Fixed + Persistent Progressive Delusions
how should we be engaging them to end the tyranny of we?
First of all — WOMEN ARE ANGRY ABOUT SH1T. WE DO NOT EXIST TO COMFORT YOU. WE AIN’T YO MAMA. The shame based approach to anger promotes forced positivity. You intensify the anger when you try to suppress it. Also you are asking people to slowly kill themselves for you because you are uncomfortable with unpleasant emotion. Yes, suppressed anger leads to serious terminal chronic illness and shortens life expectancy. Living with housing instability, a chronic abuse situation at home that cannot be immediately changed or escaped, and pervasive financial instability exacerbated by COVID, and severe grief— this stuff will make anyone angry for a while. Consider that you do not know the whole story.
How do we show up for activism or whatever this is?
Okay. Let’s talk about what everyone comes here to read. {{Gender Self-ID}}. Sigh. I tried really hard to get away from this calling. Gah. God equips the called, He does not call the equipped. It’s obvious now I have been called to this via a circuitous life path I have lived and that my mother lived before me and that my living sisters have lived and there is nothing I can do except lean in and enjoy the ride and connect and serve with the gifts and superpowers this life and the lives of my mother and sisters have given me, the youngest child and my mother’s living diary. Everything is a teaching moment. All of it. The problem lies in the fact that, as a powerfully empathetic person, I will naturally draw the narcissists into my gravitational rotation.
How to filter those people out and continue to do the work? How to keep balance so I don’t burn out? Because I know I am prone to burnout when my environment is subpar. I can be the sufferer and the comforter both—I have mastered that skill without snorting cocaine now, lol. However, to be the sufferer+comforter and field the crazy world and operate at 150% intellectual capacity whilst chronically sleep deprived and plagued by perfectionism will eventually take you out.
When you are a powerfully + mystically/spiritually empathic person, those with a persistent pattern of narcissistic response and attachment will latch onto you + suck you dry and then spit you out and move on and find a continuous supply of sycophants with whom they can establish a symbiosis. I feel these forces beneath the human connections and I often cannot verbalise them because they aren’t in that form inside me and it all causes me to avoid group think stuff — I find it too challenging sometimes to parse through all the physiologic data to get to the heart, where intention lies. Hoomans seem to need others to do psychological surgery on them, they cannot seem to realise themselves. We all do this. When you see it then you can take steps to do things differently.
So, how can I improve things? Am I improving things? Or maybe I am serving another to help them improve things? Or maybe I am the “clean-up crew” who supports the survivors and their families?
I notice that wounds draw people into the activism vortex. Sometimes that’s a good thing and sometimes it’s not—it depends on intention of action and the method of executing that intention of action.
Energy Going Out (EGO) versus Giving Over [to the] Divine (GOD).
So we have GOD1 V EGO looks like using activism to feed an emotional need for validation, a vehicle to act out resentment, a process by which the individual projects the wounded part of herself or himself onto a cause, issue, or interlocutor.
It’s applying the lens of tribalism to the work one does in promoting a cause. It’s favouring an ideological position that’s rooted in emotion over one rooted in a compassionate universal value.
It’s favouring a construct of reality over human reality and suffering.
It’s gaslighting + emotional arguments.
It’s targeting people rather than the process and ideas.
It’s preaching to the choir and calling it activism. It’s hard core conservatives going onto TC and JR and talking about their pet issues and pretending that’s going to win hearts and change minds.
It’s Pink News. It’s Jack Turban.
It’s blokes wearing frocks being the poster girl for global women’s rights.
It’s whomever that was who thought it was clever to promote a raging anti-jewish thinker and that elders of zion genre of thought horsesh1t.
It’s anyone claiming anti-woke rather than pro-[insert what value you are promoting here].
It’s the cult worship of Jordan Peterson.
It’s the refusal to look at Indigenous peoples and their history of trauma with compassionate nuance.
It’s the refusal of race-baiters to let go of the race card. It’s liberals going and buying a keffiyeh and chanting river to sea blah blah.
It’s dodging accountability and skilled debate and investigation and solution-based thinking by labelling your opponent oppressor and claiming victim status.
It’s calling anyone who dares to disagree with you bigot, groomer, terrorist, kafir, sinner, woke, conservative, nazi.
