Bad Hijabi :: Thursday Thoughts — sometimes you gotta put your brain through the spin cycle | question everything, including yourself | wrestle your thoughts away from the gremlin inside your brain
About Religion and Being a Muslim
Religion is a modality through which hoomans can serve God, not a thing we use to serve our egos. If your religion is your identity then you are making God a slave to your egoistic needs. If your religion is your means to serve Him through serving His creation—via agape or rahma—then that is your path to God. Anything which keeps you from serving creation, anything which tells you that any other life form is an evil scapegoat, is not in service of God—if He made everything + He is all good, then how can anything He made be evil? It cannot so stop projecting you nonsensical d1ckbaggery onto God. Seek to understand.
Why did I become a Muslim?1 NOT FOR EGO. NOT FOR DOPAMINE HITS. NOT FOR COMMUNITY. I have always regarded religious community with suspicion because of how my mother was treated after her husband tried to kill her and her gay 16-year-old son had to save her life pretty much on his own, whilst risking a beating from his father (not my dad FYI) for doing so. I came along after this time in her life and also after Vatican II, so Mum had new lessons to teach me she didn’t yet have for my sisters and brothers. Mum taught me what she learned from that horror and the ensuing betrayal from her family + community2—that God was an individual choice anyone could make without communal validation or fanfare. DIYing God + religion can make it easier to do the next right thing because there is no one to please or fear but God.
When hoomans leave you God never does—Maman taught me that.
When I was seeking God, I followed the path to where I can best serve Him with my life, meaning every moment I have lived up to now. Religion has never ever been about serving me or my ego or nafs. Religion has always been modelled to me as about me serving others with agape and rahma—so emptying + deconstructing, like a heartbeat or a breath. I simply chose the path that gets me to my destination, self-compassion. Certain Muslims inspired me, however overall I do not consider the opinions of others in the relationship with my Creator, I never have in my whole life, why would I begin now? I loathe group think stuff and I ain’t interested in joining any cult.
I consider actions + the intention underlying them, so that means I will treat institutionalised mainstream religious practise a bit like Simone Weil did—with skepticism and intellectual distance, choosing deconstruction to see That Which I Seek.
Also, my parents raised me on Mystical Jesus—when asked why he hung out with the losers, Jesus answered doctors don’t hang around healthy people they hang around sick people. So, what if serving God for me means challenging those Religious D1cktopians who have enslaved God with their violent jihads + crusades? Serving others means getting my hands + smock dirty, always has. I am here for it, life is all about leaning in + getting messy.
I want to keep this content free + available to as many readers as possible—I don’t want paywalls keeping readers away from this content. As I delve deeper into this research, it becomes apparent that the Nazis had a far-reaching + profound effect on the Middle East, and hence, the Muslim world—the world needs to know the information linkages still being uncovered. That said, nothing happens for free and zeit ist geld. So, if you like the content and want to support the work we do (yes, I have my polymath genius history buff partner helping me in a research assistant capacity and we are doing this together as a couple as a labour of love for humanity) please do feel free to donate!
Help me push back against propaganda + extremism + anti-semitism with my pen.
the question of whether America is "Islamophobic" - now bandied about so casually, as though opposition to the mosque has revealed a nasty strain in the American psyche, akin to the terrible racism or anti-Semitism that once ran wild - is so deeply offensive. This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliché conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.
—Abdur-Rahman Muhammad
10 Thoughts :: DIY Muslim
How does the global community of hoomans get accountability from the hyper masculine d1cktopian tyrant who calls himself the president of Iran if western journalists make it about them? Do we not see through this pathetic redirection tactic of the Iranian regime? Do we not see through this pathetic tactic of western media to d1ck around in the face of genocidal Islamist psychopaths claiming God as their property to manage? Wouldn’t it have been entertaining to see Amanpour indulge the D1cktopian Man-Baby with a headscarf to be able to watch him squirm in his seat as she turns the screw by asking him the questions that need asking?
No one has thought to lecture New York State on free speech in response to that state legally banning the confederate flag and the swastika. However people feel entitled to lecture Israel on free speech in response to its banning of the flag designed by British Military Diplomat Mark Sykes for the (British-sponsored +) planned 1916 revolt of Arabs against the Ottoman Empire which Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf al-Qudwa al-Husseini adopted for his Arab nationalist movement shilling for the destruction of Jews. That’s quite interesting, isn’t it?
Interesting how Jasmin Zine feels entitled to tell Jews that the IHRA definition of anti-semitism is wrong and then decides to label as Islamophobe anyone who criticises extremist Islam. This rhetoric promotes hatred toward Jews and suppresses healthy discussion about Islam which Muslims need to have in order to embrace 21st century religious reforms. I do not want moderation I want reform. Did Jasmine miss the part where a former Muslim Brotherhood extremist wrote about the origin of the term Islamophobia?
