Activists Deliberately Choosing Danger
has the GC movement devolved into a war of the roses narcissism?
Last week I felt traumatised by things cruel assholes forcibly injected into my eyes. Like, act of violence captured on film whilst the victim suffered and died. Like, a montage of photos manipulated to created a violent scene that never took place. Like, a violent lynch mob moving like a murmuration of starlings around it’s target. And then the silly antics in Grandview Park. I feel wounded by the horror I witnessed. I feel angry by the manipulation I caught out. I feel like those who place themselves deliberately in harm’s way to get Fox News to notice them are a liability to any community.
🌺For those who might not know, War of the Roses refers to a 1990s movie about a married couple who were both narcissists and went to extreme lengths to try to drive to other party away from the house and ended up killing themselves in their separation war over their grand house. It also refers to the English war between the Lancasters and the Plantagenets.🌺

In the past week I have seen frightening visuals of violence out of control, in one case extreme + terrifying + unrelated to the gender movement + in my own city, in a place where I frequent—unprovoked + chilling and reminiscent of the Greyhound beheading in its randomness. The two other cases involved situations publicity created by known celebrities in the Gender Heresy movement who deliberately put themselves in harm’s way. Let me preface this by saying the two situations are not the same obviously — a case could be made for Posie that she was set up to be lynched like she was, the cops did not feel motivated to do their job. That’s quite clear.
The inmates are indeed running the asylum, clearly — a male GIESC Program Officer at ILGA World, Intersex Human Rights at the UN who identifies as a woman assaulted a wife + mother of 4 by pouring liquid on her head and face, then publicly bragged about it and got celebrated by his community of peers, who started a fundraiser for him, and then he fled NZ, rather than own up to his assault.
Do you live under a rock and therefore need me to explain to you why this latest behaviour represents a dangerous + violent escalation we all ought to take seriously? The symbolism of the attack should trigger you if you are old enough to have seen some sh1t in the world of violent males and their helpers who abuse female people that refuse to obey and therefore receive the designation dishonourable etc. If you are watching Iran right now and if you know anything about South Asian + Afghanistan society + Islamist regime countries then you ought to feel a familiar feeling when you see that blatant female-hating sh1t from down under. I get that we all mocked it — taking the piss is a healthy way to diffuse reactive fear in the immediate aftermath. It is a specialty of anglophone culture, I get that. Satire has its place, absolutely does, and I welcome it. Okay, are we done with that now? I feel like we are done. At this point it’s dopamine hits for ego masturbation + branding purposes.
That drama club stuff being stirred up isn’t happening for me, my daughter, my sisters, their daughters, or granddaughters. This isn’t happening for my gay brother. It isn’t happening for my gender non-comforming nephew. This isn’t happening for human rights. It’s not happening for truth, fcuk that. This past week taught me that there are people on the internet who deliberately seek to promote misinformation to stoke fear and divisiveness. These people want the amygdala to drive the bus for everyone everywhere. People out there wanted me to feel the existential fear I felt seeing these images, wanted me to slip right back into those moments in my life I had put to bed where I myself thought I was going to die at the hands of a man trying to strangle me.
Who are the terrorists, is what I ask myself this morning! The terrorists are also the ones promoting false fear narratives repeatedly like obedient propaganda zombies. What happened to critical thinking?
This morning I awoke angry as fcuk about the incendiary Twitter thread I saw last week showing photographs of what look like a menacing man’s hand around Posie Parker’s neck and something pointing at her neck making it look like an attempted stabbing — this image which sought to deliberately create a false fear narrative got shared widely, by some very influential people I respect. I got lured myself for a time and I sought to disprove the thing the picture was showing and did do. Here we have the same tired Goebbelisan tactic of manipulation, tell a lie often enough and it becomes true. Keep up because this is nuanced, very nuanced.