It’s being disingenuous and saying that’s refusing to indulge pronoun narcissism is tantamount to hatred or erasure.
It’s this demented and dangerous notion that parents are oppressors from whom children must be rescued by the paraphilia brigade.
It’s calling reproductive class a colonial construct because we are calling it “the binary”.
It’s this moronic notion that being heterosexual—required for the human species to survive—is somehow oppressive.
It’s the asshole who said transgenderism must be eliminated*
*what if we replaced the word transgenderism with another —ism word? would anti-wokes still approve? let’s try it— judaism must be eliminated … catholicism must be eliminated … oh it’s okay it’s not like I just said Jews or Catholics. you see how that works? what if tomorrow some powerful ruling power decided to start promoting an eliminate catholicism campaign because sexual abuse scandal and residential schools and Taum blah blah. it’s plausible—there but for the grace of God go I. That’s why I’m angry at that statement it hurts perception of the cause at a time when we are so close.
This is why I disagree with and won’t really play with fascists, I find them slimy and unethical.
I think that the internet has created a false sense of entitlement in humans and people read these words with little thought to the effort and devotion that goes into crafting these posts. This post took days to years to conceive of, days to think about and hours to write. You will spend 10 minutes and I have spend many hours getting it to this. readable state. Recognise the value of the writing you consume, please, via a paid subscription (scroll to the bottom) or the tip jar. And please do support the other independent writers you read because you and I both know they have been critical to any traction in the fight against progressive illiberalism.
Being against a thing means you are still motivated by that thing. You are letting it live inside your head rent free and control your feelings, thoughts, and behaviour. That’s not warrior behaviour that’s slave behaviour. You are compelled. You are beholden.
What is your purpose here?
What is your objective?
What do you want?
What are you promoting?
Be specific. Make a list if you need. Think about how you can serve these specific objectives. Then do it. YOU ARE SERVING THIS CAUSE IT IS NOT SERVING YOU AND IF IT IS THEN THAT’S NOT ACTIVISM THAT’S PROPAGANDA + A CULT. No one wants to join your cult—that’s a form of social cannibalism, yuck.
What if being against a thing wasn’t the same as being for another thing?
What if the enemy of your enemy was not necessarily your ally in the cause?
What if your usual ideological opponent could be your ally in the cause?
What if fascists of any stripe aren’t the appropriate allies in any social movement?
How do we engage refractory cognitive distortions?
First and most importantly—
You do not directly challenge or argue against it! Once you have done, you have most certainly embedded the belief further and made it harder to eradicate or deprogramme from the matrix of that individual’s mind.
When you are dealing with a person with an autistic or ADHD nervous system, you will encounter pathological demand avoidance and resistance. You will encounter these traits on top of the cognitive distortion. Remember that many who have been captured by the cult of gender have these types of nervous systems—your connection with them must account for that if you want to win them over. Assuming you do want to end this and save autistic and gay kids and young people. If your objective is ideological and not human-centred, then challenging a distortion and creating the culture war battles (that’s egocentric horsesh1t btw) seems the way to go—be honest with yourself.
A culture war is a propaganda war not any battle for ethics or Truth. This is what Foucault meant and many of the conservatives in the anti-Foucault cult are too thick and unwilling to grasp his complex and very dense intellectual material. I really am puzzled how a brilliant mind like JBP can get MF so terribly wrong. I can only surmise he didn’t read the primary source translation, the same as with Marx, whom it’s apparent Peterson has never read or he would have far more intelligent views on Marx. [Hint :: the silly manifesto pamphlet is a trifle in Marx’s body of work, economists already know this, you’re tiresome if you are still pretending he killed 9 million or whatever that figure is … grow up.]
I have a theory of the vilification of MF as a manifestation of hatred of a gay man who died of AIDS. The willingness to believe Guy Sorman’s BULLSH1T and the characteristic hate-trope of demonising a promiscuous gay man in some of the biographical literature, deliberate misrepresentation of his scholarly work, casting projections onto his character—all look like examples of anti-gay bigotry to me. Look, no one puts straight men who are promiscuous under the same severe moral scrutiny. A special level of vitriol and vilification we reserve for a gay man. Gee could this have anything to do with the fact that the Vatican specifically named gay people as fornicators in its catechism? Naturally that has seeped into secular society and stayed there? Most people don’t realise how much influence the catholic paradigm has had on our western thinking and culture and psychological processes.
