Gender Affirmation is Cultural Genocide
when decolonisation and queering become what they seek to eradicate
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Queer theory promotes cultural genocide. The subversion of heterosexuality sounds edgy until you realise it means subverting human reproduction. Queer theory justifies this cultural genocide (though it doesn’t call it that) by casting the sex binary as a European colonial construct and then applying a pseudo-Marxist framework to designate that construct oppressive. At this point Social Justice gallops in on its destrier to save the oppressed. This is how we can destroy a culture whilst making it look like a eradicating a dangerous enemy—through this subtle form of dehumanisation. When I plug the defining features of gender affirmation for children into the definition of genocide from The Rome Statute of the ICC, I get a disturbing result.
(a) Killing Members of the group — the fixation on and threat-mongering r/t child suicide
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group — denying puberty and therefore physical growth and development, experimental hormone treatment, experimental surgical genital modification, unnecessary, ie not medically indicated mastectomy and hysterectomy.
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part — forced sterilisation of vulnerable young people, mass transitioning of children
(d) Imposing measures to prevent births — massive sterilisation campaign under the guise of gender affirmation
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group — state apprehension of kids from parents who reject gender ideology and gender identity.
According to University of Manitoba sociologist Andrew Woolford, if genocide should be understood as the “destruction of group life rather than lives within a group,” then … that means understanding what makes them a group, what defines their cultural cohesion … is genocidal. He spoke about Indigenous people in Canada here, and we can extrapolate this application of cultural genocide for our purposes. What defining cultural feature does gender affirmation target for genocide? Well, as mentioned above, how about the supposed colonial sex binary? The queer theory decolonisers feel justified in targeting the defining cultural characteristic of the sex binary for destruction because, according to their world view, that’s the oppressor of humanity.
To begin with, when you want to destroy any culture, you first target the children of that cultural group. Conveniently, CRT teaches kids about the destructiveness of whiteness, downplays and vilifies the dead white men of literature and history, and promotes the systematic erasure of European culture in pedagogy and North American pop culture. Whiteness becomes a pejorative, as in white feminism, as in white privilege, which means if you are white then your suffering doesn’t matter because it balances out the privilege which the universe gives white people. Affirmative Action and DEI punish those of European descent, ie those designated white people. Schools promote a new sex culture called SOGI, which is based on secular American anti-family values. The SOGI culture subverts European culture and tradition, it redefines family roles, diminishes motherhood, removes the distinction between boy + girl and man + woman and promotes lifestyle choices that would remove sexual and reproductive function, threatening death for those who do not comply.
Just as the Colonials sought to civilise the Indian and the Savage too, so too do Decolonials seek to queerise the Europeans. Psychological abuse, forced indoctrination, conducting medical experiments, destroying families by separating children from their parents — if these acts culturally genocided Indigenous people then they will also culturally genocide white people. The state interfering to coerce parents to accept the dissociative disorder forced into their child by the school, the state designating as child abuse any attempt to seek treatment for their child —well that seems to underscore the destructive nature of this movement. Apprehending a child from its parents does the opposite of affirm the child — it places him or her at high risk of future severe mental illness or suicide.
Narcissists run the asylum now — they are the ruling class. This means accusations are confessions. Watch those who point the finger at you —they point their remaining four fingers at themselves. What if the reason that progressives scream genocide so loudly is because they are doing it quietly? Projection is a b1tch.
Maybe queering society is the new final solution?
Glossary of Terms
Cultural genocide —various academic definitions describe cultural genocide as: the attempted destruction of a group's culture, religion, and identity … systematic destruction of traditions, values, language, and other elements that make one group of people distinct from another … the UN states that there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group
Decolonization is about cultural, psychological, and economic freedom for Indigenous people with the goal of achieving Indigenous sovereignty.1
Decolonization could be understood as “taking away the colonial” but this raises the question of what colonial means. Colonization involves one group taking control of the lands, resources, languages, cultures, and relationships of another group.2
Genocide in Canadian law — Section 318(2) of the Canadian Criminal Code defines genocide as: the intentional destruction of an identifiable group through killing or deliberately causing conditions that would lead to their physical destruction.
Genocide in the Rome Statue of the ICC - Article 6 of The Rome Statute defines Genocide as: (a) Killing Members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures to prevent births; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Queer Theory is an interdisciplinary field that encourages one to look at the world through new avenues. It is a way of thinking that dismantles traditional assumptions about gender and sexual identities, challenges traditional academic approaches, and fights against social inequality.3
Queer Theory subverts traditional institutions of society that are based on the heteronormative model of human sexuality, and acknowledges the broad spectrum of sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender identity.4
Queer Theory, at its core, challenges the notion that being heterosexual and/or cisgender is normal, or the human 'default.'5
source: Studio Binder