Well, I'll tell you, you are out to lunch if you think it's acceptable to not show up, because you think if there's some pride activities going on at school, right? Oh, that's fine, because I'm going to show my opinion by hanging out at the mall. But meanwhile, all those kids who are involved in, say, the gay-straight alliance or whatever, I don't even know if we have that anymore in our school.
They're here when we did Ramadan for [inaudible] time, and they're showing respect to the class for your religion, right? For your beliefs. It goes two ways. If you want to be respected for who you are, if you don't want to suffer prejudice for your religion, your colour of skin, your whatever, then you better give it back to people who are different from you.
That's how it works. It's an exchange.
And it isn't like that in all countries, as I told you in Uganda, literally, if they think you’re gay, they will execute you. If you believe that kind of thing, then you don't belong here, because that is not what Canada believes.
We believe in freedom. We believe that people can marry whomever they want.
That is in the law.
And if you don't think that should be the law, you can't be Canadian. You don't belong here. And I mean it. I really mean it. And it's not a joke, Manzoor. I said back and forth. You want it, you got to give it.
It just makes me angry. Sorry.
Okay, so my amygdala gave me back the keys to the bus that is my neural network. My prefrontal cortex has come back online. I can think clearly about this event. I have questions for Miss Teacher. First though, can we buy Manzoor some really yummy Shawarma or something cool? Cuz that young man did a pretty dope thing. His parents should feel very proud of him.
This is what it is to be a Canadian, Manzoor — you did good, lad. Well done!
The only failures are those who fail to try. Misunderstanding arising from ignorance breeds fear, and fear remains the greatest enemy of peace. Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects. — Lester B Pearson
Questions for Miss Teacher
Why is it unacceptable to not show up for Pride activities going on at school? What part of a young person’s learning needs does a Pride event at school meet? What skill does Pride teach Manzoor that he can apply in his adult working life?
What goes two ways? Did you include yourself in that, Miss Teacher? What about you, are you leading by example? Do you think your behaviour was an example you want Manzoor and his mates to follow? Listen to yourself, remember like you had to do during teacher training? Listen to your words — is that the Canada you want — telling a young Muslim he can’t sit at your table because he showed irreverence to your cause du jour?
You said then you better give it back to people who are different from you. Do you believe that Miss Teacher, or did you just say that to the young man in your classroom to shame him for acting on his beliefs?
You said in Uganda, literally, if they believe you’re gay, they will execute you. If you believe that kind of thing, then you don't belong here. Do you believe that not showing up for school Pride events means agreeing that same sex attraction is a capital crime punishable by death? Can you explain why you have equated parents keeping school kids home from school Pride events with wanting gay and lesbian people to die? That seems like a very unCanadian thing to say to a child, Miss Teacher.
You preached We believe in freedom … That is in the law … And if you don't think that should be … you can't be Canadian … You don't belong here. Do you know what else is in the law, Miss Teacher? Freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, freedom of association, the right not to be arbitrarily detained, equality under the law. These are phrases I have taken directly from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which I have spread out on my sofa beside me as I write this essay.
What about Manzoor’s Charter Rights, Miss Teacher, are these Canadian enough for you?
I cannot and will not speak for Manzoor, he clearly does not need me to, he has spoken volumes in this punk act he did for us all — that is Canadian, what Mansour did. Young man, well done! Keep going, you are doing great. You belong here, Manzoor. I mean that. You belong here in Canada. Not that it’s my call to make.
I will speak for myself and my dead immigrant Indo-Guyanese father who devoted his life to serving his (white catholic) community. There is racism in Canada and antiracism exemplifies and intensifies it, doesn’t alleviate it. My dad’s death exemplified the abusive way a contingent of whypipo in this country thinks that brown people have no value as humans and exist solely to prop them up and serve them and clean up their messes. My dad was a brown man, a tool to everyone around him, who was white. Not one of them saw him as a human being with an origin story. They never asked where he was born or made an effort see him as anything other than token. He was a supporting cast member in white people’s story and he brought me along for the ride. We were guests in a story that already began, that’s it.
My dad was a sperm donor and bank account to them, mum included. I was liminal, belonging to nothing and no one — that is what it is to be mixed race, you are alone to make your own space in this world. Brown relatives would come to look at how the mixed kid looked, white people would refuse to say properly the Sanskrit name I was given at birth, and remind me routinely they thought it was a freakish name, which is why I changed it btw. Dad ceased to mean anything to my mother’s family when he could no longer serve them in his coolie way. It was his foolish choice to pretend he was white and that he had no brown family roots — I hold him responsible for that choice he made fully on his own without coercion from mum or anyone. It was easy for dad to walk away from his brown family and pretend. Maybe he made himself a coolie to white people … maybe he settled.
