Why are you angry Roxanne? I get asked this frequently, and I decided I would just make you muppets a fukkin list to save me the trouble. Then in the future I will show everyone the QR code for the link to this Substack Post when asked.
The reason I express my rage so intensely and articulately is because I am intelligent, because I am intense, and because part of my process is name it to tame it … the rage gets a voice and then I can do something about it. Also, repressed rage causes illness and leads to early death. I’m not dying for anyone who would like me to douse my fire. You are asking people to negate themselves when you ask them to repress their healthy natural rage to obey your Stepford Wife Barney the Creepy Dinosaur Rules of Dualistic Horsesh1t.
If we could pull our head from our ass as a society and stop pretending that the forced positivity and forced projected identity cult is doing anything other than destroying humanity, and if we could stop worrying that people might hate us if we said SEX IS REAL A STRAIGHT MAN WITH A FEMALE PRONOUN IS NOT A LESBIAN PUBERTY IS NOT A PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER REQUIRING STERILISATION THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM CAN PLEASE GET THEIR PAWS OFF OUR KIDS maybe myself and other dragons like me would not need to get so freaking angry about this sh1t! Also those who cannot find it within themselves to get an angry about this are part of the problem.

Here is my list for the Forced Positivity Gestapo of Stepford Sociopaths about things in the world for which I have an angry. I am a billion times more enraged since I wrote this list and left it, Shumirun has happened to split my heart in two and remind me that I watched my mother face assholes who thought they could use her children to wage a vengeance campaign against her. So, I have the fires of all circles of hell burning in me and maybe i created new ones too and I do not want any of this and it’s well past what any of us wants, isn’t it, readers of mine?
💣You lack control when you feel the need to threaten the physical safety of parents and their children for an idea about how parents raise their kids — you are who we lock up in asylums forever, yes we still do lock up anyone who says they will harm children, I saw it myself in psychiatry. Those monsters belong there. Yes, monster for threatening children to punish a mother belong in lock up away from society. Fcuk this monstrosity. No mercy, not right now. I am a work in progress. 💣
So, Why Are You Angry Roxanne? It’s super inconvenient and it really harshes my buzz when you care so much about sh1t that you make the rest of us feel like sloths in a forced positivity cult. Stop being human Roxanne, your existence as a human is an offense to us all, as it has been to many since your conception. Sarcasm alert. However many mixed children were not welcomed immediately, they had to win the love of all with everyone around them who saw them as alien and freak, except their mums. Such was the case for me.
Anyway — Here are the reasons for Why Are You Angry, Roxanne?
1. What gender terrorists have done Shumirun Nessa — don’t any Muslim come and whinge to me that no white feminist cares blah blah because you would be lying I have tried to get the attention of Muslims to care about this and they brush me off — so you pretend activists can miss me I reached out and you treated me like a leper so kindly fcuk you and fcuk off to any and all i did try to engage about gender extremism and the authoritarian and undemocratic ways it has been shoved into our institutions.
1a. The fawning video post from Shumirun asking everyone to please be nice and get along. HOW ABOUT NO FCUK THAT OKAY? I refuse to live in anyone’s fear, I have had to conquer my own and my mother’s before that and I will not be fcuking carrying anyone else’s fear, okay muppets? No. We each live our consequences and I am living mine and you live yours and that is how we adult.
2. Rapists can ID as women and get into female prison where they can rape more women, who get gaslit and called bigots
3. Parents are being made oppressors for wanting to protect their kids from predators, who are the ones making parents oppressors — apparently parents are nazis for wanting to protect their children from the eugenics cult and from adults who want to teach them to have secret identity … projection is a b1tch ain’t it?
4. Hypocrites and liars are everywhere making truthful people look evil
5. Cowards with microphones are out here telling me I lack integrity and am too much
6. Yes you’re a coward if you have celebrity and you aren’t being JK Rowling GFY
7. AntiSemitics are behaving like victims and projecting onto Jews and many people are getting on the hate train
7. Anti racism is prevalent and hateful in Canada and the USA
8. Assholes who throw soup at Van Gogh are telling us they care about the environment
9. Assholes who hate what’s happening which is what MF wrote about promote lies about MF because they’re too lazy to find out for themselves
10. Canadian socialism has become a cesspool of hate and thuggery and terror and authoritarianism and regime-ism
11. The media has sold out and journalists have given up whilst the rape regime of Canada destroys women and eugenics gay and autistic kids.
12. Amy Hamm—her case reminds me daily of the life I lost and I want to set the whole fcuking world on fire because someone I loved was destroyed for a fcuking zealot’s assholery and I am small and weak and I want revenge and I want everyone to feel what I felt.
13. “… eliminate/eradicate transgenderism …”
“Oh we didn’t say trans ppl we said an idea blah blah”
14. AYFKM, asswipes???
15. Because no.
16. Let’s try an experiment—replace transgenderism with another ism word and see if you still think it’s ok. Ready? Let’s go.
17. Feminism | Catholicism | Judaism | Buddhism | Hinduism | Socialism | Conservativism | Capitalism
18. Are you still ok? Is your heart racing + burning a bit yet? Oh what’s that, muppet? It’s not the same, you say?
19. You see how this works? It’s absolutely the same. And you assholes always are doing this, we get so close and you fcuk with it.
20. Fcuk the fascist—Islamist, Christian, Gender, secular and all who amplify them like idiots. They are narcs too. Matt Walsh wants to reduce the eligible voting list, not sure how that fits into your freedom strategy but okay … 😵💫
20a. {{Iranian Revolution}} the fascists/authoritarians won, remember? This is why we learn history!
21. Fcuk malignant narcissism — authoritarianism is a manifestation of malignant narcissism and The Dark Triad. Go read some Machiavelli, it shouldn’t take you long and it’s public domain.
22. You are alienating reasonable progressives who could be convinced to see reality when you pretend that going onto to Fox News will help your fight of the disinformation cult, of which it is a part.
23. Seriously fcuk you lot promoting that idea and the moron who said it — the eradicate transgenderism line, you ghouls.
24. Because I am tired and I really need this hell to end for women for mothers for everyone suffering now.
25. This isn’t about winning. This isn’t a game it’s life. You are the problem. Now grow up and stop masturbating over this.
26. How the human brain works is it hears nothing after “eradicated” … so no one heard “from public life”
27. Fcuk that. Are you stupid? Stop dehumanising The Other in your bid to win.
28. And what does that statement mean? We know what it means. 🙄
29. Can you see how we can’t have nice things when you get in bed with the fascists??? Did you not see how well that has NOT worked out for Iran?
30. FFS.
31. You’re not speshul I’m equally angry at everyone on the planet. 😆
Remember that it is never okay for any activist or anyone to specifically create social media content that targets minors, tells them things in secret, tells them their parents are wrong and encourages them to break contact with their parents, and then sets up a special patreon account to have secret conversations with the children drawn away from parents.
The Pied Piper lured the children away from the village remember?
Also, fcuk no the empty-headed vegetable currently occupying the White House is not necessarily better than the spray-on tan fascist lunatic was ahahahahaha — they are two sides of the same sh1tty imperial american cloth and i’m fukkin done with the entire country called USA.
America You Are Fired as Leader of the Free World. Fcuk off.
Where’s Rick Mercer mocking dumb Americans when you need him?