Yes, clearly we see the dangerous threat to Posie in the video, based on the various shots we have seen after the fact and based on the assault that took place which caused the fracture a 70-year woman’s skull. No, that was not a violent woman-hating activist with a hand on her or pointing a sharp object toward Posie’s neck, it was her security team surrounding her to try to get her out of the throng safely. Yes, she was in danger. Yes the GRGC wanted to kill her. Yes that was a near lynching. No the violent haters did not get their hands on her neck or thrust a weapon near her neck in a menacing gesture. To create such a narrative serves to re-traumatise many who have actually been in that situation, for whom you say you do this.
Can I tell you that I really loathe this kind of deliberate manipulation which steals my truth from me? Why did so many of us need to endure the terror of a fantasy horror narrative, when the real situation was already horrific enough? I really resent the coercive terrorising that took place around this issue. Seeing that hand on her neck up close like that and taken out of context and then seeing how that image was used to craft a story killed a thing inside me.
So we have the Gender Heresy propagandists creating the same distorted and disingenuous fear narrative that Gender Dogma propagandists create in the trans community. Trans extremists whip their followers into a fear frenzy that feminists (called TERFs for dehumanization effect) want to kill them and Radfem extremists whip their followers into a frenzy that violent misogynists (called TRAs for dehumanization effect) are trying to destroy them by assuming their identities and then assaulting them. We are shown very specific examples of violent escalation cultivated to be a mob scene. We are shown these same scenes over and over again. Oh there you are Goebbels, did you think you will live so long after you killed yourself in that bunker in spring 1945?
Can someone tell me who this serves, except the celebrities carving out a cult hero status and political reputation for themselves? Asking for a friend … 🫡.
The medium is the message wrote one of my favourite secular prophets Marshall McLuhan. Indeed, the vehicle of information delivery shapes the message delivered. Remember the famous photo of William supposedly flipping the bird? See the gallery below, hahaha. Remember it all depends on your point of view!
It’s become apparent to me of late that Goebbels had a much more powerful impact on the culture of information dissemination that we want to admit. This has zero to do with hating Jews, subhumans, or any target of hatred at all, by the way. This has to do with a technique of manipulating information and shaping words to influence minds on a mass scale. Sherlock did not underestimate his great rival Moriarty and I think we are foolish to underestimate the brilliance of the propaganda master Joseph Goebbels, whose closely trained Ministry interns escaped Nazi Germany to Egypt, South America, and parts unknown after the Third Reich collapsed.

So that’s my thoughtful response to the Posie Parker lynch mob and the stories that floated around about what happened to her that day down under. I will simply say I think individuals involved need to weight carefully the personal risks to safety and own that for themselves and be clear on their intention. I will not have anyone’s strategic + calculated personal risk-taking presented to me as a thing done to preserve my rights, I find this narrative unpalatable + martyrising. I don’t need anymore saints or martyrs. I never asked anyone to be that for me. In fact much of adulthood has forced me to relinquish that silly childish notion that I needed a saviour or hero or martyr or saint to achieve worthiness or whatever we want to call it.
I am grateful for the platform that highlights the issues facing women as a result of gender self-ID and I am also going to say I see the brand building + cult hero cultivation and I choose to see that as separate from human rights work. Now let’s talk about the other Gender Heretic celebrity who finds himself at the centre of controversy and danger quite often. I gave this guy an honest chance, I liked his focus and drive and ability to mobilise mass sentiment. I like his ability to engage at the grass roots level, on the street and have rational conversations that need having + that no one else is having. Chris Elston’s work has been important for families + parents + kids + teachers + educators. No denying that. Again, where does brand begin and activism end?
I have seen the Chris-Elston-was-violently-assaulted story repeat itself a few times. He was assaulted by anarchist thugs. They broke his arm. We all know that story, it’s history. And today I have seen that photo of some rainbow individual with hands hands around Elston’s throat. I have no context other that a video clip I saw of Elston in a city park with a mob of gender extremists and the cops hanging back. Elston’s videographer captured the scene + shared it on Twitter. I did not watch the video in it’s entirety to see the part where the person strikes out at Elston’s throat1.
