Dehumanisation is the Real Pandemic
week 47 of 2023 | 7 weeks since the massacre | 99 weeks til Canada votes
I began my week watching this lecture on The Power of Dehumanisation by leading Dehumanisation Scholar David Livingstone Smith
and listening to this clip of M, Murad A. Al-Asqalani. I first encountered Murad in Twitter Spaces, where he provides a reasoned, measured and calm perspective from an Egyptian intelligence perspective. I find this fascinating, knowing little or nothing about middle eastern political intelligence from an Arab POV. Murad stopped my thoughts cold in the monologue below, with his ability to seize on the arrogance and complacency of westerners, who sit in our comfortable, unaffected lives and drag everything we can into our ridiculous culture war.Murad mentions the growing dehumanisation of Muslims in his monologue — the painting of a global population of 1.9 billion Muslims as a blood lusting nation that wants to destroy the entire world. Over the past week I have observed a startling rise in dehumanisation of Muslims on X along with a continuation of the targeted + hateful harassment of Jews in campuses + communities + pro-Palestinian protests in Vancouver and across Central Canada1 in particular. In his lecture David describes dehumanisation as a psychological response to political forces. The combined effect of these two men’s moving speeches had an impact on me equivalent to a strong blow to the head — stunning, thought stopping, emotionally evocative, transformative, like a several times zooming out on the image inside my brain’s neural network. I am not going to be lectured by some people sitting online playing Apple versus Samsung fanboyism thinking they are scoring points. There are real human beings suffering because of this. BAM.
I immediately wished that I could play this clip for every politician and journalist in Canada. I wanted also to play it for every social justice narcissist — all the agents who have built their image with points they scored in the culture war of wedge politics. Culture War Psychosis has conditioned people to scan the social terrain for the scapegoat and then build a narrative around that scapegoat and directed by their confirmation bias.
This week we have decided that non European immigrants disrupt western society. We have also decided that Muslims cannot participate in civilised society because of their untermensch quality.
Many North Americans cheered Geert Wilders’ winning 35 seats in the Dutch Parliament on November 22nd. Many also cheered Connor McGregor, who incited violence the night of November 23rd in Dublin, which exploded into violent riots and looting and arson after a man stabbed a teacher and several children in or near a primary school in broad daylight. Word on the street spread quickly about the attacker being Algerian and an explosion of anti Muslim hatred erupted. Connor McGregor and other far right Irish incited angry insurrection via X. On Telegram, some Irish advocated for the mass murder of Muslim immigrants. Yes, I have this receipt. No I will not share it publicly.
Frankly, I do not feel surprised at the fact that the country which produced the suffering of Magdalena Laundries, and which stored dead babies in a cistern at the Tuam Mum + Baby Home and hid that fact for decades, chooses to respond to the present situation with hateful + violent riots that include arson and violence toward the police. The government has responded in equally severe fashion, with draconian hate legislation.
Comparatively to Canada, the Republic of Ireland has far more humans packed into a far smaller space. Since 9/11 the population of Muslims in Ireland has tripled. How does a society such as Ireland cope with such a dramatic injection of diversity into its fragile + homogenous post-Catholic societal balance? A quick glance at crime statistics for Ireland shows a trend that contradicts the popular thinking. Homicides in 2021 have halved from 2007 levels. Muslims make up less than 2% of the population. We were unable to access crime statistics by race for Ireland.
How much do political forces shape the human psyche? How much do these forces continue to exert their impact after the events have passed, even in the face of evidence that contradicts the narrative that lights of the human psyche and drives behaviour? What does it take to change the human mind?
More than ever this past week, I have seen sentiments such as Muslims do not belong in civilised society expressed unapologetically. The hatred of Jews has not abated as I have watched the frightening dehumanisation of Muslims explode into normalcy, almost cynically driven by the insistence of the Trudeau Regime in tacking on Islamophobia to any discussion of antisemitism. I have questions and no answers.
Why can we never have an honest and frank discussion about Muslim-driven hatred of Jews without the fear that calling Muslims to account could make us guilty of anti Muslim hatred?
Why can we never have an honest conversation about the anti-Muslimness of jihad indoctrination?
Why can’t we have a conversation about jihad indoctrination without painting 2 billion peoples as barbaric monsters who want to kill everyone in sight?
Why doesn’t western society want an Islam without extremes? What purpose does the Islam Boogeyman serve to the west?
Jihadism + Islamofascism kills more Muslims on the planet than any other group of humans, yet I see so many people lusting to punish Muslims for a thing that puts them at grave danger and brutally kills them. Blaming the victim removes our discomfort at the human conundrum of suffering placed before us — it’s a repugnant thing we do to masturbate our own ego. No single culture or religion or ethnicity causes bad behaviour or evil doing — complex human nature does this. An inanimate object does not drive extremism, the sum total of social engagement does this. A book is a pile a processed trees until someone reads it and assigns meaning to it and makes meaning from it and applies that meaning it human existence and relationship and injects it into the human collective hive mind.
