The Angries Came For Tea
in which i got sick and tired of performative and disingenuous bullsh1t
I have no time for delusional fcukwits who want to endanger society because they feel curtailed by protective measures. Zero time. Zero interest. This is no joke, assholes. None of us care about your individual right to have a fcuking party or any other gathering in the face of viral plague that’s threatening humanity.
We aren't interested in corporate bailouts for the 1%. And no, we aren't donating any fcuking money to Jeff Bezos or any other rich oligarch fcukwit.
We live in a world where we have a greater stock of devices that are expressly made to kill humans, and not enough supplies to keep them alive. Why is that? And why are there some who consider misgendering literal violence and covid-19 an inconvenience? Fcuk that, seriously.
Plastic is saving lives. Covid-19 is the real extinction threat. Where's your bougie rebellion now? Nowhere because none of the ecofascists actually ever gave a fcuk about compassion. You were just getting a social justice hard on. If you really GAF you would have been lobbying to ban homeless and not bloody plastic bags. But banning homelessness doesn't serve the bougie narrative, you need someone beneath you to pretend to rescue with your occasional pity.
Poverty is a social justice issue. Homelessness is a social justice issue. Trauma and suffering are social justice issues. Public health is a social justice issue. What's the matter, are none of these glamorous enough for you? Yeah, death and suffering and poverty and wretched nothingness aren't that glamorous. Get over yourselves.
The orange asshole just decided his plan is to let the millions of people who are most vulnerable die, that's his covid-19 plan. That's a final fcuking solution à la Hitler and the Christian prolife party just became nazi eugenic murder by attrition squad.
How many billionaires have stepped up to help? None. Remember after the Notre Dame fire, millionaire and billionaire fcukwits were out in full force raising money? Where are those sh1tstains now?? They are secretly trying to get ventilators manufacturers to sell them a personal ventilator and they are stockpiling PPE and jumping the queue to get tested for the virus.
Humans refuse to serve the economic machine, the economic machine will serve humans.
Jesus isn’t coming to save your ass. God’s away on business and He left covid-19 in charge. A single strand of RNA has come to kick ass.

Photo by Cristian Iorga on Unsplash