Oh hai, I got so carried away doing a new project I’m creating I forgot Thursday’s post! So, here is the catch-up post for y’all! In keeping with my #sexnotgender theme, here is a quick list about why children need to go through puberty, why we can’t pause “normal” puberty (this is as opposed to precocious puberty), and the consequences of chemically castrating pubescent humans.
Disruption of a temporal process of development cannot be reversed. (Laidlaw 2020)
The pituitary gland, the master gland, sits behind the eyes, connected to the brain and controls the function of all glands. This includes the sex glands—ovaries for female people and testes for male people, called gonads.
The management office part of the brain, the hypothalamus, sends a chemical signal to the master gland, which in response creates a chemical message and sends it to the gonads. The gonads respond to the chemical messenger by producing sex hormones. In males, the testicals produce testosterone, in females, the ovaries produce estrogen and this process generates pubertal development.
Puberty is the means through which children grow into adults. Puberty allows a child’s body to grow to sustain life through to the life expectancy of an adult.
What progressives call puberty blockers essentially halt sexual development. Clinical medicine uses the same drug offered as puberty blocker to sex offenders for chemical castration—to diminish sex drive. Chemical castration led Alan Turing to depression and ultimately suicide. Chemically castrating a child experiences normal puberty creates a permanent stasis of the pubertal growth process.
Puberty blockers halt the surge of bone growth that happens between puberty and about age 25. The halting of bone growth has profound implications for female pelvic development and for skeletal health generally.
Puberty blockers slow brain development and exacerbate feelings pathologised into the label gender dysphoria. Adolescents who took puberty blockers demonstrated memory impairment, decreased IQ, decreased LT spatial memory, and slower reaction times than those who did not.
Puberty blockers are the gateway of a medical pathway to sterility. The medical community has decided the normal psychological distress + angst of growing up is a disease necessitating sterilisation and amputation of healthy body parts and removal of reproductive + sexual function. That seems extreme, doesn’t it?