Also, to use Zine’s language—Islam should be like other religions, which don’t have any blasphemy masquerading as anti-hate laws to protect them from criticism and which don’t weaponise God to create a fighting force of emotionally stunted brainwashed extremists whose mission = to destabilise the world and harm humans who refuse to submit to 7th century medieval culture. Legitimising anti-semitism to describe hatred doesn’t mean we legitimised Islamophobia as term to describe hatred.
If I said something about Muslim dogma, ie that forced hijab is sexist + extreme and shouldn’t be represented in PQ government, that gets me branded an Islamophobe, yet if I say the Holy Trinity or Transubstantiation is BS3 or Judaism is wrong about Jesus, that gets me branded as a free thinker. No Jew would consider me hateful for criticising the fact that they don’t celebrate Christmas. No Catholic considers me hateful for calling BS on transubstantiation, in fact you might find some don’t entirely technically truly believe that + even that the thought grosses them out. Yet, people were put to death once upon a time for denying transubstantiation, because it was considered criminal to deny that belief. We have fortunately moved on from such dark times of humanity. Hate is against people not ideas, taking holy communion or celebrating Christmas are ideas not people.
Criticising and mocking an Islam with Extremes is the duty of those of us living in free societies, which afford us this responsibility! Those living under regimes who will kill them if they renounce their religion need those of us living in free societies with religious freedom to push for reform—pull your head from your ass and let’s fight extremist thinking before it destroys the planet.
I’m going to be that one who asks the question. What are we freeing Palestine from? D1cktopian extremists who want to LARP 7th century Arabian society? The Trumpian Bibi D1ckbag Club? Jews? If it’s the first two I’ll listen and if it’s the latter then that’s the Mufti + Goebbels talking through you, I ain’t listening to that horsesh1t hatefest.
Also why aren’t Arab tyrants in the gulf regions absorbing the Muslim refugee crisis which they largely create through the funding and promotion of extremism? Why am I listening to this lying horsesh1t about The Evil Greedy West abusing and suppressing the poor and exploiting The Noble East, when my supposedly Evil Greedy Western country is among those who have resettled the most refugees? Seriously, people giving money to the Sauds—who don’t do refugees except to create them—have the unmitigated gall to accuse the western industrialised world of being selfish and greedy?
It’s almost as though Arab tyrants and Islamofascists want the Muslim refugee crisis to exist, cuz that crisis serves a purpose to D1cktopian leaders, as the crisis of M/E conflict always has since even before the Balfour Declaration.
No one who supported the South African boycott ever imagined it meant eradicating South Africa and destroying all the whites. I know, I was alive then, I’m old enough to remember. No one who supported boycotts against actually apartheid South Africa wished for the destruction of the State or of all white South Africans. That was never a thing. So, let’s stop pretending these two situations—Israel + South Africa—are the same by comparing them—they are not, it’s highly disingenuous to suggest they are. Desmond Tutu was wrong about that—I love him dearly and that means I need to say he was wrong about Israel.
Ask yourself how many who support the Israeli boycott, and who parrot from the river to the sea palestine will be free envision the eradication of Israel and an implementation of Station Z to take care of the Jews? Yes, more people than you imagine hope for that when they promote BDS or river to the sea. Israel is not like any other country—it is the only Jewish State in the world. So, using hateful tropes + PR techniques employed by Goebbels in the harming Jews as a way of “criticising Israel” indeed does fall into hateful behaviour. DO BETTER.
This is what the average westerner sees when the hear the word Islam. Also this. Also this. This and this and this is what Muslim reformists see and fear and experience on an ongoing basis. And still, so-called progressives call for shushing and for moderation when we need boldness, moral courage + reform.
Guard your intellect — that is your responsibility + duty + no one will do it for you
to recap :: a.) i reject original sin b.) i reject the trinity c.) i reject the Divinity of Jesus d.) i reject dualism e.) i believe Jesus is the Messiah f.) i reject the concept of intermediaries for God g.) i tried atheism it didn’t work for me h.) i reject the religion of my father’s birth, Hinduism i.) Sufism makes sense to me j.) i reject the the sacraments + other means of gatekeeping God becuz hoomans controlling me isn’t the path to God, me controlling me is.
NB sometimes you don’t have to do anything to betray a loved one—sometimes doing nothing is the betrayal.
Each of these was punishable by death at one time BTW, look it up you will see, religious reform means we don’t live in that intellectual world anymore here in the west!