The Feudality of Decolonisation
Is Harsha Walia using Musqueam to promote her subversive illiberal brand?
“As a native, I know for a fact you're personally banned from Musqueam territory and are generally hated in our community as everyone feels like you use us to sell your books.”
“Can you stop using our name for social issues? You've been asked a dozen times to stop.”
“I always laugh at non indigenous people using us to make themselves feel better.”
“White affluent people care more about being offended by things than they care about actually helping people.” —Davis Lingrin (via X), Musqueam Nation

I grew up in India. I grew up very much absorbed in the cultural narratives and the political narratives of the political struggle for formal independence for India. I’m very much a product of the time when there was a lot of pride in talking about struggles for freedom, and there was a lot of pride in resistance. My grandfather was involved in the struggle for freedom. I mean, everyone was. He was involved in transporting people across the border of what became India and Pakistan. The partition of India and Pakistan was very violent. It led to millions and millions of deaths and displacements of people. Even after formal independence and post-partition, he helped transport people across safely. That’s definitely informed my understanding of borders. South Asia has a legacy of colonially imposed borders or partitions. — Harsha Walia
When you look underneath the hood at many powerful charismatic social justice warriors you can see the wound they’re trying to mend through the Woko Haram acting out tantrums they call protests. Are we all really living through a devolving Anarchist Queerified Nazi hell in Canada because community leaders like Walia have some baggage they carry around from their multigenerational diaspora wounds and they wish to drain their wounds all over the rest of us, in as public and dramatic a fashion as possible? Walia has championed the Supreme Ayatollah’s cause to destroy the Zionist west with the people’s university project. Walia has also decided that Musqueam people should lend the name of their nation to the Arab imperialist cause of anti-Zionism. Seeing the Israel-Palestine conflict through the lens of the partitioning of India seems myopic + egocentric. Also quite ignorant. This smells like a trauma response.
Harsha includes the descriptor inquilab in her Instagram profile. A quick search on the word reveals that inquilab became famous in April of 1929 when an extremist named Bhagat Singh bombed the Delhi Assembly. Inquilab is from a slogan that means victory to the revolution against British Imperialism. How many elite social justice warriors have simply decided to cleanse their ugly wounds with the suffering of others?
In an Instagram post from 3 days ago, Walia introduced the People’s University for Gaza at UBC. Fun fact: Cryptpad[dot]fr, the service the People’s University used to incite antisemitism and spread Hamas propaganda, operates under French laws. In France BDS activism, of which Walia and company’s endeavour is an example, is illegal. In a series of posts on the People’s University Instagram (IG) profile UBC Faculty members Hicham Saffieddine, Maya Wind, Christopher Patterson, Priti Narayan, Gastón Gardillo, Zahra Hayat, Jordy Rosenberg all have provided video messages of support for the illegal Arabist occupation of a higher learning institution on Musqueam territory. The latest people’s university IG post provides a call to action and urges the public to click on the Cryptpad link in the bio, which provides letter boilerplates with instructions to send the letter of choice to administrators listed. Amongst the steaming brown bombs in this Pulitzer Prize winning piece of prose, the following excerpt stood out.
The fact that UBC maintains ties with Israeli universities while funding the Israeli destruction of Palestinian universities through its investments speaks to a racist and Islamophobic double-standard on the part of UBC's leadership.
At universities throughout the world, students are echoing the Palestinian call for BDS, and waking up to the reality that the schools they are told they should be proud to attend are actively complicit in death and destruction.
Apparently the reason for the current ongoing Israeli military operation—the worst pogrom of Jews since WW2—failed to make it into the fact-checking knowledge base of Walia’s “decolonisation university”. Note that the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack involved the brutal barbaric murder of 1200 Israelis, including Arabs, the kidnapping of 200 more, amongst them Arabs and Muslims. The entire Middle East has suffered-political and economic destabilisation from the Hamas attack on Israel. Hamas sought to stop the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s normalisation of Israel, amongst other things. It failed.

Interestingly, local indigenous owners of a Judenrein business called Sage Sisters, Lynn-Marie & Melissa-Rae Angus have decided to take upon themselves to work for the destruction of Israel under the guise of Decolonise Palestine. Do be clear, reader, that declaring your business a BDS Apartheid-Free Zone is a declaration of Judenrein or Judenfrei — this is hateful NSDAP-level stuff, it targets Jews and makes Jews responsible for a war in another part of the world that they never started, a war waged against them to kill them worldwide.
It’s odd that the decolonisation crowd fails to recognise the very efficacious and success decolonisation movement embodied in Zionism and culminating in Israel, isn’t it?
The British Empire made a decision to partition the ancestral homeland of the Jews when it relinquished the British Mandate for Palestine in the late 1940s, after unrelenting Arab violence made maintaining the Mandate impossible for postwar Britain. The partition of the spoils of the fallen Ottoman Empire does in no way compare to the partition of India at the urging of a dying Muslim leader who told no one he was dying and left no successor to follow his lead, leaving only a power vacuum that Jew hating Islamists eagerly filled.
By the way, it is the height of capitalism and of narcissism to use a geopolitical crisis UNRELATED TO YOU that is gripping the world across oceans and pushing it into a world war, all for your business or brand or book promotion.
This isn’t a drill, Never Again is now.