Slate and “the Creepy Far Right”
the radicals who promote rape by deception think boobs are creepy
(Slate published a creepy piece that endorsed sex deception :: you can read that piece here.)
Amy Hamm wrote a light hearted cultural criticism piece about Sydney Sweeney’s boobs and the progressives naturally got mad. In her piece, Heather Schwedel laments the creepy [news outlet] columns … about how actress Sydney Sweeney was not just doing her job and looking cute when she showed off her cleavage in a recent Saturday Night Live appearance but was, in fact, owning the libs.
Schwedel goes on to blather some more diversity verbal diarrhea horsesh1t, she bemoans that anyone would oppose the new Hollywood diversity-based beauty standards that centre body positivity, plus-sized, and queer influencers, and mocks the notion that traditional beauty, such as the giggling blonde with an amazing rack, has been driven to extinction. Schwedel then drops the inevitable progressive narcissist gaslight — it makes sense that they [Conservatives aka ‘the far right’] would think the world was a better place when boobs reigned supreme and “women” only included cis women. This tells me Schwedel thinks that the world is a better place now that boobs have been dethroned by asexual queerness spiced with horrifically distorted beauty standards to repulse us. The superficiality and emptiness of queer theory-driven progressivism becomes clear to individuals with intelligence when they spend any time in its midst. Queer progressivism sees humans as a composite of exchangeable parts we can manipulate for sport, like mechanical lego sets. Humans have no innate substance or meaning and life has no value except insofar as what pleasure it brings us.
Continuing on. True to the nature of queer progressives everywhere, Schwedel cannot resist invoking race labels and revealing her own racial bias and cultural ignorance about human. She denies that Wokeism has politicised beauty though, whilst she reminds you that (she thinks) Jennifer Lopez isn’t white. Not to mention, you know what Jennifer Lopez and many of the women who are most known for their backsides have in common? They’re not white. (Or if they are white, like Kim Kardashian, they take pains to obscure it.)

Note about the racial categories above (From US Government) :: Spanish people are part of the original people of Europe, the center east, or North Africa, aren’t they? So why does the government need a second race category for European people?
Okay let’s unpack that statement above from Slate.
Lopez is Puerto Rican American. Until the 2010 Census, America coded Puerto Ricans as white. Puerto Ricans saw themselves as white, culturally Spanish/Hispanic, having descended from Spain. Only in the last 20 years did black supremacy and critical race theory distort this categorization of people, citing that colonial erasure caused Puerto Ricans to consider themselves white. (Subverting a people’s own self perception in the name of equity, huh?) Kim Kardashian is half Armenian, Armenians do not really fit in the white or brown or black category, they suffered a terrible genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire, so to call her white and assign an ethnicity of colonial privilege onto her is a stretch. It’s a gaslight really, it indicates a deep ignorance and irreverence. I would argue it’s an expression of bigotry to racially catregorise people like this, y’know, for political sport. The underlying thinking process and judgement of human beings which takes place in Schwedel’s head—to place humans into race category boxes— creeps me out, if I am honest with you all, readers. But okay, shhhhh Roxanne.
Weirdos, we are weirdos for knowing when people are fcuking with our heads, readers! Ahahahaha. Look, Ms Schwedel, you are someone who once wrote a piece about a group of people who believe they have a right to consume pornography for the sake of their marriage, calling people who find progressive politicizing of beauty to appease the diversity cult weirdos, just gonna point that out to you. Are you okay? You platformed radicals who think porn is probably okay and that the UberRelgiousFolk are just overreacting when they legislate safeguards for porn, which is connected to human trafficking and sexual abuse, by the way. You platformed a group which thinks a long distant marriage needs pornography to remain healthy. IDk, I think that’s weird, if we are gonna be designating weirdos here.

I’ll end this by stating that I didn’t understand the initial need to write about the boobs of a woman who has the same first name as my son’s late grandfather. However, whatever floats your boat, I found the lighthearted banter fun and harmless. Anyway, I cannot end this piece without giving this sentence of Heather Schwedel the last word, because it’s pretty wild.
“Sydney Sweeney’s boobs in particular have become a proxy for a larger culture war”
Don't worry too much about these kinds of articles... Slate has an endless supply of rich young women writing these weird pastiches. They are entirely composed of cultural impressions, trendy instaphrases, vaguely racist stereotypes, clever wordplay, and fake social science (lots of words like 'power structure', 'interrogate', 'problematic').
There are now millions of (young and well-educated) people who ONLY imbibe cultural products like this article. They don't know ANYONE who works with their hands, or knows a Republican, or has 3 kids, or knows a working class person, or grew up in a poor area outside the United States, or spent time in prison. NO ONE. Every day the beliefs and self-perception of these people becomes stranger, and less real, and more self-obsessed. Slate is an ourobouros of rich, progressive, urban culture creatures-forever gazing at and consuming itself, apparently never dissuaded by the repulsive taste.
"Anyway, I cannot end this piece without giving this sentence of Heather Schwedel the last word, because it’s pretty wild.
'Sydney Sweeney’s boobs in particular have become a proxy for a larger culture war' ... "
"Seminal" influences and "precious bodily fluids" and all that ... 🙄😉🙂