Meet Lupron, aka Leuprolide Acetate, an anti-neoplastic drug. Lupron made it onto the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health list of hazardous drugs in 2004. According to the CDC,
Drugs considered hazardous include those that exhibit one or more of the following six characteristics in humans or animals:
Teratogenicity or other developmental
toxicityReproductive toxicity
Organ toxicity at low dosest
Structure and toxicity profiles of new
drugs that mimic existing drugs de-
termined hazardous by the above criteria.
Genotoxicity means damaging to the DNA, by the way. That’s right, Lupron is designated a biological hazard. In fact, occupational health and safety regulations governing hazard material mandate that health care professionals and all who hand anti-neoplastics follow particular universal precautions that include masking + gloving + owning. In addition, those in their reproductively active years who may want to have children should exercise precaution when administering the drug. Exposure to pregnant women could result in fetal abnormalities—that’s what the safety protocols say.
Yet, the drug monograph doesn’t indicate these warnings and the manufacturer’s video instruction for at-home administration does not provide any warnings about the biological hazard. In fact, depending on what web site you look at, Lupron is a magical harmless cool accessory to adolescence and a suicide prophylaxis or it is a poison, a bio-hazard, a nightmare that ruined lives. For gender confused kids, Lupron is like candy, harmless and reversible. For everyone else, Lupron is poison, with a maximum lifetime dose limit of 12 months.
If I didn’t know any better, I would surmise that autistic + gay + traumatised + psychiatrically ill children matter less than everyone else. I mean, what other reason could there be to lower the standards of care to the degree that those do who promote the Gender Affirmation Care model?

In the province of Saskatchewan, as an example, Lupron appears on the Hazardous Drug list, and also on the Trans Youth “Puberty Blockers” list and also on the formulary of drugs which require Exceptional Drug Status for Pharmacare coverage. Do you find it interesting how a drug can be simultaneously safe and reversible and also hazardous? We are giving special permission for the public purse to pay for patients to have a hazardous drug (to the tune of $400/month)? Because that’s what EDS means. There’s a difference between end stage prostate cancer and female pubertal angst. Yet here we are, treating both conditions with the same drug. Why?
We have cancer drug safety guidelines and then we have instructions on how to inject puberty blockers into your kid. We have one remedy for older men with a sex-steroid driven cancer and we made it the same remedy for girls + young women who are feeling challenged embarking on sexual maturity. This mirrors the oddity of the Gender Affirming Care model, which places heterosexual men with a paraphilia and gay transsexual men and young girls experiencing pubertal angst in the same patient treatment category. What is that, even, other than deeply misguided and sexist and maybe even homophobic?
Do you find it odd how one drug can be called an anti-neoplastic agent and also be called a puberty blocker? One sounds ominous and threatening and the other sounds unremarkable and mundane and harmless. One rapidly kills cells to keep you alive and the other pauses to give you a break to think about stuff. Like, who wouldn’t want to block puberty when it sounds harmless and like it could buy you some more childhood time? Did any of us want to go through puberty? Nah, we didn’t. It’s weird how the bloke with end stage cancer does not want the medication he wants to live, and living his best life free from Lupron would be affirming, and yet the kid with puberty angst so desperately wants the medication and doesn’t want to live, just get affirmed.
For the old bloke life is affirming and for the young kid affirming is life — weird.
So, I just wonder why we have progressive social justice warriors completely ignoring PPE requirements for a hazardous drug when they demanded that everyone wear PPE (ie a mask) for questionable (ie not exactly valid or reliable) infection control reasons during Covid?
Leuprolide acetate (Lupron Depot) is hazardous drug that is administered intramuscularly and dispensed in a prefilled dual-chamber syringe. Lupron Depot will NOT come premixed from Pharmacy. The administering healthcare worker must follow administration instructions found in the kit … it is imperative that those who work with HDs adhere to practices designed to minimize occupational exposure. Wear gloves designated for hazardous drug handling when administering all HDs. — NIH Nursing Department
You can read Lynne Millican’s essay on the disregard of Universal Precautions for Lupron below.
Puberty blockers are not safe or reversible. Lupron is a bio hazard not a suicide prophylaxis. Informed consent does not exist for pediatric gender medicine patients and their parents as long as Gender Affirmationist researchers and clinicians continue to deliberately suppress and avoid the truth, whilst underreporting the risks + over reporting the benefits of Lupron, in their bid to protect their weak and flawed care model.