Hello, this is an unplanned free post because I wanted to share the report from the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequence and also the information to submit a concern/complaint about how Gender Self-ID laws are detrimentally affecting your community. Please take action or spread the word about taking action.
Note forced sterilisation of girls is is considered a form of violence against women. So, any female child who is being railroaded into an identity path that will remove her reproductive capacity has been a victim of violence. Informed consent must be present or it is violence. Detransitioners are saying they did not have informed consent and this seems quite significant to me.
I have trouble wrapping my head around the fact the anyone cannot see the obvious safeguarding issue with a law that says any male human who says self identifies as a woman is one and to deny him access to female only spaces constitutes a human rights violation. Honestly, who thought it was a great idea to create a law which says that female people exercising their sex-based Charter-guaranteed rights is a human rights violation? How, precisely does this protect gay and lesbian people, who require sex based protection because same sex attraction is sex-based, and has zero to do with gender, a secular religious concept that harms humans who are held to tightly to it’s demands?
Why are we chemically castrating, sterilising, and surgically mutilating young people over this? Why are we damaging them neurologically, reproductively, metabolically, hastening early aging, and a host of other associated inevitable consequences of interrupting a necessary temporal physiologic process—puberty? Why are we calling affirming children’s comfort in their own material bodies “conversion therapy” …?
Are we honestly okay with sitting back and letting a group of malignant narcissists and sociopaths with extremists views and a Frankenstein/Mengele drive to achieve medical glory exploit an entire cohort of children to validate their extreme beliefs whilst providing them with bodies on which to conduct dehumanising medical experiments—all financed and underwritten by oligarchs and wealthy transhumanists who use their charitable foundations to promote their transhumanism under the LGB and human rights umbrellas?
The laws are lying. Know the Lies Behind their Laws.
The most obvious problem to come out of Bill C16 is the impact on the prison system. So, imagine my delight when I read this document, written by Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences.
However, the ongoing efforts to reform existing legislation by the Scottish Government do not sufficiently take into consideration the specific needs of women and girls in all their diversity, particularly those at risk of male violence and those who have experienced male violence, as it does not provide for any safeguarding measures to ensure that the procedure is not, as far as can be reasonably assured, abused by sexual predators and other perpetrators of violence. These include access to both single sex spaces and gender-based spaces. It is important to note that insistence on safeguarding and risk management protocols does not arise from the belief that transgender people represent a safeguarding threat. It is instead based on empirical evidence that demonstrates that the majority of sex offenders are male, and that persistent sex offenders will go to great lengths to gain access to those they wish to abuse. One way they can do this is by abusing the process to access single-sex spaces or to take up roles which are normally reserved to women for safeguarding reasons.
In checking out Reem Alsalem’s work, and poking around the OHCHR website, I see that there’s a complain’s process. [Here] is the link to the page, outlining the process, criteria, etc. Anyone reading this has an interest in the way that gender orthodoxy has eroded constitutional rights, amongst other things, and created a safeguarding issue and also potentially forced girls to submit to sterilisation, which is considered a form of violence against women by the UN. Please take the time to check out the process and due your duty as a human and a citizen, and raise awareness of this human rights violation that’s happening in Canada in the name of gender.
The following information comes from the OHCHR website—
Submissions to the Special Procedures Committee relate to the following—allegations of violation of the human rights of one or more individuals; allegations of violation of the human rights of a group or a community; allegations that a bill, a law, a decree, a policy and/or a practice is not in compliance with international human rights law and standards.
Each expert will decide whether she/he will take action on a given submission, on the basis of the information received and the scope of her/his mandate.
This decision depends also on criteria laid down in the Code of Conductfor the experts:
the communication should not be manifestly unfounded or politically motivated;
the communication should contain a factual description of the alleged violations of human rights;
the language in the communication should not be abusive;
the communication should be submitted on the basis of credible and detailed information;
the communication should not be exclusively based on reports disseminated by mass media.
Experts will not require that the concerned State has ratified an international or regional human rights treaty, or that the alleged victim has exhausted domestic remedies to send a communication.
Any individual, group, civil-society organization, inter-governmental entity or national human rights bodies can submit information to the Special Procedures.
In order to keep track of submissions, you are encouraged to use the Special Procedure Submission online form. It includes fields of information that are both required and desirable in order for experts to properly examine a case and take action as needed.
Post submissions may be sent to OHCHR-UNOG, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneve 10, Switzerland.
I welcome Reem Alsalem’s report, and know others feel similarly about it. I feel as thought the tide is turning. It certainly feels like it has been a long slag, doesn’t it? Could the end be in sight, finally? One final push—let’s get this done.