What’s Happened to NoPlaceForHate, Canada?
in which we can no longer deny that Canada has an extremism problem
Hello, Sunday morning.

I logged into Twitter this morning to find that Canada continues to be a great place for hate and that many of the loud mouth progressives who shrieked NoPlaceForHate in September when parents marched for parental inclusion have shown themselves to be the most hateful and extreme in support for anything that disrupts the social order of Western society and that the antagonists never had any fcuks to give for fighting hatred. Canada has had a hate filled couple of weeks, let’s review how there is lots of place for hated in Canada before I tell you about Principal Rich Ward of Brampton, Ontario.
Profession Yannis Arab shouting hateful obscenities to a Jewish student. Imam Adil Charkaoui inciting genocide in a rousing hate sermon and also getting a firearm license. Firebombing of a Montreal mosque and targeted shootings of a Jewish school. BDS protestors storming Scotiabank Branches to shout pro Hamas slogans. Jewish owned businesses and Jewish schools harassed by pro Hamas protesters. Graffiti and vandalising of Jewish homes, scrawling a blood-soaked Star of David on Jewish homes and a school. A Jewish doctor receiving death threats. Publicly visible Jewish professionals and families receiving death threats.
The political leaders of this country, unable to address the growing unhinged hostility towards Jews and non Muslims without also citing “Islamophobia” like some kind of political amulet to keep or buy votes. Seeming intelligent + reasonable humans refusing to see the evidence presented to them for what it means. For example, Hassan Elsalih’s social media accounts speak volumes and yet we still see NYT and others back away from the obvious reality that Western media outlets paid embedded pro Hamas journalists for photos + footage of the worst masssacre of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust.
Gaslighter. Denier. Doing anything to get yerself farther.
The string of absurd delusional hatred against Jewish people and western civilization continues unabated with our latest episode of Woko Haram takes over Ontario Public Education. Readers, meet Rich Ward, principal of Tribune Drive Public School in Brampton Ontario. Principal Ward tweets the pro Hamas narrative that those execution style murders on Al Rasheed road of Gazans trying to escape were the IDF’s doing. Mr. Ward tweets that Israelis are the terrorists waging a campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing against Arabs.

That’s interesting social media behaviour, for a school administrator, isn’t it?
Principal Ward works for an employee that claims to care about providing safe spaces that honour human rights and model positive behaviour for staff + students + community members. According to the Tribune Drive Public School website Safe and Caring Schools teach respect for self and others, provide tools to resolve conflicts constructively and respectfully, apply consequences for inappropriate behaviour, support victims of inappropriate behaviour, communicate openly and honestly. As a professional educator, Principal Ward also has certain ethical standards to meet, as set out by the Ontario Teacher’s College. Members promote and participate in the creation of collaborative, safe and supportive learning communities. They recognize their shared responsibilities and their leadership roles in order to facilitate student success. Members maintain and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning communities.
A quick exploration of Principal Ward’s Twitter account reveals that he follows some know anti-semitic influencers. Jeremy Corbin gets a RT and so does Max Blumenthal and Omar Suleiman. B’nai Brith receive trollish responses about Israel being an apartheid state from Principal Ward. He tweets the results of the UN vote and he RTs the speech that PK made about Gaza and the IDF Iron Swords Operation. In Principal Ward’s Twitter account, I noticed an absence of empathy for hostages, and an absence of empathy for the victims of the October 7th pogrom against Southern Israeli communities carried out by Hamas and assisted Palestinian citizens.