Does my candour offend you? It is my father, imagine how I feel. So, fcuk your offense.
I am bitter and I have for nearly a decade been filled with rage and trauma about the way my dad was neglected by my white mother and her french catholic family, who did everything they could to keep me away from my dad when he was ill and needed me to be with him. Mum was mad dad got sick and couldn’t cater to her, that was how she treated my dad and me when he was dying. I kept our mother alive for many years beyond what she otherwise would have lived after the massive rupture in her life that ended her first marriage, and I did that by my existence and never leaving her side for decades and still my siblings left me to suffer my father’s dying and death alone.
I really got dropped on my head by everyone who calls themselves my family. It’s fine now and it still needs stating in plain language that crappy hurtful things happened to people by other people. Our family has never wanted to talk about the terrible ways we harmed one another. So there it is, I am over it and everyone else can get over it too, because now that I’m over it I’m gonna write about it. Writers will write about you, it’s what we do.
Yeah, I am filled with rage about my dad and the quiet racism that he built his life around. I am still a work in progress on this issue of race between my parents, which I have had to resolve on my own with no professional or spiritual or family support. That said, I bloody loathe anti-racism, I bloody loathe the topic of race, and I would rather hang out with the MAGA crowd than any progressive anti-racists. Because I intensely dislike liars and users. Anti-racists are disingenuous users of people. I am mixed race and I think you are all xenophobic + culturally chauvinistic assholes — intolerance as a character trait has not particular correlation to melanin level or skin pigment.
Anyhoo. We are here now. It’s fine. It’s called the human experience.
I still love my mother more than anything by the way. In case you think being angry at her about my dad negates any love I have for her, it does not, it did not. I still love my sisters because they came from her. Anger is a function of how much you care about that person — if you are angry it means you care a lot. Just wanted to make that clear. This has felt like a painful and insurmountable mountain for me to scale intellectually and spiritually alone. I am doing it. Alone. Like everything difficult I have ever done in my life — I do it alone. The only child with siblings.
Pardon me, my pretend friend who told me I am too angry for you to engage, I guess I am not as evolved or morally courageous as you are, we all cannot be so superior as you. Sigh. I am okay with me.
So, imagine that I am extremely tired of entitled whypipo (or entitled any colour people tbh) telling the rest of us we can’t sit at their fcuking table. (Shove your table UYA I will sit on the fcking floor at this point, okay?) People from the Indian subcontinent + MENA region of the world aren’t your bloody Malthusian Delights! We also aren’t your bloody vassals! This psychologically abusive stuff in that audio clip keeps the white supremacy narrative on life support, if I am going to be honest about it. Oh, + I am + I will be + you won’t like it + IDGAF. Cope + seethe.
Progressive diversity politics always feels like a really sh1tty bloke trying his worst hook up lines on me. It’s obvious he is full of himself and only wants to get inside my pants to suck all the orgasmic-fcuk delight he can out of me. I can smell this attitude a million miles away, it smells like rotting flesh + stale piss + cheap cologne. It’s piggish. It’s what my mother would have called a piggish attitude. Why do progressives think that’s a good look for them? This is a movement of bullies! Pride has become a symbol of narcissist abuse, as progressives like Miss Teacher weaponise guilt about the death penalty for same sex attracted people in Uganda in their bid for coercive control of Canadian society. People in Canada feel saturated and abused by the constant deep-throating we are getting about and from the alphabet mafia pretending to be gay rights activism.
Let me be very clear about one thing. I support gay rights. I support gay people. I oppose queer culture, which seeks to destroy the family, and therefore humanity, by eroding and subverting natural lines of attachment. I oppose wokeism, which emerged out of American elite culture as a neo-imperial global movement for world domination. The right of gay people to remain alive and the right of straight people to be able to gaslight us by posing as the opposite sex and lie to children about reproductive health are not equivalent rights and should never be under one umbrella. I don’t give a sh1t about anyone who wants to be the opposite sex or teach reproductive Lysenkoism, that’s a bougie first world fantasy not a basic human right.
Gay not Queer. Sex not Gender. Family first. No to Woke.
Woke :: Seeing the world of humanity thru a critical American lens of race-identity-gender and living in the fanatical cult-like imperative to disrupt existing + functioning + natural attachments + boundaries + systems to promote a new world order centring the triune of identity-race-gender. Wokeism is a shame and fear driven and dissociative approach to pedagogy and child development. Wokeism encourages peer orientation and erodes natural lines of attachment.
Wokeism is misanthropic and a kryptonite to the family structure. Woke and queer cultures dehumanise and divide — both are anathemas to humanity and to unity.