To be very honest, after watching Inderdeep Singh Gosal stab Paul Schmidt to death and then watching Paul die in a place I have been to many times, in a city where I live, and after watching the lynch scene of Posie over + over from every possible perspective, and after seeing the made up choking propaganda pictures, and then finally having seen the screenshot of the rainbow person choking Elston, I am not interested in context anymore when it comes to demonstrated self-made martyrs, i.e. any first world Gender Heretic choosing to place themselves in harm’s way to raise awareness and build their brand.
Stop fcuking deliberating endangering yourself and calling that human rights work! A man was stabbed to death because he asked can you stop vaping around my daughter and I had the grave misfortune to see that on film because some cretin decided the entire world needed to see this horror show. And I am so done with cult celebrity heroes devolving to such a degree that they have decided to place themselves in harm’s way and then glorifying themselves about how this was for me and my right to humanity. More egregious is the notion that any of this violence and instigation thereof would be for gay rights, as in the rights of my late brother Walter. Nothing that inflames violence, nothing that goads the vulnerable and delusionally disturbed with violent tendencies, none of that circus drama act is EVER for my brother, who would be killed in Uganda in 2023 by the way, and who’s entire life was shaped by his father’s dangerous violent rage toward him and our mother.
So, I am not sure who all of this was for, I know it was not for me, or my sisters, or their kids, or grandkids or my kids either, and it wasn’t for my gay brother or any gay people anywhere whom the GRGC2 persecutes. I’m quite sure those involved have a strategic objective, I have lost the illusion that anyone’s rights are anywhere within that strategic objective of Gender Heresy Celebrity Ringmasters.

This is like saying the American Empire is fighting Islamist Extremists because it cares about Muslim rights, ahahahahahahaha nope. Also, Santa isn’t real, and neither is the Tooth Fairy. You’re all gonna hafta COPE, I’m afraid. After witnessing the violence I did this past week I see familiar things with fresh eyes, since my mother’s death I have experienced this phenomenon more and more of seeing the familiar with fresh eyes. I think Gender Heretics know we are facing an inherently vulnerable population in the community we loosely call trans. By inherently vulnerable I mean lacking the physiologic capacity for self control and have real tendencies that can quickly escalate to beyond a scale anyone can handle without extreme control.
I think some Gender Heretics have exploited this vulnerability to build their respective individual brands. I think the psychologically + emotionally vulnerable make excellent scapegoats and always have and I see that narrative mixed up in this. I think the bodies of medical abuse and trauma of detransitioners has become a cruel currency to some. I think this is all colonial treatment of vulnerable people. I think that is ethically wrong and it has cultivated a very intensive and antagonistic terrain in which amygdala’s reign and the flight-flight mode has trapped everyone in a circular intellectual colosseum.
This is a very simple + clear issue with a range of safe + inclusive + compassionate + revolutionary solution options that could cultivate real evidence-based care modalities for trans people, for detransitioners, for those tormented by unresolved trauma and ACES. Creating cult hero figures in some kind of Marvel like war only serves the consumers of culture and those who profit from the sale of said culture. It doesn’t help women in female prison forced to live with their predators and being told by their political representatives it’s inclusive and feminist. It doesn’t help families ruptured by the gender dogma cult, where they happen to find themselves on the suffering hierarchy spectrum. Everyone with sense and compassion can see the issue clearly and what the solution is. However now we have a cultural phenomenon that has become the purpose for many people, who have lost interest in the objective.
There are parents + teachers + trans people going to school board events, and there are sports + biology scholars + coaches + athletes going to sport events and lobbying sport federations blah blah, and there are journalists mining the internet for stories of woke + receiving stories from academics and others about woke McCarthism and thy are writing about it, and there are independent researchers who have developed publications to report on the Gender Self ID policies in ways the legacy media will not, and there are the clinicians who have spearheaded campaigns to blow the whistle, and there are detransitioners telling their stories. And then there are the opportunistic elites and their tea parties, sitting around talking about stuff and goading their interlocutors and basically doing the intellectual equivalent of getting gizmos wet or feeding them after midnight and then asking us for money to fund their legal battles blah blah when the sh1t hits the fan and the gizmo morphs into a Mogwai that’s violently trashing their sh1t.

