The Pressing Questions for Monday Morning from Bad Hijab :: What if you are inside the belly of whale? | What if you just gotta ride that b1tch? | Have you eaten the cheeseburgers + petted your cats?

Let’s bring forward the intellectual legacy of Islamist-Arab Nationalist D1cktopians
Obstinate commitment to violent opposition and refusal to concede anything toward peace — priorising the hypermasculine fanatical d1ckbag culture of leadership before the well-being of the people
Vehement + irrational hatred of the Jews + Jewish presence in the Middle East, fomenting this hatred, living in this hatred, to the exclusion of all that would progress the society and community
Refusal to engage in introspection + take personal responsibility, corrupt + tyrannical + narcissistic leadership style, emotional immature entitlement mindset
Propagandist myth that al-Aqsa mosque is in danger of being destroyed by the Jews
Animosity and resentment toward the British (and Allies), refusal to agree to the presence of a Jewish state in the Middle East
Belief that Judaism + Islam are incompatible or at odds, and therefore Jews = enemy of Muslims
How many of these thought strands do you see flourishing within the mainstream Muslim mindset? Personally, I see all of these reflected in the thinking of my local + national Muslim communities, as reflected by social media posts + news stories + conversations + observing the community from an outside perspective. I also mean in reference to the Catholic community of my upbringing, BTW, I think that’s an important stipulation to make—that I have a comparative reference because I come from an outside faith-place.
I have never ever in the history of being alive understood hatred toward Jews. It puzzled me growing up and hearing about the Holocaust and it puzzles me now. The whole Mel Gibson Passion of Christ the Jews killed God Catholic thing always irritated me, and I ALWAYS ALWAYS secretly gagged on that sh1t when they tried to shoved that propaganda masquerading as religion down my gizzard in church every Easter season. Yes, the movie accurately reflects the Passion of Christ story presented in the Catholic Church of my upbringing.
You see how I have just levelled a critical insult at every Christian and note how there isn’t a bounty on my head now because I said a thing that attacks the fundamental heart of Christianity? That’s because Christians aren’t brainwashed into thinking they must terrorise any and all who push back on their mythos + dogma. I just wanted to point that out, since I’m writing about brainwashing and battling propaganda beasts.
To build a healthy + safe + innovative + advanced + compassionate + responsive + person-centred society requires —
freedom of thought + belief
an education framework focussed on :: imparting knowledge + its history + the evolution of thought | teaching how to acquire knowledge + skill | cultivating critical thinking skills
a fierce + courageous + supported + educated + independent + honoured female population
teaching and promoting emotional + spiritual intelligence over identitarianism
starving out the culture of D1cktopia [see number 3]

Sometimes I look around and feel like the propaganda machinery is winning. Nazma Khan having her World Hijab Day right now seems a bit fcukd up to me idk. When the Ayatollah’s Regime is brutally cracking down on the mass protests of the Iranian populace against mandatory hijab and the derangement of Islamism, do we seriously need to have a World Hijab Day to highlight the plight of the poor western hijabi, i.e. an identity which promotes western Islamism? Anti-racism in the genre of Kendi loves to promote disenfranchisement and brand Muslims as victims of European hatred and the supposedly parasitic Jews and also targets of the mythical islamophobia, that even Muslims can be guilty of, should they commit wrong-think.
Um, y’all see how this conditions an extremist mindset into popular culture, right? Can you see how this identity-based brand of activism = false empowerment?
Dude, can I just say how much it reminds me of cocaine + crack, in it’s seductive allure to the disenfranchised? Identity Politics feels like snorting rales of coke or inhaling crack rocks through a steel wool stuffed glass tube — so fucking desperately + chaotically + urgently + attractive to the amygdala. Oh gawd, if you know you know. I wonder, does Identity Politics stimulate the same areas of the brain as cocaine? I have often intuitively joked about dopamine hits and identitarianism.

The Muslims together against beelzebub1 thing bores me, as I’ve written. I find it emotionally + intellectually stunted. I see it as the biggest obstacle to progress for Muslims worldwide, a silly dogmatic mantra to enslave them to serve D1cktopia masquerading as socio-political progress. Consistently, Muslims together against beelzebub has proved an Achilles Heel to the Muslim world, forcing a value of destroy the enemy at all cost to supersede all other human values.
I mean, far be it from Bad Hijabi, to school anyone on anything. However, the Qur’an does say perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you … Allah knows and you do not (2:216) so, like, idk, that seems clear to me.
Hey Muslims, what if that thing you hate is actually good for you? [Quran 2:216]
The only difference between Catholicism + Islam that matters right now in this discussion is a very modern + practical one—Catholics experienced religious reform via Vatican II in 1964 and also a massive post-Holocaust society-wide reckoning, whereas Muslims still live in the toxic ruins of the fallen Ottoman Empire. Remember what Darwin said? Those who adapt survive. Vatican II had a powerful impact on Catholic society and I have written about this in an autobiographical context—my siblings received a vastly different + far more repugnant introduction to God than I did because their religious upbringing happened pre-Vatican II.
It’s my sense, having had this discussion at length with my late eldest brother (who remained devoutly religious his entire life), that Vatican II required the Catholic faithful to re-engage their relationship with religion by reframing God as a bottom up-process, i.e. a choice, instead of a top-down societal obligation. The formal separation of Church + State and the introduction of religious freedom made a profound statement that some did not like—many left the Church and many left religious life. Others leaned in and embraced modernity. I think anyone entering this discussion must consider this reality carefully —this change upended the way Catholics related to their God and religion and it rippled into the culture of God passed down to children. Catholic kids in my world grew up hearing love thy neighbour as thyself + want for the other that which you want for yourself, not [insert name of designated other] are the infidels, destroy them.

Look, we are hoomans not Daleks. Hoomans seek compassionate + safe connection whilst Daleks strut around demanding total conformity to the will of Dalek and expressing merciless xenophobia — which one would you rather LARP?
We are here now, in the year 2023, not in the year 627 and not 1195. Mustafa Akyol, in his book Reopening the Muslim Mind, quoted Ibn Rushd from Hebrew sources because no Arabic sources exist since fanatics burned all of Rushd’s books. This is the Muslim world, can’t have anyone talking smack about hoomans as rational creatures capable of free thought and certainly can’t have anyone going so far as to defend rational investigation! Definitely a bloke who writes that women can be philosophers + rulers + clerics will piss off the D1cktopians.
What are we fighting for, as Muslims? Do we even know? What we focus on grows. What are Muslims focussed on, right now? Hate. Validation. Identity. Conformity to Dogma. How’s that working for us? Seriously, after 100 years of parroting the same tired made-in-Imperial-Germany Furor Islamiticus dog and pony show, how is that working out for Muslims? What do we want? What do we value? What things do we want for our children? For our communities? For the social systems that sustain and protect us?
Why do the most contracted voices promoting the stupidest + most emotionally moronic messages seem to garner the most attention? What can we do about that, here + now?

beelzebub = Big Evil Entity [of] Lying Zionist European British Usurpers [+] BumbleweedBrains