What Can You Do Right Now?
Here are 10 small things you can do now to make a big difference in your world
During these dark times the seduction of despair lures us away from gratitude and joyful resistance. The endless reacting and shovelling every unhelpful message we encounter into our eyes and ears and mouths can leave us feeling weary and fragile. Forces much bigger than us are at work wielding change in the world and when you look at things, it’s easy to feel helpless and disempowered. What can you do right now to make a difference? You can make a world of difference in your own community by simply changing the way you interact with other humans.
Smile at the strangers around you in public. Nod, make eye contact, say hello, or make some gesture that tells other people you acknowledge their presence.
Read the cashier’s name tag and say her name when you thank her at the end of your transaction.
Acknowledge the bus driver by saying hello when you get on the bus, and giving thanks as you get off.
Say hello to neighbours you when see them in the hall, at the mailbox, or in the laundrette.
When you ask people how are you, mean it and pause to listen to the answer.
When someone tells you something sad or unpleasant avoid the reflexive I’m sorry reply, which really is you making their tragedy about you.
Remember that we see things as we are. Question your intentions constantly.
Treat anger as an invitation to soothe. Greet it with gentle curiosity.
When someone is struggling actively listen and ask them how can I best support you? Show people the incredible light of their own being.
Ask yourself constantly: a) does this affect me b) do I need to react c) can I let this go.
Photo by Pablo Gentile on Unsplash