What if we remember that the opportunists do PR really well and that‘s it — they opened the door and we still need to step inside and do something and connect somehow and engage minds and ideas to cultivate solutions for policy and programme formation?
So, how did we get distracted with personality cults? How did we get to this place where we think culture wars are going to solve the real social and political crisis we have been fueling and fighting both, at once? What if the Gender Dogmatists had their own Volksempfänger? What if social media was that People’s Receiver?
Ahem, enter Elon Musk, who purchases Twitter in 2022 and discovers evidence of the operation of a kind of information revolutionary guard corps, suppressing certain kinds of political speech. He gives a team of journalists access to documents which would reveal the degree of censorship and suppression happening within Twitter via its Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support, aka SIP-PES. Twitter repeatedly informed Raichik [LibsofTikTok account owner] that she had been suspended for violating Twitter’s policy against hateful conduct and yet The Twitter Files revealed that Twitter simply chose to suppress accounts expressing criticism of or mocking LGBTG political ideas, like Raichik’s, even of such accounts did not violate their hate policy. In addition to placing the account on a Trends Blacklist, meaning blocking the account from ever trending on Twitter, the company’s secret strategy team decided on the following —
Site Policy recommends placing @LibsOfTiktok (ILTTI 1.3M followers, not verified) in a 7-day timeout at the account level [meaning, not for a specific Tweet] based on the account's continued pattern of indirectly violating Twitter's Hateful Conduct Policy by tweeting content that either leads to or intends to incite harassment against individuals and institutions that support LGBTQ communities. At this time, Site Policy has not found explicitly violative Tweets which would result in a permanent suspension of the account.
This type of enforcement action (repeated 7-day timeouts at the account-level] will not lead to permanent suspension, however: should LTT engage in any other direct Tweet-level violations of any of Site Policy's policies, we will move forward with permanent suspension.
Remember when Twitter first started, we all thought, hey, a cool fun microblogging platform where everyone’s ideas can see the light of day? Well, that’s kind of how the Weimar Republic saw radio, if only they could keep it free from divisive political rhetoric and protect an incendiary social environment. However, controlling the narrative, concentrating all the power of radio censorship at the state level, ended up playing right into the hands of the Nazis, for whom the microphone and the radio catalysed the delivery of their message to the masses.
So, we got here because people in control manipulated us and there are several threads to this control thing and every thread leads to a different factor or force or interest. The people most affected by this stuff by definition have no voice because thy are in it, living the oppression and only an event that has taken something from then catapults them into the spotlight. The loudest voices by definition are loud because they have social capital behind them.
We got here because we have people with social capital and a following who have decided to designate themselves leaders and then only serve themselves to the detriment of the cause at hand. We got here because we decided time and again that turf and territory battles are more important than cruel and unusual treatment and crimes against humanity and constitutional violations. We have had self appointed feminists alienating the hijab community by trotting around Hirsi-Ali when they could have engaged the hijab community to uphold constitutional rights. We have non-parent feminists lecturing dads on whether they can joint the battle against Gender Dogmatism. How any of this addressed the faux rights conflict the state has set up with the help of men‘s rights activists, I have no idea.
Well Elston made Fox New headlines and Posie Parker has a political future planned out. Good for them! Let’s not confuse their wins this week with our human rights fight, which remains ongoing, on the ground, where conversations take place and people live normal lives walking to the grocery store, looking after their neighbour’s dog, and living their lives surrounded by completely ordinary and unremarkable trans people who are just like everyone else, trying to live their best life.
I have seen a clip of the moment when the angry rainbow person reached out to grab Elston’s throat and just before that Elston does make physical contact with that person, who admittedoh is violating personal boundaries and shouting loudly and aggressively in his face.
GRGC = Gender Revolutionary Guard Corp, analogous to the IRGC, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Whilst the IRGC describes a formal organization, the GRGC describes an information organization comprised of a global network of gender dogma extremists funded by various American charity foundations set up by very wealthy Americans to influence global democratic processes and policymaking under the guise of charity.