Anyhoo. I digress.
So, you avoid arguing with a delusion or cognitive distortion. You avoid mocking it. You resist the urge to try to won the argument. This isn’t about winning. If that’s your mindset, then go to the gym or go play a video game and get that sh1t out of your system. This isn’t a game, this is human connection. Okay. What do you do then? How do you engage dialogue with an individual who has these refractory cognitive distortions?
Establish a connection — build trust and rapport.
Approach the connection with curiosity and non-judgement
Avoid the use of inflammatory (emotional) language - you are using the word mutilated to describe a human being’s body, and often the human thought they wanted that which you choose to now call mutilation. You are projecting a horror story onto a human body and that seems like abusing someone who has endured enough abuse, don’t you agree?
Avoid euphemistic language — this works against rapport building, it creates unsafety because it disrupts connection that comes from clarity and knowing what is meant by what is said. Safety comes from connection. Higher order thinking and reasoning requires the physiologic state of safety in order to engage. Mean what you say and say what you mean and do you due diligence. Consistency in your own message and its delivery will convince people of your intent. So chemical castration instead of puberty blockers, sex or reproductive class not gender, amputation not mutilation, alienation not grooming, drag not woman face. Never mind the binary—what does that mean? There are two gametes. Karotype is not sex. Euphemisms come from ego and the need to obfuscate. This isn’t progress.
You must know your stuff because the progressive cult relies heavily on euphemisms—they hide their ignorance in the euphemisms, so use that fact!
Ask questions, challenge the euphemisms used, probe and continue gently probing.
For example TWAW could be met with - what’s a TW, why is a TW a woman, how is a TW a woman, why do you need to say TWAW, wouldn’t it be self-evident? BelieveAllWomen could be challenged with even Ghislane Maxwell, a woman is who identifies as a women could be challenged with what if Harvey Weinstein or Paul Bernardo identified a woman tomorrow? Should they go to female prison? Why should a sex offender be housed in female prison where he has access to a entire pool of victims?
Keep them on the topic when they stray and deflect projections. Remember the socratic method—it will serve you well. Focus on ideas not personalities.
Do not be attached to the outcome—that’s ego it ain’t your amigo. Be attached to building rapport, to planting seeds, to developing your process. These distortions did not take hold overnight and they might not be dissipate overnight either.
Once you get drawn into an emotion volley, a power play, a control dynamic, karpman’s triangle—you have complicated the connect and weakened it. Twitter is the volley ball court and we love to spike those emotional bombs across the net to one another for dopamine hits. Remember what’s your purpose.
Assess the worth of each engagement, do triage on your interaction—sometimes you encounter individuals committed to misunderstanding, invested in their belief system. You will see projection and deflection and red herrings and a host of other manipulation tactics. You need to assess the whether your time is worth it or could be better spent. Not every encounter with a troon needs a response.
Be prepared to be misunderstood. Get good at not caring what others think so you can keep your focus. Learn to let things go that you don’t need to carry around.
Ultimately the best way to be most effective at anything is to manage your own connection with yourself first, be confident and solid and expansive as opposed to doubtful, wishy washy and contracted. Your trauma needs to be addressed and activism isn’t where that happens.
Notice your heart rate when you are engaging with your interlocutor and notice how your felt sense changes when your heart rate rises. Notice how feelings feel physically, ie. in your body. This will serve your capacity for self control and that will be key to rapport.
You can’t change anything if you do not connect with humans on a human level.
Did you find this post helpful? This is mindset coaching! You can contact me for an introductory session to see if we are a good fit. I offer unstructured coaching for processing and also structured coaching where the socratic method drives the session to filter the discussion down to a solution or shift in thinking. I also coach on nervous system regulation and healthy self-soothing — mindfulness and breathing exercises can seem impossible and discouraging, there are other modalities to achieve a calm connection with yourself.
I’m still playing with the GOD acronym it’s a bit awkward still maybe 😏 … GIVING OVER (to the) DIVINE …? Yeah, maybe.