I still remain a Muslim, despite my critical eye on the Muslim world and my opposition to Islamism. I think you’ll find that a Muslim who truly seeks serves God will work toward promoting peace + harmony + freedom for all humans on this planet, and that there are a few of us around. I committed to a paradigm and not a community. I think the challenge for followers of any faith tradition today revolves around connecting—i.e. busting through all the layers of horsesh1t catechism and stupid medieval jurisprudence religious rules that prioritise human delusion + ideology over rationality + spirit and to find a sage community of like-minded humans with which to share your God seeking.
So, in case anyone feels inclined to share any blatantly anti-Muslim sentiment with me, save us both that trouble. We really need to start to evaluate the ideology we support and find the practising Muslims promoting reform and a re-reading of the Qur’an and a complete renewal of Islam, because this is how change will come, from the inside. Western powers have been instrumental in the promotion of radical Islam, Islamism and jihad-style terrorism through appeasement + shitty foreign policy for over a century. It has not worked — time for a new approach.
Maybe that’s why oil dependence might be an important social priority, muppets — can we start connecting things or are we going to flounder in muppetry like we are collectively LARPing the Swedish Chef or Scooter from The Muppets? If the enviro-fascists could grow up and connect their struggle for alternative fuel sources to relevant political concerns like the growing problem of extremism and dependence on the Gulf Region maybe they might gain some traction. Instead they are choosing firebrand preaching from Greta and general elitist idiocy as tactics.
I am part of the solution (trying very hard to be) as opposed to the problem. I am not interested in hearing about what ex-Muslims think should be the direction my faith takes. I do not presume to dictate to Catholics the direction that faith should take, because I left that religion. I very much maintain the culture of Catholicism and Christianity however I have relinquished the right to interfere and try to formulate the direction of Church policy beyond supporting The Keepers and people like them. I certainly do not have the right to judge or berate practising Catholics. This is a fine line many have trouble grasping perhaps and it’s why I worship alone mostly and seek spiritual + non political religiosity.
I refuse to carry any ex-Muslim baggage, and I don’t expect practising Catholics to carry my ex-Catholic baggage.
Anyway, today I thought about values and the rules we set up and enforce social order and how the two relate.
I saw a Twitter post about a Kenneth Esson’s parole conditions and thought about the dispensation of justice and what it means. These thoughts leads me to ask myself do I see justice as a value or a set of rules or both and where does the line exist? I look around the world today and I can distill down much of the problems of social chaos to a failure to embrace values. I will explain what I mean by that in a moment.
I just wonder about a bloke like Esson, who has so many conditions slapped onto his parole that I question how the Corrections Department + the Government of Canada will manage all these safeguards and protect society. The government generally has demonstrated a grave lack of understanding about actual violence and its consequences, choosing instead to play word games in it’s propaganda war on truth and inject the kind of chaos into society George Orwell wrote about nearly 70 years ago. One of the woke mind-fcking intellectual conflicts du jour in Canada and one of my personal favourites happens to be this one :: Justin Trudeau insisted the Freedom Convoy was violent and dangerous and also insisted a dangerous sex offender with multiple convictions is oppressed and vulnerable when he invokes woke transubstantiation by taking a female pronoun.
Can you see how, what we would have called propaganda in the 50s/60s/70s/80s we now call opinion pieces and mainstream news? We have legitimised lying and hyperbole and call it political correctness + anti-racism + resistance + decolonisation.
Pretty cool grift, huh? How does our laziness with language affect social order?
Look around and see for yourself ::
Scotland and the prison self-ID thing blowing up (FYI Canada + USA are doing it too)
Peshawar + Afghanistan + Iran happening and in the west Muslims want to blame Europeans for fomenting hatred
Despite growing Islamist terrorism, Muslims going so far as to push for the appointment of an Islamophobia Representative to try to castigate as racist or bigoted any CRA investigations into the extremist ties of Islamic charities
This stuff comes from not saying what we mean and meaning what we say. It festers because we allow it to, in our fear we allow the infectious agent to tunnel through society, veiled by a thin veneer of false morality. False morality such as the frequent accusation that those who fiercely challenge the growing problem of mainly unchecked radicalism and its links to terror are not being nice enough.
