You do not fake this reaction expressed in the video below.
We cannot begin to comprehend to scope of torture inflicted. On children. This woman describes a young girl she found, around age 8 or 9, with her arm chopped off below the elbow. She found the little girl laying in a pool of her own blood, alone, no one around, shaking, terrified, thready breathing. After applying the tourniquet she watched that little girl take her last breath. That little girl lay there, with her arm chopped off, bleeding to death, for hours. Perhaps the way to see this is that this medic arrived at the right moment, so this lass would not die alone.
Each night I fall asleep thinking I have seen the worst atrocity humans can inflict on each other. Each morning I awaken to discover I was wrong, again. This pattern repeats. Every day. Since October 6th, 2023 it repeats. Each day becomes an exercise in processing a piece of unfathomable human hell through my neural network and my heart and my gut. Each day becomes like an entire revolution around the universe because I have to traverse to the delta quadrant of the universe in my psyche and my physical being, simply to assimilate the reality unfolding around me as I see pieces of the hades of extremism revealed to me via the miracle of digital modernity.
When does it end? It feels endless right now.
Make peace, the leftists say. With what? How? Ceasefire, they say.
We had one. We had a ceasefire. Then Hamas decided to set babies on fire and rape children to death and burn entire families alive. Hamas decided to parade through the streets the women they bound + gagged + brutally sodomised, blood soaked pants revealing to me stories I wish I didn’t understand. Hamas did this before taking 200 hostages, amongst them a profoundly disabled young woman at a music festival for peace with her dad, whom Hamas terrorists killed in front of her. Recovery workers later found 260 bodies near or at Kibbutz Re’im, where the festival party took place. Recovery crews continue to discover body fragments. The Israeli government has now brought in antiquities experts to assist in the task of identifying the remains. People are still unaccounted for, meaning families remain in the hell of not knowing.
Did I mention Hamas killed the peace loving Israelis? Did I mention Gazan civilians poured in through the ruptured border gate in Southern Israel to help the Hamas terrorists loot + pillage + commit crimes + enable atrocities against the Israelis who have consistently fought for peace with “Palestinians”? Even an elderly man with walking sticks crossed into Kfar Aza from Gaza. Yes, the elderly and children participated in this pogrom. Hate spreads like an invisible mist amongst humans in a closed society.
Did I mention the music festival Hamas terrorised? Yeah, the Supernova music festival and nature party for peace. To quote NDTV, this event coincided with the weeklong Jewish holiday of Sukkot, observed from Friday, September 29, 2023, to Friday, October 6, 2023. Sukkot is a holiday that marks the harvest gathering and serves as a commemoration of the divine protection granted by God to the children of Israel during their exodus from Egypt. Hamas killed peace. Civilian Gazans helped. Those who did not cheered and they have supporters worldwide who continue to call for more blood. The lust for Jewish blood runs deep. Mohametan vampires continue to lust for Jewish blood. Hate makes the human heart wildly thirsty for blood.
I reserve my mercy for medics and recovery workers like this one in the video above. I reserve my mercy for the victims they encounter in their work. I reserve my mercy for the grieving, for the hostages, for those families who do not know and fear the worst. I reserve my mercy for mothers who have sons at war, in locations unknown to them. I reserve my mercy for the fallen IDF soldiers and their mothers and wives and children. I reserve my mercy for the men who must shoulder the responsibility for difficult and impossible decisions that wartime requires leaders to make. I reserve my mercy for their wives, for their children. I reserve my mercy for the survivors of the holocaust, for those who grew up in the long shadow of brutal pogroms like the Hebron massacre. My mercy is for Gad Saad, a Jew expelled from Lebanon, a man who knows the brutality of terrorists personally, a man who never dreamed Jew hate would follow him to Montreal, Canada where he is trying to raise a family and live his best life.
I tried to believe that Hamas could become peace loving and stable, I gave that an honest shot. I took what they and their supporters said at word. I saw falsehoods and manipulations, constant moving of the goal posts. Visible hypocrisy and corruption. Confessions masquerading as accusations. I also tried to see the redeeming features of Islam and the Muslim world. I rooted for the reformist movement within the Muslim world. I tried to give that world a fair shot. I discovered that it never reciprocates. I learned something my uncle used to say to us kids when I was very young, I give you guys an inch and you take a mile. Only those who take responsibility can have freedom. Those who cannot face the harsh reality of responsibility cannot taste the elixir of freedom. Simps cannot have freedom. Neither can narcissists.
