The Canadian Media Blackout Continues
in which Canadian journalists have decided to hide the truth about Bell v Tavistock
With the exception of Barbara Kay, the only Canadian journalist who has consistently written about gender politics, Canadian journalists and the Canadian mainstream media continue their blackout on all things gender and transgender critical. Surprisingly, Canadian journalists have decided the latest news out of the United Kingdom, the landmark Bell v Tavistock ruling, which even Australian media has written about, has no relevance to Canadians despite the current legislation on Gender Identity for children currently before the House of Commons justice committee.
This seems like a gross miscarriage of justice to me, a massive violation of journalistic integrity, and it causes me to ask, really, how democratic is Canada when Canadians cannot even get the information they need, which directly affects their lives. Absolutely, being unable to procure the appropriate medical and psychological treatment for your child, with the least associated iatrogenic harms, seems like something Canadian parents need to know. Absolutely, a dedicated special investigative feature about gender identity services in Canada, in light of the Bell v Tavistock ruling and what it’s brought to light, seems necessary.
I, personally, would like to know why a child, on a first visit to a consultant, can receive a prescription for an experimental off label treatment which will chemically castrate her, when said child faces average wait times of a year or more in BC for an autism assessment and diagnosis. I would like to know why the province of BC promotes the WPATH guidelines, despite the fact that the CMA does not endorse them and calls for a thorough psychological assessment prior to any invasive treatments. Yes, lobotomising a pubescent endocrine system definitely qualifies as invasive treatment and a violation of bodily integrity. Maybe y’all journos might want to pull your heads from you asses and be arsed about this? IDK, it seems like it could be important. IKR, how radical huh?
Where is the national broadcaster, the media service which my tax dollars fund? And why has it squandered its funding on asinine woke sexist and homophobic content such as telling gay people they might have “cis gay” privilege and may be “transphobic” because of their same sex attractions, and such as only consulting “trans women” on women’s issues, and such as casting sex based advocacy as hateful bigotry? This doesn’t serve Canadians and it doesn’t serve journalistic integrity.
How can we have a free society without a free and honest press? WE CANNOT. When the media remains deliberately silent on an important issue, when it refuses to report on a scandal which we all know to be happening, it causes me to question what else did journalists in this country know and decide to hide? Mount Cashel orphanage and the sexual abuse of children at the hands of Catholics? Residential schools for indigenous children? This refusal to report the truth causes me to mistrust the media and journalists now. I don’t believe they have anything but their own self interest in mind.
Maybe this is my lesson—that every human is, underneath all the flowery rhetoric and pretense, Machiavelli. I feel disappointed and angry because I believed my country better than it’s showing itself right now. How cowardly and sycophantic to ignore a movement of predacious malignantly narcissistic individuals who are using children and attacking the integrity of the family to validate their own baseless identities, identities born out of self loathing! Yet that is what the Canadian media has done—chosen to ignore the chemical castration, sterilisation and mutilation of autistic and gay girls in the name of gender identity happening in this country at an epidemic rate.
The truth won’t remain hidden forever, and the fawns and simps can rest assured a day of reckoning will come when they will have to answer for their silence. When the truth about the massive iatrogenic damages inflicted upon vulnerable gay and disabled children are finally and fully revealed, you all will have nowhere to hide and we will all demand accountability. You will take your place alongside those who actively promote this movement and ideology to children and their unsuspecting parents. Silence in the face of injustice makes you complicit, there can be no neutrality.
The Canadian media has a duty, Canadian journalists have a duty—you have all have failed us and we won’t forget. The pain of many many iatrogenically damaged children at the hands of Mengele-like doctors who are eager to conduct harmful medical experiments on the bodies of (often disabled—autism is a disability) children in their bid for glory and saviourism and a gold star from the trans lobby—this will be your shameful cloak to wear, journalists. Enjoy that. You can never say you didn’t know. Because you did, you do, we warned you and we still warn you. And you continue to ignore the truth. We won’t stop you know. We won’t.
I have lived long enough to know that we each ignore the truth at our own peril. Simps, fawns, and sycophants you have made your bed. Now lie in it and prepare for your reckoning.
The truth will emerge. Kiera Bell has seen to it, and the rest of us won’t stop until it does.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash