Humans have come together through social distancing. Covid-19 has come to remind us the very real way that our actions affect the lives of each other. How can we use the challenges we now face to centre compassion in our daily lives and the way we conduct business going forward?
Covid-19 has served as a mirror to humanity—what do you think about the reflection you see?
When the amygdala drives the bus, the ride will feel bumpy and the trip will seem unpleasant—does fear drive your behaviour right now? How and why? What can you do to greet your fear and assure her?
How can you balance self interest with compassion? How can you ensure your needs get met while thinking of others who live in your community? How can you take less? How can you make do with what you have?
Check on the state of your nervous system—what’s going on inside your body right now? Where are you on the vagal ladder? How can you achieve a ventral vagal state?
What story are you telling yourself? Are you feeling your thoughts? Can you resist the urge? Can you imagine yourself a train station, and let your thoughts pass through you like a fast moving train? Observe them and let go. Remember, you are not an oracle—you do not know the future. You are here, right now. Ground yourself—5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1.
What do you need right now? Make lists. Prioritise. Reach out, connect, and ask for help when you need. The only silly question is the one you’re too shy to ask, now’s not the time to be shy, dude.
What can you create? What can you grow? What joy can you bring? Small things—these needn’t be grand or monumental. Focus on little gestures, tiny seeds of compassion.
Do you need to set boundaries? How can you do this gently and firmly?
What are you grateful for right now? What positive things have come from the onslaught of changes you are riding?
How can you play? How can you make room for fun? How can you connect while maintaining distance?
How can you transform the unpleasantness and fear and uncertainty staring you down?
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash
These strange times call us to task. You don’t have to have everything figured out today, right now. Break it down in to bite sized morsels you can manage. One day at a time. There is always something you can do in the moment. Right now, the small things make the biggest difference.
In a crisis, be aware of the danger--but recognize the opportunity.”
― John F. Kennedy
Wash your hands. Take only what you need. Use less. Keep a safe social distance away from others. Practise self care when information overload and the news become too overwhelming. Replace judgement with curiosity. Build your resilience and remember the cracks are how the light gets in.