We get what we deserve, us hoomans on this third rock from the sun.
This all leads to my ultimate question on this topic — how do we serve the value of justice with respect to Esson? Do we release him because individual liberty matters and permanent incarceration seems inhumane? That feels lame because he took lives, including the life of the one who survived, and no amount of time served can erase that human suffering, so fcuk Kenneth Esson, if I am quite honest. I want mercy and a desire for justice for the victims and their mothers. How do we serve justice, then? If the risk of his re-offense remains high upon his release then I think we have not served justice. Do we keep him locked up until he dies? We think that’s mercy.
Does this serves the value of mercy, though? For whom is the mercy? Do we serve the value of mercy when we forever clothe and feed and house a killer whom we cannot rehabilitate and return to society safely? I walk around downtown and see homeless people crying and looking like they haven’t seen the comforts of a home for a while and I wonder for whom is the mercy of forever clothing + feeding + housing a rapist/killer?
How do we find balance?
Why are we willing to kill people who have never committed a crime and struggle with psychological distress as per the recent MAiD changes, and we are bent on keeping rapists and killers alive? Yeah I asked that because I am that b1tch who asks the question no one wants to hear, much less answer. Just like this question — why am I supposed to feel all sorts of remorse for the Palestinian martyrs whom the IDF took out recently and NOT feel anything for the colonisers gunned down coming out of synagogue?
We have decided identity > values and it’s driven us to embrace cognitive dissonance, i.e. to having to believe two opposing beliefs in several different contexts ::
being forced to validate the identity of another hooman which violates material reality and erodes safeguards (i.e. dangerous male sex offender identifies as harmless female)
being forced to validate as anti-racist an ideological position which targets + dehumanises a particular group of humans possessing a particular characteristic they cannot change, such as European or Jewish or Israeli ethnicity or citizenship (i.e. it’s okay to exclude anyone with European descent because DEI-CRT says it’s not racist to do so because people from the dominant culture are fair targets for hatred + dehumanisation + scapegoating)
being told to decolonise by self-appointed anti-capitalists who colonise + monetise everything they can (hello can we talk about how identity is colonial + capitalist as fcuk?)
being told Muslim women are free in hijab and that Islam elevates women when at least 20% of the muslim world is (in top down fashion) heavily pressuring women to adopt the medieval modesty dress code standards (and coinciding medieval social views on women ) and is menacing or worse those who refuse to submit to the bearded thugs
being told Islam is the religion of peace when the three of the top four countries leading the world in executions are Islamic regimes and one of them is actively killing women for Bad Hijab and also sent a hit team to NYC to kill a dissident female, and the keeper of The Prophet’s mosque also sent a hit team to kill a dissident with an American Green Card on Turkish soil, and succeeded with utter impunity because American allies can get the asshole pass when they have oil and own shares in piles of corporate sh1t in the west
When only China executes more people than you, you are NOT the religion of peace. When your anti-capitalist tirades completely miss Saudi Arabia and target the only Jewish state on earth you are a raging hypocrite, amongst other things.
I observe very little outcry about this in the western Muslim world that I have camped at the edge of for the past half-decade. In fact I see a low level contempt for western liberalism and freedom and a low level embracing of fascist hate-based rules which wants to persecute the same sex attracted and any one who falls outside strict draconian gender roles. And I see this all from people who enjoy the trappings of western liberalism and freedom and frankly this give me pause to question immigration policy and foreign policy too—because these are hoomans who do not want for their own people what they want and take for themselves. Why do I want that social force in my society? I do not.
It screams low integrity. Why do we prop up extremism and call it compassion?
So, my question comes down to what values do we want to espouse and promote as humans living in a free (western) society? Because right now I feel like I live in a world created by the concerns Michel Foucault described in his very intellectually dense writings—truth created by discourse of the powerful, the panopticon, our fcukd up hang ups regarding sex and sexuality, the way we use public health to control the masses and shape populations + societies.