So this is just a quick post to catch up on all the weird political sh1t happening in Canada these days. Most of us feel like we live in the ridiculous brain fart of some very intellectually incompetent people, political, media, activist, even medical. It feels Maoist. It feels Gobbelsian. It feels this way because these approaches to information dissemination and population governance involved widespread psychological manipulation that promoted fear-driven + shame-based political rhetoric steeped in scapegoating a targeted population with dehumanising language.
Eye on the Ball
Are we characters in Justin Trudeau’s political wet dream? It’s an icky feeling. Anyway, the Trudeau marriage separation drama club sounds super fab however distraction much? Let’s keep our eye on the ball, shall we? What does actually deserve our attention? How about the struggle sessions masquerading as professional anti racist workshopping? How about the whole CCP interference thing? How about the fact that Canada is dropping the ball on protecting vulnerable diasporas and using anti-racism and DEI as a cover for its incompetence or willful ignorance, whatever it is driving that train wreck. Finally, have we become numb to the suffering of the addicted and the political echelon has no interest in taking up that flag. I note that people freak out about Covid deaths and they forget that overdoses took more lives and they normalised it so it’s fine they say. If an overdose had killed me in my hard using days you would not be reading this. Every life out there matters.
Two weeks ago a tragic and horrible death rocked Canada when Richard Bilkszto took his life. Richard’s death ended a lengthy + painful struggle with the social + professional ostracism that followed an unpleasant encounter he had with Kike Ojo-Thompson in a Diversity + Inclusivity Session she held for the TDSB. In the wake of the news about Richard’s death, black supremacists and antiracist DEI fanatics came out in support of Ojo-Thompson with psychological warfare that included the Kafka Trap, defined as accusing a person of an offense and then declaring their defence evidence of their guilt.
The Toronto Star wrote a biased piece on Richard Bilkszto. A nonprofit called Parents of Black Children came out in full support of Ojo-Thompson, who was their former Chair. Many guilt-riddled people who remained silent in the wake of Richard’s mistreatment by both Kojo Institute and the TDSB have begun to speak out. Other victims of DEI bullying have stepped forward and their stories now matter more than ever before. You can refer back to my article on Ojo-Thompson’s master’s thesis, in which she wrote I do not feel Canadian for more context and general suitability of Ojo-Thompson as a DEI Facilitator. You can read the investigative report about Richard in The Free Press.
A bunch of wild stuff has surfaced in the news of foreign interference. From the rumblings about the CRA investigations of Islamic charities to the leaked CSIS intelligence about Chinese interference to the stories about particular politicians targeted to the stories of the Iran Lobby to the stories of the reach of the Iranian Regime in Gaza — it maybe feels to most of us like something that happens Over There, as in anywhere that isn’t Canada. Underneath the hood of this very lovely living room above the meth lab, some ugly stuff roils and we continue to ignore it, and almost feel slighted that we have to pay attention to this stuff. Where are the grownups in Ottawa these days? Are they really out wanking over pronouns and grievance identities? You can read about the Chinese interference stuff at The Real Story.
You can check out Sam Cooper’s work to get an idea of how the Trudeau Regime has not really been the diversity-friendly leader he claims to be, having essentially dropped diasporas on their head. For example, how can diaspora activists safely organise rallies and events to oppose their dictatorial regime states when Canada has gone lax on who it allows to cross inside? Sam is the investigative journalist who broke the story about China, check out his publication The Bureau. I’m not here to lecture you or even give an opinion about it, just to point you to the trusted sources of information so you can learn about this stuff, since the Canadian news scene is a bit of a sh1t storm now and we seem quite nonplussed about stuff and maybe a bit too much, I don’t know.
