve equality when men can identify as women whenever they feel like it and become fully accepted as a member of the female reproductive class? How does making men who reject masculinity into women help women? | Why do you need to make this statement which you know to be false? Men are never women and it’s rude to suggest they can be. A man who adopts a feminine sartorial style is a man, not a woman. There are men and women, pick one and be your best self living your best life.
All of these false cause human rights movements have taken multiculturalism + fused it with progressive victimhood thinking + then pimped the human rights code, turning a mowgli into a blood-lusting gremlin. They turned Canadian tolerance into a tool of dehumanisation and therefore a weapon of silent + tidy mass destruction.
In Canada, lawfare happens by weaponising the human rights code and supporting legislation in political campaigns of precision-targeted terror. Unlike our American friends, we did not embrace gun culture in Canada. The Canadian hive mind tends more toward the British way of handling firearms— we like to demonise + ban them. We abhor obvious violence. This means we in the Canadian hive mind also harbour deep conflicts + doubts about how to handle physical violence — Canada is a society of regional differences settling themselves in a series of fortunate events.
However we do have the capacity for aggression, relational aggression. I would argue we are not as nice as our American friends are, despite the fact that we seem nicer because we have a less mass shootings and violent crime, relatively speaking. Canadians aren’t nice though. Sure we say sorry a lot. That doesn’t mean we are nice it means we have a penchant for passive aggression + smartassery. I think it makes sense that we would battle each other in three piece suits carrying suitcases stuffed with legal bombs + rockets we fashioned from a magical human rights dogma that emerged from our longstanding frustrations with our inability to engage political discourse effectively.2
It subverts democracy when the Laurentian lawyers and their demented Laurentian PhD simps get together to try to form a narcissists grievance club in response to their emotional frustrations at their inability to effect the change they wish to do. Egale, a federal and nationwide non profit organization favoured by the Trudeau Regime, subverts democracy by accepting massive amounts of federal funds and then creating dogmatic manipulative content to influence provincial jurisdiction politics. Scores of other rainbow non-profits too numerous to list have participated in this lawfare campaign against individual rights in Canada. Canadian Anti Hate Network is a consortium of thugs in suits operating behind a veil of secrecy and fueled by funds from the Trudeau Regime. CAHN has worked hard to redefine hate as dissidence toward the state, ie conservatives + anyone opposed to the Trudeau Regime of Woke, with taxpayer funds.
How has lawfare waged a silent war against ordinary Canadians?
Lawfare activists have convinced large swaths of the public that rape shelter programming designed to exclude males is genocidal and that parents who choose not to chemically castrate their mentally ill child are abusive genociders and must have their child taken from them by the state. The media helped by refusing to question the insanity.
Lawfare activists convinced Canadians (in 2016) that entrenching the right to sex changes in the human rights code was a necessary step for feminism. The media helped by refusing to question the insanity.
Lawfare destroyed women’s rights and women’s sport with Bill C-16 consolidating collective hatred of women’s rights. The media helped by refusing to question the insanity.
Lawfare allowed a Canadian woman to die by denying her a lung transplant because she refused the Covid vaccine. The media helped by refusing to question the insanity.
Lawfare has weaponised professional regulation to punish dissident licensed professionals and transform the professional class into an intellectual haram of verbal eunuchs. The media helped by endorsing the Witchfinder General.
Lawfare now has decided to exclude Conservatives from having full standing in the Foreign Interference Inquiry and has agreed to grant full standing to three Chinese foreign operatives.
The media has begun to question the insanity.
Maybe we all have become resigned that the farcical Hogue inquiry will be another spoken word play in Trudeau’s repertoire of post nationhood failed leader performance pieces masquerading as statesmanship.
Lawfare has become the standard fare in Justin Trudeau’s Regime State of Woko Haram. The media has given up its post as the fourth estate and mostly complies with the Woko Haram. In fact lawfare has assimilated the media in Canada too, folding it in the Woko Haram Borg Collective. Thru lawfare, Trudeau + his demented cult followers have found the perfect way of punishing Canadians to exact their tyrannical reign of tolerance terror.
The Resistance for the Woko Haram has devolved into resistance against state enforced limits protecting the freedom which individual liberty brings Canadian society. This explains why Woko Haram cult members like Hamas. Hamas + the Islamic Resistance Consortium embody the demented + amoral vision Woko Haram cultists have long harboured for humanity.
Merry Christmas Eve, readers. May we always worry about Canada and may we never lose resolve to fight for this grand country and take it back from the destructive regime of Woko Haram, this is my wish for 2024 for my country.
Yes, my country, I am no settler in this land of mine where I was born and no whataboutery alters that fact —your opinion about my existence as a Canadian has no bearing on my existence as a Canadian. The attempt to demoralize me and other Canadians disempowers those who do it — much of Wokeism has its roots in ego defense + ego projection. The attempts of Woko Haram cultists to demoralize those around them comes from a need to self soothe in order to relieve their own internal feelings of demoralisation.
Wokeism is a drug, like crack or meth. It has the same damaging effect on the integrity of the self + on relationships + on society.
Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux
Ton front est ceint
De fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits
“Israel accepted the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians, and the PLO renounced terrorism and recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace. Both sides agreed that a Palestinian Authority (PA) would be established and assume governing responsibilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over a five-year period. Then, permanent status talks on the issues of borders, refugees, and Jerusalem would be held. While President Bill Clinton’s administration played a limited role in bringing the Oslo Accord into being, it would invest vast amounts of time and resources in order to help Israel and the Palestinians implement the agreement.” — US State Department
Canada, are we politically impotent and do we need some political Viagra?