Oh hai, it’s Bad Hijabi, still here, drowning my neural circuitry in the worst parts of humanity to figure out why we think the way we do right now about certain stuff. Still researching the Muslim Brotherhood for a long-read piece. In the meantime, here’s a few quick thoughts that make an important intellectual linkage.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, goes the pro-Palestinian chant. Okay it’s time we asked the obvious question everyone—free from what? Free from Jews? Yikes, that’s icky.
What if the freedom the Arab Nationalists want in the Middle East is to be free from Jews? Did progressives ask themselves what would happen to the Jews if their fantasy of the destruction of Israel happened?
There are 15 million Jews worldwide. Half of them live in Israel. To suggest the destruction of Israel is to suggest the destruction of half of the world’s Jewish population. Do people realise this is the actual endgame—the stakes for Jews are survival—and that this is why we see no movement toward peace? How to indulge your opponent who hate their opponent (you) more than they love themselves and their people? That’s suicide, not peacemaking, isn’t it?
What if it was time to peel back the layers or propagandist rhetoric and distill down to brass tacks?
Look, I’m not a fan of the occupation. Let’s play a thought game though—what would happen if Israel decided to return to 1967 borders? Would it bring appeasement? No concession in the over century long conflict over the land we now call Israel has ever been enough for Arab leadership, history bears out this pattern. How to negotiate peace with people who only want to wage a war to destroy you? How to reason with people in a cult mindset? How to reason with people who lack the emotional intelligence for critical thought—ie for accepting and parsing through differences of opinion and beliefs without breaking out in authoritarianism + violence?
Progressive politics has a pattern across sociopolitical subject areas that I can summarise in 3 steps:
1. engage in inflammatory | disruptive | terrorising kinds of collective behaviours targeted towards a designated scapegoat, ie riots and demonstration and inciting violence and animosity
2. vilify the inevitable response of the scapegoat as bigotry, fascism, hatred, anti-[insert collective noun of designated propaganda victim here], this is called DARVO in the clinical language of trauma and abuse survival
3. stir up paranoid animosity toward the intended scapegoat to the point of justified abuse | slandering | personal (McCarthiest) terror
That strategy I just outlined should disturb everyone who reads it. Imagine this strategy is a wine and you are a wine taster. Imagine that instead of taste flavour bouquets you identified thought flavour bouquets. Can you recognise the historical ideological flavour bouquets of this PR strategy?
If you cannot then education has failed you, and hence, us all.
I urge everyone to turn away from the emotionally manipulative and disingenuous barrage of social media propaganda. Seek fact and think for yourselves. Ask questions and seek answers from valid and reliable sources, including history. We got to this juncture as part of a path of history, we need to consider that road we took very carefully now.
Do you love what you love more than you hate what you hate? That’s the question for us all, as individuals + communities.