Do Principal Rich Ward and other Woko Haram educators and education administrators realise what those words mean in their Standards of Practise? I think we need to begin having brutally honest conversations about professional regulation, professional ethics, and the asshole maker that social media has evolved into — we have lost the balance that characterises Canada’s institutions and Canadian society.
I think education professionals have a particularly high threshold of ethics to meet when it comes to social media behaviour, since society has entrusted them with the minds of our children. Meaning, professionals who exhibit hyper-demonstrative and highly antagonistic engagement combined with poor judgement of information quality vis a vis Israel-Hamas War news coverage in the social media realm call into question their ability to teach children and or manage any pedagogical institution.
Put bluntly — I cannot trust you to teach children safely and effectively if you bought that HamasNazi propaganda. I cannot trust you in any capacity as a public servant if you bought and promoted HamasNazi propaganda. I do not even want to ride the bus with your ass at this point if you are a HamasNazi apologist. Straight up.
According to the Peel District School Board Policy 48,
Under the direction of their school boards, principals take a leadership role in the daily operation of a school. They provide this leadership by:
demonstrating care for the school community and a commitment to student achievement and well-being in a safe, inclusive, and accepting learning environment. Principals shall: endeavour to maintain a safe, nurturing, welcoming, respectful and inclusive learning and working environment, where positive behaviours are promoted, character attributes are proactively developed, and conflict and difference can be addressed with dignity and respect;
create a climate that seeks to prevent inappropriate behaviour, including harassment and physical, verbal (oral or written), sexual or psychological abuse; threatening; intimidation; extortion; gang-related activities; vandalism; behaviour motivated by hate or bias; unethical use of technology; bullying or discrimination on the basis of size, strength, age, peer group power, or race, place of origin, ethnicity, language, ancestry, colour, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, family circumstances, ability, intelligence, receipt of special education or any other similar factor and/or any other immutable characteristic or ground protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Serious talk now because Canada has devolved into clown land with an unserious Cluster B Narcissist Club pretending to be a government and it has damaged Canada and harmed Canadians. Having watched the public union sector devolve into a domestic terror threat, having watched public sector workers trample individual + human rights under the guide of fighting hatred, I want to sound the alarm in a big obnoxious way now. ENOUGH. CANADA WAKE THE FCUK UP NOW. Canada, narcissists have taken over and they will run our country into the ground unless you wake up and start taking action and demanding that that government + law enforcement start to enforce the law and keep Canadians safe.
How do you spot a narcissist?
Narcissists have no personal substance. When you see them unmasked you see an empty husk of a human, without any moral + ethical susbtance, you see a psychologically damaged person who cannot people. Narcissists do not care about anything except serving the monstrous ego distortion that governs their existence. I have written about narcissists before, nothing has changed since I last wrote about narcissists as social rapists — that is as true and blunt a description as I can give you, based on my professional knowledge + experience + research, and based on my personal life experience.
Typical features of narcissistic personality disorder include diminished self-esteem, self-esteem modulation via exhibitionism + seeking out approval, and grandiosity. Characteristic impairments include distortions of identity, diminished self-direction + empathy and/or intimacy + maladaptive traits from the Antagonism Domain, including manipulation + aggression + gaslighting + exploitation + the need to control + the need to be right at all cost. Other key traits and characteristics include:
Lack self awareness, deficient due to entitlement, and inability to see circumstances from other perspectives. Seeks to exploit and use, never to comfort and connect. Strings attached to everything they do. They lie facilely because they have no moral values foundation.
Self absorbed, entirely convinced of own superiority, condescending and othering, employ projected identity and guilt and dehumanizing techniques in social situations to shield self from accountability.
Always the victim, always justifying abuse and boundary violations, unable and unwilling to take responsibility and admit wrongdoing without shifting blame.
Need to provoke and maintain centre of attention at all cost. Vehement and violent response to confrontations about cognitive dissonance and distortions.
Was the founder of Islam a narcissist? He certainly did have the tragic early life experience that would create the conditions for antagonistic narcissism, which really amounts to an extreme inability to have self awareness. In fact neuroscience tells us that humans who grew up in isolation from loving + safe parental attachment will develop a distorted sense of self and hence an impaired ability to socially connect in an undisruptive manner. I do not think that the founder of Islam’s Allah was anything beyond an alter-ego now, I certain do not take seriously in any way at all any past human’s claim to be g-d or His most perfect specimen.
Mental illness must be distinguished from g-d seeking behaviour for the safety of human society. The woman who inspired the transformation of the Catholic Church was a mentally ill Jewish woman who starved herself to death in the 1940s. How many mystics simply had a wild case of scrupulosity? You decide for yourself, I just ask the questions I don’t presume to dictate the answers for you, reader. I said what I said. October 7th changed EVERYTHING for me — imagine that you have no idea just how much changed that day for and in my heart.
G-d indeed lives at the foot of my mother, that is why I reject Islam now like I rejected Catholicism years before—I will not go back to the starting place to find what I set out to find. The journey continues and g-d only lives in my seeking to know Him. He is not in a place or a text. He is in the questioning and the moving towards light + goodness. Things my mother + father taught me belong to g-d and no religion can claim that.
Anyway. It certainly does feel like time to start to question the hero stories and myths passed down to us, doesn’t it? Grown ups can release the need for heroes. Hero-fication dehumanises, anyway. Children need heroes, not grown ups. Outgrow your heroes and maybe also the need to have them in your pocket like a snack. People are not snacks for my ego.
Narcissism must die a quick and clean death now. Narcissists simply cannot have important responsibilities and leadership positions in society any longer. Narcissistic men cannot serve as our guide and model for humanity. It must stop now — we cannot indulge narcissistic cultures and their mentally ill leadership simply because we have decided to continue the failed multiculturalism experiment.
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
Hardly unique to Muslims or their various fellow-travelers, though they seem particularly prone to giving free rein to that pathology. But neither is it unique to the religious as the Woke and their various "useful and useless idiots" do likewise. Andrew Doyle had a useful tweet some time ago emphasizing the point:
AD: "The JK Rowling controversy has exposed one of the most chilling aspects of the woke ideology: the sheer certainty of its adherents.
It never occurs to these people that they might be wrong. That’s why they refuse to debate.
This is zealotry; it needs to be resisted."
I cannot believe what is happening to our country. Gender identity ideology is bad enough but now Israel-Palestine has added a new, malignant force into our already unstable psyche. Thank you for doing what you do.