Narcissists do not care about you. They do not want to make peace with you. Hell, narcissists cannot make peace with themselves, do they even know peace? Do you know peace? What do you mean when you say peace with Hamas? How can you make peace with a narcissist? The snake will strike you, even when it chats nicely with you and befriends you. The nature of a snake means it will bite + poison you. Like the title character in St. Expert’s story, The Little Prince, who died from a snake bite. The funny animal no thicker than a finger had far more power than a king has in his finger!
Narcissists have no fcuks to give for you and your cause. Think of them as social rapists — they mount you, fcuk you, squeeze every ounce of pleasure from the guts of your physicality, then dismount you and discard you like a used tissue. Narcissism drives extremism. Terrorism = an extreme pathological narcissism. Narcissists see anything that leads to their objective as acceptable. Yes, anything. The Leninist flavour of narcissists seem cool with the slaughter of the entire Romanov family. Islamist narcissists seem cool with 16 year old girls getting beaten into a coma because they did not cover their hair in public. Imagine what IslamoLeninists conceive for their human society, then? Toss the Goebbels + Hitler flavour of Jew hatred + social justice into the social mixture for some added spice. We get an epic human disaster in the making.
Misplaced mercy = terrorism. Hamas lied. The political left continues to blood libel Jews in a continuation of an age old Jew hating trope. When the world gets out of sorts it resorts to the human back up plan: 1. blame women, 2. blame Joos, 3. rinse + repeat.

Does anyone have any idea where all the weaponry and military gear America left to the Taliban ended up? Does anyone else think that matters right now? Apparently Americans have sent loads of weapons to the Ukraine and those weapons make it onto a black market where terrorists shop. Apparently those weapons make it into the hands of Palestinian terrorists.1 Western society has devolved into a pack of mindless idiots who can’t even tell what a terrorist flag is from a faith flag or a national flag. Multiculturalism and fake cultural relativism has warped our brains such that we honestly will deny what our senses tell us about real impending threat, all for psychological comfort. Despite what we know to be true from historical experience, some of which we lived through! I continue to find that insane. Do you see how safety for American + Canadian progressives never meant anything other than their own ongoing entitled delusions about humans and the world? I’ll spell it out in case you still don’t get it. Safety for the Woko Haram means the integrity of their psychological distortions and delusions remains unbroken—they only care about constructs not the value of life.
For further thought, here is The Intercept on American on weapons being used by terrorist groups. Here’s India Today on American weapons being used by Hamas. “The Israeli commander with whom Newsweek spoke said some of the U.S. small arms seized in Afghanistan have already been observed in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip,” writes Tom O’Connor in Newsweek. Here’s a report in NDTV on how does Hamas get weapons into Gaza despite strict border controls by both Egypt and Israel.
So, to the pacifist muppet. From the comfort of your first world home that has never known bombing or war in your or any lifetime, you want a ceasefire do you? How lovely for you. Make sure to write that on your list for Santa Clause this year.
Since we are sharing wish lists, here’s mine. I want my Jewish friends to feel safe when they take the subway or just step out onto the street or attend school or university or an airport. I want to stop hearing mobs of deranged Muslims shriek intifada and from the river to the sea palestine will be free in the streets of my own country. I want to stop seeing body parts of tortured and burned-alive Jewish babies and children and young people. I want to stop imagining in my head the horrors of terror I have watched + listened to others describe. I want to stop remembering what it felt like physically + emotionally + psychologically to have a strapping man on top of me thrusting his full force into my body, raping me with hateful lust, delighting in my fear and pain. I want to stop imaging young women my own daughter’s age being raped so brutally her pelvis broke and her insides split and she bled profusely. Seriously, I want that image out of my brain. I want to live in a country where extremes no longer rule. Values, not identity, is what I want.
Anytime you see resistance fighter it means terrorist—western liberals love their euphemisms because they enable the pathocracy, they enable the delusion, they mask the sheer brutality of their methods and objectives.
You can't have a cease-fire in circumstances like this. Life doesn't work like that. Let the bleeding hearts bleed.