Harm Reduction is actually not saving lives anymore and harm reduction activism has no interest in reducing the suffering of addiction compulsion, it only wants to normalize self destructive behaviour and stigmatise healthy limits and abstinence. The Safe Drug Supply Policy is failing young people. Harm Reduction in Canada is killing people, not saving them and that’s because poverty pimps have plucked Safe Injection Facilities from the Swiss example, removed safeguarding and any community and prevention programming and made it a low barrier shooting gallery for junkies. To be very frank that is what Insite the Safe Injection Site is — the HQ of slow genocide. There is no compassionate evidence based way for a poor street person caught in addiction to escape and recover in Vancouver or anywhere in Canada.
On the GenderWang front, the American Academy of Paediatrics decided to conduct a systematic review of the literature regarding Gender Affirming Care. Many of us have pushed for this for a long while so that’s hopeful news that soon will end the irresponsible use of hormones on children to block puberty and alter their secondary sex characteristics. Lupron still sucks, don’t forget you can revisit my articles on Lupron aka Puberty Blockers. For a quick rundown that debunks the top 9 claims progressives make about paediatric Gender Affirming Care and that provides you with some downloadable evidence you can check out Paediatric Gender Experimentation is Wrong.
So that’s all for now. Go outside and play.
Coming Up
The next missive you get from me will be early next week—about US military human experimentation. Because I’m cool like that. In fact for the month of August I’m going to focus my in-depth articles on the some medical human experimentation history. I’m in the process of arranging interviews in the near future with thoughtful experts to have in-depth conversations:
exploring the connection between dehumanisation + DEI antiracism + social pain
describing + discussing the known harms of Lupron and puberty suppression
explaining why the mind-body approach to human behaviour is outdated
What I’m Listening to :: Sleaford Mods | Young Fathers | Viagra Boys | Dry Cleaning | Amyl and the Sniffers
What I’m Reading :: Wired to Connect | Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect | Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life | Wired For Music
What I’m Eating :: Tzatziki on everything | Everything Bread Sammiches | Chicken Caesar Salad | Anything in the air fryer | Meals in the sun on the balcony

👍🙂 Big lies and little lies, as far as the eye can see. But you certainly cover a lot of ground, far more than I have time to delve into as I'm largely focused on, as you put it, "the GenderWang front". Arguably where the rubber meets the road in a great many ways.
Somewhat apropos of which and ICYMI, particularly as I see you subscribe to Gender Clinic news:
Gender Clinic News: "Yes, our evidence is weak
A leading gender clinician acknowledges the low-quality evidence base and says he no longer regards puberty blockers as a 'pause' button for children"
Closer to home, a recent bit of Canadiana from Eva Kurilova, although I think she's barking up the wrong tree in many ways, and, to some extent at least, more a part of the problem than of the solution:
"How the Ontario Human Rights Commission Helped Gender Ideology Take Over Canada"
"Ministries of Truth" R Us. Although, sadly, hardly exclusive to provincial "governments". ICYMI, Statistics Canada's foray into the field with their 2021 call for "consultation on gender and sexual diversity statistical metadata standards". A particularly odious bit of bafflegab and bunch of circular definitions:
StatsCan: "
1 Male gender: This category includes persons whose current gender was reported as male. This includes cisgender and transgender persons whose current gender was reported as male.
2 Female gender: This category includes persons whose current gender was reported as female. This includes cisgender and transgender persons whose current gender was reported as female."
Though they do helpfully and usefully acknowledge that sex and gender are entirely different kettles of fish:
StatsCan: "Sex and gender refer to two different concepts, but are interrelated. While sex is understood in terms of biological features, gender is a multidimensional concept that is influenced by several additional factors, including biological characteristics, cultural and behavioural norms, and self-identity."
The problem is generally that their definitions are anything but scientific, being charitable. One might reasonably expect something better from, presumably, a bastion of science, a keeper of the flames, a gatekeeper of credible scientific principles and nomenclature. Relative to which, you might have some interest in a paper I had submitted to them in response to that "call":
So far, crickets. Kind of expect, or at least hope, that many other people also gave them both barrels.