Dehumanisation is a psychological response to political forces.
The other thing that rocked our boats in Canada this week involved a guy named Villani who crashed his white Bentley at very high speed into a border crossing in Buffalo/Niagara (on the US side of the Rainbow Bridge). Naturally most people initially treated this as a terror attack. Only a fool would fail to treat this car explosion with caution until the evidence rules out terror! Yet, we had the Laurentian Elites freaking out, accusing the Leader of the Opposition of lying, of misrepresenting facts, of committing some kind of dangerous far-right sin. He quoted a CTV report published at 12:43 in QP at 13:00 that said Canada was treating the car explosion like a terror attack. Chantel Hebert apparently called Poilievre a liar, that seems like some kind of projection. To be honest, I feel like Chantel has been talking sh1t since I was in my late 20s, she can retired anytime and let someone with greater intelligence and fresh ideas have a turn at the talking heads mic. I want to laugh at the people who think so highly of themselves they perform in from of the camera like this, as if the average Canadian at this point wants to relate to any human being who possesses that mentality.
Do Laurentian Elites see they have alienated the rest of Canada? Do they even care?
Look, white Bentley’s don’t approach a border crossing at high speed, then flip into the air and explode into a fiery blaze every day — that’s not normal and we tend to get excited when fiery explosions occur near the longest undefended border on the planet during an intense Middle East conflict involving Islamists who set babies on fire. I think you are being unreasonable if you pretend that is not the case, okay, Laurentian Elite assholes? Can we move on now, or do we need to give you Southern Ontario Touched Ones a few more minutes with your avocado toast and oat milk? Do let us know we we can move on, okay?
NB: I mock the media mercilessly because the media deserve mockery — any industry who allowed an entire political establishment to get away with Sex Denialism and put dangerous males sex offenders in female prison does not have my respect or trust, you must earn that back, at this rate it will take forever, you lazy and cowardly goons. Just saying. You ignored state sanctioned rape — fcuk you all, okay? You are never forgiven for that. You have gone far too soft anyhow. Level up.
None of the Laurentian Idiots bothered to address the reason so many went straight to terror attack when we heard the news of the Villani car crash and explosion. No discussion of the rising pro-Palestinian hostilities we all observed in the weekly protests and rallies since the Simchat Torah Massacre 7 weeks ago, no mention of the growing IRGC presence in Canada, of the Liberal Regime’s refusal to declare the IRGC as a whole a terrorist entity. No mention of the British increasing Canada’s terror threat level. No, instead we went with the usual fare. It’s like we live in the weird contextless realm of suspended animation. The idiots tip toe around the Muslim community, unable to engage intelligently about jihad indoctrination, about Palestinian propaganda, about hijacking middle eastern history for a culture war that tries to fit the Israel-Arab conflict into a Apple versus Microsoft rivalry for dopamine hits.
Trudeau won the federal election in 2015 as the pendulum swung forcefully away from the Harper Conservatives. Trudeau offered a sunny disposition and politically weary Canadians took it and ran with it and celebrated foolishly. This man never would have gotten anywhere near the position of Liberal or any party leader without the name Trudeau — after 8 years we cannot ignore his incompetence, even though the media seems bent on doing so.
Over the course of Trudeau’s tenure as Prime Minister, we have witnessed a popular uprising fuelled by Muslim and Progressive Social Justice influencers dominating social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to organize protests and disseminate white, grey and black propaganda. It has cultivated social unrest and denigrated a national identity and national values that connect Canadians to each other. It has instigated regional + class + racial + religious divisions. Trudeau has elevated himself at the expense of his country, in true narcissistic form, as a masterful wedge politician. Trudeau cannot or will not unite the country. I have reached the conclusion that he lacks to skill to do so.
Three major trends drive sociopolitical tension and disruption in Canadian society right now. A wise Opposition Leader would incorporate these disturbing trends into his strategic plan and develop his platform accordingly.
The first is repeated deployment of large-scale, structured campaigns of online disinformation by all political actors. Domestic, American, and foreign players all vie for dominance in the political arena. Federally funded media outlets + NGOs + think tanks seem to primarily cater to the Trudeau Regime’s agendas. In this way, the Regime maintains sufficient political leverage to dominate provincial and local jurisdictional issues — in a top-down authoritarian fashion. It maintains tight control over the sociopolitical landscape such that it can sufficient silence and punish dissidents, like any authoritarian regime does.
