I just binge watched The Vatican Girl on Netflix and damn. I’m gonna need to watch that several more times to get that very convoluted story straight.
I love Netflix for international television and film, I love learning about other humans through the stories they tell—this is how I learn about the world of humans, by listening to their stories in their languages. Subtitles are my jam, baby.
Anyway, I was recently asked about whether I thought the God of my upbringing is the same fullness and oneness of God as presented in the Quran. My answer is no, and this is why. Read on.
I cannot separate out the evil that the Vatican has promoted and enabled and the lies and abuse and harm it’s purveyed from the God it says it’s built around.
Am I meant to?
I don’t think I’m meant to separate out an institution which tries to tell me it’s the only way to God from the fact that it’s got a pattern of behaviour thousands of years old that protects the princes of the Vatican and sacrifices their abuse victims and harbours pedophiles and rapists and killers around the world wherever it has institutional roots.
No—I don’t think an absolute monarchy which runs a pedophile ring and protects rapists and murderers can be the path to God so no, the God of the Vatican is not anything like the God of Quran. One is created the other is revealed.
I’m not saying anything about Catholicism the belief system. That’s a separate essay, I’m not really interested in discussing that here because it’s not about dogma to me; it’s about adab, character—the way I assess if I can trust what you tell me. I’m saying the mechanism of delivery of Catholicism is evil and I personally can’t separate the Vatican evils from the Catholic faith itself though obviously that is intellectually possible—personally I can’t participate in a collective ritual established by such a sinister organisation of twisted elite men and their sycophants.
Canonising Pope JP II was like the Queen giving Jimmy Savile a knighthood. JP II gave accolades to Maciel, you can learn all about what a ghoul Maciel was and how the Vatican gave him a pass for all the child rape he committed and for breaking his celibacy vows and having a family, and for raping his own children—here. JP II protected lots of abusers and child rapists. Lots. Benedict, aka Ratzinger, occupied the position responsible for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the office which would receive complaints of abusive clergy. He did a pretty crap job of protecting the children which Jesus said He loved in several places in the NT, huh?
How can I, in all conscience, give any kind of support or devotion or trust in anything connected to Borgia’s Monarchy? To me Catholicism as I learned it was created to promote imperialism and monarchies and aristocracy and to get the little people distracted by pretty rituals and icons and art and Latin prayers whilst horsesh1t corruption happened.
I don’t believe that’s what Jesus left the world, personally I don’t think Borgia’s Monarchy is the legacy of Jesus. And yes, the Vatican is an absolute monarchy and yes it is not far removed from the scheming conniving corrupt Borgias. Remember that Netflix series The Keepers? Well, Jean wrote a book, you can purchase it by clicking the button below.
Now it’s also true that I was raised in a Catholic community surrounded by people who did much compassionate goodness and took vows of poverty and did highest missionary work, I was blessed to grow up around really stellar people who had adab and really followed the example of Jesus. My Catholic education was bar none excellent, teachers were gifted and there for us kids. No complaints.
My complaint is what I didn’t know, things I was misled about by those who maybe also were misled or couldn’t find the strength to go against the grain and stand up for truth.
I watch every documentary about the Vatican because that’s my work of trying to understand how the institutional culture I was raised in brought harm to those around me and the wider world. Do be clear, it isn’t only melanin people whom the church abused and harmed, it was human society, it was a classist elitist attack on humanity, the poor and vulnerable became currency and sacrificial lambs for the aristocracy of the Vatican. Having watched the Savile documentary, and read and heard about Mountbatten penchant for the boys, and having done extensive research into the history of pedophilia for my bacha bazi project, I see a pattern in human society, it extends far beyond cultural walls and woke racist labels.
Now, just what do we do about it? How do we protect the children of this planet from the cabal of elite narcissists who want to literally consume out children to validate their class status and identity horsesh1t. The elites have always had designs on our children, we just believed they were here to help.