“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”
—Lucasfilm, Disney Corporation
I fail to see exactly what anyone finds offensive about this social media post, and I have a few things to say about what essentially looks like ridiculous virtue signal. Even if Gina tweeted some things that challenged election results, even if she had conservative views including anti Muslim views (and note, I don’t know that she did I simply stating even if she did) my position wouldn’t change.
I find it interesting how Gina’s male Mandalorian colleague Pedro Pascal invoked Goodwin’s Law by comparing what we’re led to believe are migrant children in cages to Nazi POWs. Pedro misrepresented reality and we’re cool with that, Gina shows us reality and that’s offensive, apparently. Cassandra Syndrome much? It’s almost as though it’s not about invoking Goodwin’s Law. And amusingly, it seems to prove the point she tried to make through this post. Wokesters tell female people on a daily basis sex isn’t real and there’s no such thing as a woman, however reality tells female people a different story. It appears wokesters absolutely know there is such a thing as a woman.
This response seems very rich, considering Disney basically got into bed with the CCP for the filming of Mulan, which took place within proximity of the compound where Uighur Muslims are being held in internment camps, where Muslim women are being gang raped and Muslims are being abused. Yes, definitely as a Muslim I totally feel like Disney gives a damn about people’s “cultural and religious identities”. OMG I can’t even with the blatant hypocrisy.
Apparently some intellectually deprived reactionaries have no clue that the Holocaust didn’t just begin in 1939 with the Nazi’s first concentration camps or in 1933 with the invasion of Poland. No, geniuses, the holocaust DID NOT begin with territorial invasion and genocide. Seriously, you’ve clearly never read about that period if you think that! Even if you don’t read, Netflix has plenty of good documentaries about this period and the rise of Hitler and Nazism—so Netflix and binge on documentaries, treat this as your learning opportunity not your sanctimony circle-jerk. Genocide is the ultimate end-point of dehumanisation, which begins with hating people because of who they are or the beliefs they hold or opinions they express. That was the point of the post! It is a valid and crucial point.
The Nazi Party formed in 1920 with 60 members. By the time it disbanded in 1945 it had 8.5 million members. Y’all think they were drinking tea in the 1920s? How do you think Hitler and the nazis garnered so much public support by the early 30s? Propagandising, dehumanising—as in othering, Der Stümer, Volksklempfangers, Goebbels tell a lie enough times and it becomes truth, promoting a constant stream of dehumanising rhetoric about Jews and other groups designated subhuman and therefore a threat to German purity, promoting racial essentialism—all of this preceded the violence and mass murders and the invasion of Europe.
People get hung up on the mention of Nazis, it’s a sensitive topic and many people simply cannot plug into the things that led to the atrocities. We can’t even have conversations in the mainstream about the genocides that followed—Bosnia, Rwanda. When faced with the ugly reality of our own nature and tendency to dehumanise others, we react with outrage, a knee jerk denial. It’s a telling reaction.
“The subhuman hordes … only goal is to make a desert wasteland of any nation or race that shines with creativity, goodness and beauty.” —The Subhuman (1942), and SS published booklet. Monstrifying human beings plants a dangerous seed that not all who appear human are in fact human or entitled to human treatment. Only a fool would deny that dehumanisation exists today in various scales and contexts, fuelled to a large extent by social media.
Anyone who found themselves in the strange landscape of gender dissidence has seen the dehumanisation paradigm and process at play. For simply stating objective fact which contradicts the genderist creation myth, gender dissidents receive punishment. For the crime of existing female people receive punishment, and woe be unto those female people who dare to speak out—the scolds also receive their wokescolding!
Let’s look at the classic signs of dehumanisation of female people currently being perpetrated by genderists and gender extremists, shall we? Prominent individuals publicly othering and employing divisive language. Genderists and gender extremists: (a). employing the language of parasitism, (b). invoking the privilege. narrative, (c). using slurs which compare dissidents to insects, an infestation, vermin, (d). casting dissidents—especially those of the female kind—as criminal, predacious, a threat.
Female gender dissidents in particular see genocidal ideation expressed on social media constantly and Jack, Twitter et al are not at all arsed about the campaign of hatred and expressions of rape and violent wishes made against us by genderists. Ask anyone active in the fight to preserve female sex based rights—we have all seen calls for our death, we have seen the dehumanisation vis à vis the word TERF, a silly acronym targeted primarily at Lesbians because their same sex attraction means they aren’t sexually attracted to male humans or the penis. See the image below for the kind of polemics gender dissidents face routinely. Many also receive ghastly threatening and violent private messages and emails in addition to the wide open social media genocidal ideation.
It’s worth noting that extreme leftists have expressed genocidal ideation for conservatives on Twitter … for a group that screams so forcefully about tolerance, the left certain does have violent and intolerant tendencies and a very cruel authoritarian streak.
So, I’m not exactly certain what Lucasfilm/Disney finds so offensive, because to be quite honest, I find the entire company offensive. I find Hollywood and the exploitive cult worship culture it promotes offensive. I find the oligarchs driving this culture insufferable.
Here are some resources you can consult to learn more about tribalism and dehumanisation and the rise of Nazism:
On Inhumanity: Dehumanisation and How to Resist It by David Livingstone Smith
Hitler’s Circle of Evil on Netflix
Hitler: A Career on Netflix
The Rise of Nazis (Yad Vashem)
Dignified Resilience Podcast is a great podcast to listen to that isn’t polemics and incendiary discourse and instead offers thoughtful conversation and discourse. No one will seek you out to pour the truth into your brain—you must seek out the truth yourself. You must question everything to a degree, even and especially yourself. Dehumanisation comes from ego, it comes from that place where humans need to demonstrate their moral superiority and exercise it over others.
If you demand others humanise you or anyone, you must humanise others yourself, especially those with whom you disagree, especially those who dehumanise you. Yes, yes, yes. Otherwise you employ hypocrisy—because if the rules don’t apply to everyone they don’t exist. And this is how we got here—feeling impune to consequences and punishment, lacking self insight, refusing to understand your interlocutor.