The second is that Canadian human rights activism has devolved into massive astroturfing endeavour, scripted by creative content developers— domestic + American + abroad — and mobilized by marketing strategists, who create and drive talking points using meat and sock puppets, mask them as organic interactions between digital grassroots activist entities, amplify them in the echo chambers of social media, then funnel them to mainstream media outlets. A mosaic of front groups exist, who claim to represent some non partisan social justice purpose, and really represent the interests of a hidden backer organization, which could include anything from political groups, labour associations, and even terrorist organisations and their affiliates.
The third is a global challenge to balance the issues of freedom of speech, freedom of belief, internet neutrality, online privacy, as well as guard against the proliferation and exploitation of technology. Social media serves as the 21st century Volkskempfanger. Terrorists and their enablers use the internet as a force multiplier. How do we best solve the problem of shrinking and altogether limiting their reach? Attribution and targeting? Banning services and products available to law-abiding internet users? The proliferation of misinformation has exploded to such an extent on Instagram, where does one even begin targeting and attrition?2

Dehumanisation—not Covid, not Gender, not Islam, not American Exceptionalism, not any particular culture or lifestyle choice—creates social unrest and societal strife and tension amongst community groups. Our human nature limits us, causes us to react in particular psychological ways to certain strong political forces. Political agents evoke intense emotions on a public scale, consistently and repeatedly. Fear and rage farming intensifies. In North American we do not get physical rocket attacks to frighten us, we get these psychological attacks, peppered in our daily information served to our devices. The Covid Boogeyman. The Transphobia Boogeyman. The White Supremacy Boogeyman. The Muslim Boogeyman. The Jewish Boogeyman. The Transgender Boogeyman. We fall into a loop that holds us in suspended animation. Charismatic actors enter, peddling their wares, in this case, ideological or political solutions and a scapegoat.
The more magical thinking the better.
Announce you are a feminist PM and half your cabinet will be female, then pass a law that denies sex based rights to women. When women protest Sex Denialism, scapegoat them by calling them bigots because they disagree with your magical solution. Announce you are an antiracist PM and launder money through NGOs to flood the county with CRT/DEI indoctrination that scapegoats white people as inherently racist and belonging to an evil oppressor class. Call any white person who challenges this a white supremacist because they deny your delusional world view. Invent terms such as white feminism and white fragility to further the dehumanisation tropes. Decide that the solution to residential school lies in national demoralisation and conjuring up horrific tales without evidence and passing laws to prevent anyone challenging the narrative. Pass a law that says useless humans who require too much care from society should die at the hands of the state. Create deep apathy and severe inability to empathise with other human beings by bathing neural networks in a barrage of dehumanising media that people become unable to empathise with other humans.
People fell for this in Canada, hook line sinker — we exist here now, where we have many amongst us desperately trying to convince the masses that particular human beings possess subhuman qualities and we must guard ourselves against them. Depending on who you talk to and what tribe they ally with, you will here about a particular kind of person described as though a disease state or vermin.
I have listened to many foolish westerners in the immediacy of the 10/7 massacre smugly and self righteously and arrogantly explain how they came from a culture and people who simply did not do those horrific things, not like those animals. I want to remind everyone reading that nothing could be further from the truth. You and I reader, well, we are those animals who do horrific things. Please do read the description of Americans lynching a mentally disabled black young man named Henry Smith for a crime he did not commit3 — the atrocities done to Henry equal those committed by Hamas.
"A tinner's furnace was brought on with IRONS HEATED WHITE."
Taking one, Vance thrust it under first one and then the other side of his victim's feet, who, helpless, writhed as the flesh SCARRED AND PEELED from the bones.
"Slowly, inch by inch, up his legs the iron was drawn and redrawn, only the nervous jerky twist of the muscles showing the agony being induced. When his body was reached and the iron was pressed to the most tender part of his body he broke silence for the first time and a prolonged SCREAM OF AGONY rent the air.
"Slowly, across and around the body, slowly upward traced the irons. The withered scarred flesh marked the progress of the awful punishmen. By turns Smith screamed, prayed, begged and cursed his tormentors. When his face was reached HIS TONGUE WAS SILENCED by fire and thenceforth he only moaned or gave a cry that echoed over the prairie like the wail of a wild animal.
"Then his EYES WERE PUT OUT, not a finger breath of his body being unscathed. His executioners gave way. They were Vance, his brother-in-law, and Vance's son, a boy of 15 years of age. When they gave over punishing Smith they left the platform." (ThoughtCo)
Central Canada does not refer to the geographic centre of Canada, which is Winnipeg/Manitoba. Central Canada refers to the sociopolitical centre of Canada, the seat of the nation’s ruling class, Ontario and Québec.
M. Al-Asqalani. 2017. Divergent Options.
Fort Wayne Gazette, 2.2.1893